Been kinda in a holiday/tired mode so I haven't done a whole lot. I did play 3 fun games last week - which makes me feel good. It is fun to goof around and just have fun with your army instead of trying to win for whatever street cred you think you might have. It was a lot of fun and I went 1-1-1. Lost to Necrons (gasp!), tied a pink slaanesh army (oh gasp), and beat another CSM marine army (pinch and tickle). So all in all a good week and a good way to recharge the engines and bring back the idea to have fun. Mix that in with a slower output on model production and I feel a hell of lot more recharged.
So right now I want to post two lists, one of them I am currently collecting the parts for and the other is another look at Space Goats and some ways to cover the table in white skinned jerks.
Space Goats: RETURN OF THE GOAT!!!
HQ: Wolflord, Thunder Wolf, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Rune Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman - 265pts
HQ: Canis - 185pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Wolf Tail Talisman, Meltabombs (JoTWW, Living Lightning) - 110pts
Elites: Wolf Guard (4), Powerfist (3), MoW - 147pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (8), Melta, MoW, Rhino - 175pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (9), Melta, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (9), Melta, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (9), Melta, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML 4, HB 1 - 135pts
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML 3, HB 2 - 130pts
Total Pts - 1997
Scoring - 4
This is a massed amount of guys build that I talked about in my BOLS post. Lots and lots of guys, rhinos to get around, a super bluff unit mixed with some good anti light armor fire from the Long Fangs. The Fangs are built this way to allow them to be ignored as their weapons are not looked at as a threat. This build lets you get a lot of fire power into rhinos and allow your Thunder Wolf Cav to get at the juicy insides pretty quickly. The Wolf Guard are there to let you survive multiple tank shocks on an objective as well as give you a need PF to hit something important. Haven't fully tested the list, as I need to make 7 more regular Grey Hunters to complete this, as well as a Rhino. The temptation is to somehow fit an LR there maybe as it will give a nice big mech option in the middle. Who knows but that is an interesting shell of the army.
Next list I plan on building is an all bike Marine list. I have been wanting one for awhile and I've decided it is time to get something different built that will let me try some different tactics.
HQ: Space Marine Captain - bike, Relic Blade, Artificer Armor, storm shield - 195pts
Command Squad (5) - Company Champion, Meltagun (2), Powerfist (2), Bikes - 275pts
HQ: Space Marine Captain - bike, Relic Blade, Artificer Armor, storm shield - 195pts
Command Squad (5) - Company Champion, Meltagun (2), Powerfist (2), Bikes - 275pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), Powerfist, Flamer (2), Attack Back, MM - 225pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), Powerfist, Flamer (2), Attack Back, MM - 225pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), Powerfist, Flamer (2), Attack Back, MM - 225pts
FA: Land Speeder Sq (1), MM, Hvy Flamer - 70pts
FA: Land Speeder Sq (1), MM, Hvy Flamer - 70pts
FA: Land Speeder Sq (1), MM, Hvy Flamer - 70pts
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter Spons - 85pts
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter Spons - 85pts
Pts 1995
It is an army that should be easy to get together, build some neat models and let me try out some different options besides running a super unit forward and hoping for the best. If I can move around and strike surgically at different enemy points I should be able to win out in the end. Will see if I need to add in more troops or maybe look at dropping the preds for something else. Either way, it will give me a neat marine army that should be fun to mess around with.
Alright - beyond all of that some things I have painted. Woot.