I have been in a busy bee mode. I got a client order to finish and my Grey Knights so I can be ready for next month's tournaments. I am one squad from getting done with Grey Knights (7 Purifiers) and the list will be ready to rock this Thursday for hopefully a video battle report. Woohoo!
I also have 2 more things to paint for the Blood Ravens to get done - after that it is Speed Freaks for a client, CSM for a client, some small stuff, and HEREOS OF ARMAGEDDON stuff! So more Orks. So look for more and more orks coming out of the wood works as I look to get the troops settled with a massed amount of boyz to hit the table top. That is my plan.
In sad news I won't be going to Britain this year. Things didn't pan through but we are shooting for next year. I know disappointing but it is life. It just means I get vacation time again to go to other events. I am looking at trying to hit the Nova this year as well as some other ones around and about. Will see if I can swing the plane ticket and other things. I will be at the Alamo GT this May 14-15th as well as the ATC the weekend after. So if you want some drawing on your bag I will be around there :).
Lets start the paint list. I already started today so there will be some done pieces on there.
Grey Knights Purifiers Squad # 2 - Done!
Grey Knights Purifiers Squad # 3 - Done!
Grey Knights Purifiers Squad # 4 - In pieces
Grey Knights Terminators - 5 - Done!
John B
Blood Ravens Baal Predator # 2 - In Pieces
Storm Raven - In Pieces
Bile Drone # 1 - Built need to finish base to prime
Bile Drone # 2 - Pieces
5 GK Terminators - In Pieces
Luis P - done 200 Necromunda so far
Necromunda - 10 - In Pieces
Michael S
Ork Bomba - FInish adding in all the nuts and bolts and paint it
So that is my plans for this week. I had to work Saturday so I am off Wednesday through Saturday this next week. I got a day to spend with the Wife on Wednesday. Woohoo!! Soon it will get to the point here in Texas where I will be swimming more. I didn't do a lot last year and I want to change that this year. Get my fat ass to lose some weight damnit. Haha. I have started running so hopefully it will continue to slowly drop off.
Here is my "finished" GK build I plan on having this week.
HQ: Crowe
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Psycannon X 2, DH, Halberds X 4, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Psycannon X 2, DH, Halberds X 4, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Psycannon X 2, DH, Halberds X 4, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Incinerators X 2, DH, Halberds X 4, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: GKT X 10, DH x 2, Halberds X 7, Bro Banner, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannons x 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannons x 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannons x 2, Psybolt
Woot - will see if it works. It is boring looking but it fits with what I want to play - mostly fearless :). I am going to eventually start on the henchmen options after awhile. Will see how it goes.
I did finish my Iron Warriors army too. Woot - was machining through those guys to get this ready to play. I got one game in with Matt and his Black Templar. After a lovely bout of rolling with Sanginour (5 Storm Bolter wounds and 3 1's later the termies are left without anything to do) I took it in the end. Matt missed I think with almost every lascannon. We messed up a rule with a Blood Taloned dreadnought and that probably took the game. We forgot we need to roll for each wound that goes through the storm shield before I get more attacks etc - so there was a chance my Blood Taloned Dreadnought might have not go through another troop choice. Either way it was a good game and I think the army is pretty sound overall. Yes there are 3 of the same Heavy Choice but everything else is "different" in how they are built. Here is the list as is.
HQ: Sanguinor the Faulty Armor
HQ: Librarian, Jump Pack, Preferred Enemy Power, Blood Lance
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons, Extra Armor
Elites: Furioso Dreadnought, Extra Armor
Elites: Furioso Librarian Dreadnought, Wings, Shield of Sang
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Storm Shield
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun x 2, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Rhino
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer x 2, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Rhino
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2
Here are the pics of the final troop choices too.

Onto some mini painting!! The Word Bearers are still for sale - $800.00 bucks gets you a big army that looks good as well as the foam for the 1850 I played at Adepticon. Woohoo! Shoot me an Email if you are interested.

I will post more later on this week as I get ahead on things and get more builds done. As well as a Heroes post. Woohoo!