Other then that, I will be working on some posts for Bells of Lost souls, with a Daemon tactic and thought process coming next. Just some different takes on it and what I might try to move to next as I finish this army out. I will also be looking at some marine stuff in the future too, but I need to first get some house stuff resolved before I can even think of buying any new miniatures. I also have to buy my plane ticket for Baltimore as well as put money aside for the hotel. Looks like my little egg of money is going to get smaller haha. Oh well, that is life and I want to have fun heh. It doesn't help that I have to pay 200+ bucks to fix this clogged pipe out to the sewer at my house. Suck ass.
Oh here is the newest Soul Grinder.

And some Daemon art.

You noob. What are those scribbles!? If I had a 5 year old she could puke a better greater demon than that! lol just kidding man! :)
Hahaha.. Yeah you better be kidding you bastard hehe.
these are awesome t
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