So first things first - I played the Lone Wolf Fantasy GT and got 3rd best sportsmen. I went 4-1 and people still liked me hah. I think it comes down to the fact I a) Don't like to feel like I tricked my opponent b) I let people take back stuff. I have really strived to just be happy when I throw dice and this weekend was a lot of fun with a game I am not super fond of all the time. I played a Chaos Lord and he went around killing things with his Hellfire sword. Fun times.
Beyond that I am still working on some client IG stuff, Nid Stuff, and some Warmachine stuff too. I just like to paint all the time. The newer things that are coming out keep getting better and better so I am happy with the time I am spending. Right now I am ramping up on my own personal Goat Angels since they are only a few vehicles away from completion. After that it is my own Nids once I finish client Nids. Fun fun fun.
So enough already, onto some minis.

Two more Jacks and this clients order is done. This is a pretty neat model and I like the battle damaged modeled on it.

This is a crazy conversion for a Zonathrope. His brain is starting to suck in energy to shoot out a beam. I am thinking the next one will have a ball bearing in front to represent the power being sucked in. Thoughts?

Another batch of Elysiums for Luis.

And finally some Goat Angels. The two Dreads are Librarian Dreads with super strong arms. I wanted to go with an arm that is sorta like a gladiator with the extra armor that he can push and shove forward. The Death Company are basically the Goatmen that did not convert all the way over, thus they are fed blood until they are crazy and sent forth in a blood haze. Fun times eh?
Here is the Goat Angels list I am going to initially build. Changes that might occur is dropping a Librarian Dread, Powerfists on the Death Company, to fit in another troop choice. Not sure if it is worth it yet, but it is something to think about with the ability to combat squad. Might just be a tactical squad too. It just kinda depends on where I can change up points.
Goat Angels - 1.2 Initial Thought Build
HQ: Librarian, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness
HQ: Librarian, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Librarian, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Librarian, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness
Elites: Sang Priest X 2
Troops: Assault Squad (10), Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Rhino
Troops: Assault Squad (10), Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Rhino
Troops: Death Company (5), Powerfist X 2, Razorback, TWL Hvy Flamer
Troops: Death Company Dreadnought, Blood Talons
FA: Baal Predator, TWL Ass Cannons
FA: Baal Predator, TWL Ass Cannons
Heavy: Vindicator
Heavy: Vindicator
And finally after playing Warmachine a few times, I have found the card system for keeping wounds to be pretty neat. So I went ahead and made me a Space Goat one as well as a WoC one too. The Space Goat one has all the HQ's on it I normally take, as well as the Thunder Wolf Squad since they are a multi-wound unit. I am thinking i will make an Ork one for Nob Bikerz too. The WoC has hte EOG table on it, so you can mark off what they have. It also has slot to mark off what numbered spells you took as well as wounds for himself and his mount. I uploaded the High Rez versions so they should print fine to fit in the card sleeves.

If these interest you I can always make more. I am thinking of doing all my spells for Fantasy that I normally use. Instead of using Magic card art etc. So much to think about haha.