As I said before, a couple other local artists and I started a painting service. You can check it out at www.fullofmonkey.com/40k. Our rates are low and I promise you will get a cool look army out of it. Each artist has a different style and we all can do cool and interesting conversions. Right now I am currently finishing up a crazy ork army as well as some arbites and high elves. Between all of that, I still want to finish out my orks as well as my fantasy Daemon army.
Current Ork Thoughts.
HQ: Warboss, Cybork, PK, Attack Squig, Kombi-Skorcha, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
HQ: Big Mek, Field, Cybork, Burna
Troops: Nobz (7) - normal build out with 3 to 4 pks, wound allocation etc w/bw transport, ram, big shoota, armor
Troops: Boyz (20), Rokkits (2), nob, pk, bosspole
Troops: Boyz (20), Rokkits (2), nob, pk, bosspole
Troops: Trukk boyz (12), Big Shoota, Nob, pk, bosspole, Trukk, ram
Troops: Trukk boyz (12), Big Shoota, Nob, pk, bosspole, Trukk, ram
Elites: Burnas (15)
Heavy: BW, Ram, big shoota (2), armor
Heavy: BW, Ram, big shoota (2), armor
Heavy: BW, Ram, big shoota (2), armor
Not sure points wise, but that is the current thought. Might have more for other stuff. I know I give up a lot of Kill points, but f it - it looks fun. Might be worth it to have a surprise nob biker unit running in the middle, or maybe some way to get two squads of Mega nobz in trukks too. All sorts of fun for sure.
Here are some of the orks I am working.