Current list
HQ: Khan, Moondraken
Command Squad: Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, 1 Storm Shield, Bikes
HQ: Captain, Bike, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Artificer Armor
Command Squad: Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2, 1 Storm Shield, Bikes
Elites: Iron Clad Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Elites: Iron Clad Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamer X 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Troops: 5 Bikers, Flamer, Meltagun, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Troops: 5 Bikers, Plasma X 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon
FA: Land Speeder Tyhpoon
FA: 2 Land Speeder, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter sponsons
Heavy: Predator, Hvy Bolter sponsons
That sits aright at 2500 pts.
None of that insane marine TH/SS termies crap just bikes and some dudes. I do have 2 drop pod dreads, which some people seem to hate on. They are the shorter range ones, which means melta will eat them pretty dang good. Of course unless someone just rolls bad. Which isn't the dreadnoughts fault.
But will see - it should be fun. Lots of fast, fragile units. And I get to play my poor painted predators that never come out.
Paint wise I finished up all the troops for a clients IG army. It is the purple and white guys. I also finished Big Red's Khador Warmachine army too. Fun times there. I plan on doing my Cryx up in the next 2 months and have an army I can lose with as I learn the game. Fun times. I am also working on a big Nurgle Baneblade Pus Cannon tank for a client too. I am not painting it, just making the dang thing. Look for pics next week as i get more into it. I got a lot to do. From there, I am waiting on a batch of nids to come in so I can start on them for a client too. Fun times indeed.
Alright pics of new stuff - the rest of the flying biker Nobz should get worked on in a week or two. I need to get all the parts together to make this crazy unit. Plus I painted up a test Myceptic Sport for the Nid army I am planning for a later build in Spring.
If you like this, I can make more for anyone interested. Shoot me an email at

Alright that is it for now - I will write about my new WoC list I want to play with. Something fun.
What'd ya make your spore thingie outta? Want a shout out on me blog? Got any more pics?
Sure - it was a cardboard egg, glue and a nid bit at the top :). I can take more pics. Size isn't as big as others, but I think those are way too big for a 4 wound creature. We already know a 4 wound creature should be on a MC base.
Send me some pics man. :)
I will take some better ones tomorrow when I get off of work. Hooray work.
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