Alright I am redoing some of the Chaos Lord stuff. As usual, discussion among friends brings new thoughts to my head, as well as configuration and set up etc. The two other HQ options I will go over are the Daemon Prince and the Herald (Regular human psyker who has been touched by Chaos).
So lets relook at the Chaoslord and then I can post the Herald. Tomorrow I will post the DP and then start on the Elites section that I want to do some changes too.
Chaoslord - 135pts
Base Rules: Fearless, Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, 5+ Inv save
WS 7 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Sv 3+
Nonmark specific Wargear upgrades
Meltabombs - 5pts
Combi Weapon - 10pts
Plasma Pistol - 15pts
Melta Pistol - 6" 8 1 Melta - 15pts
Power Weapon - 15pts
Powerfist - 25pts
Chainfist - 30pts
Daemonic Armor - 2+ arm save - 20pts
Wings - Jump Infantry - 25pts
Chaos Bike - 35pts
Terminator Armor - 2+ arm save/5+ inv/Power Weapon - 40pts
Chosen Marks of Chaos - if none are chosen, Lord is consider an Undivided Chaos Lord for 0 pts.
Mark of Nurgle - +1 Toughness, FNP - 25pts
Mark of Khorne - +1 Attack, Furious Charge - 25pts
Mark of Slaanesh - +1 Initiative, Fleet - 25pts
Mark of Tzeentch - +1 Inv Save, May take one Psychic power (Tzeentch or normal) - 25pts
Mark Specific Upgrades
Mark of Chaos Undivided - All troops may take any Mark of Chaos and all Cult not limited to 0-1
Daemonic Weapon - D6 Attacks/Roll of 1 take wound/Still get attacks, +1 Str - 25pts
Daemonic Mount - Cavalry, +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, +1 Attack - 35pts
Mark of Nurgle - Basic CSM may take any mark and Plague marines are not limited to 0-1
Daemonic Weapon - D6 Attacks/Roll of 1 take wound/Still get attacks, Poisoned - 25pts
Palaquin of Nurgle - +2 Wound, +2 Attacks - 35pts
Breath of Nurgle - Flamer Template - 3 Wounds on a 4+ - 25pts
Cloud of Flies - Offensive/Defensive Grenades - 10pts
Mark of Khorne - Basic CSM may take any mark and Khorne Berzerkers are not limited to 0-1
Daemonic Weapon - 2d6 Attacks/Any roll of 1 on both dice take a wound (even if both 1)/Still get attacks - 25pts
Juggernaut of Khorne - Cavalry, +1 Strength, +1 Attack, +1 Wound - 35pts
Bellow of Khorne - All units within 12 inches have preferred enemy (including enemy) - 25pts
Collar of Khorne - Psychic powers targeting Lord or unit Lord is in are negated - 10pts
Mark of Slaanesh - Basic CSM may take any mark and Noise Marines are not limited to 0-1
Daemonic Weapon - D6 Attacks/Roll of 1 take wound/Still get attacks, Wounds Cause Instant Death - 25pts
Fiend of Slaanesh - Cavalry, +1 Wound, +2 Attacks - 35pts
Dance of Slaanesh - 18" target unit must move towards Chaos lord 2d6 inches, ignore difficult terrain but test for dangerous terrain as normal - 25pts
Aura of Slaanesh - Offensive/Defensive Grenades - 10pts
Mark of Tzeentch - Basic CSM may take any mark and Thousand Sons are not limited to 0-1
Daemonic Weapon - 18" 5 3 Assault D6/Roll 1 take wound/Still shoots once/D6 Attacks/Roll of 1 take wound/Still get attacks - 25pts
Disc of Tzeentch - Jump Infantry, +1 Wound, +1 Attack, +1 Toughness - 35pts
Gift of Knowledge - May reroll one failed armor/inv save per turn - 25pts
Gift of Change - Pick one aspiring champion and add +1 attack/+1 Wound - 25pts
So that gives a bit more uniformity on all the Chaos Lord options. Plus it makes Daemonic weapons not suck when they roll a 1. Which I think is the biggest FU from GW for what should be the most awesome of awesome weapons. And it makes a Chaos Lord of Khorne be extra scary.
Next HQ is the Herald. I wanted to create something that was a sorcerer variant, but not really a bad ass fighter. That is what the Chaos Lord is for. So lets go with the psychic lord choice. The herald of Chaos.
Herald of Chaos - 50pts - May chose 2 per HQ slot, both do not have to be of the same mark. Can only join units with the same mark as they have.
Base Rules: Fearless, Independent Character, 4+ Inv save
WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv -
Nonmark Upgrades
He carries none as the only gifts he deems worthy are those from the Chaos Gods themselves.
Marks of Chaos
Mark of Chaos Undivided - Psyker, may know 2 powers from basic Psychic power list, may only cast 1 a turn - 0pts
Mark of Nurgle - Psyker, may know 1 Basic Psychic power, 1 Nurgle Specific Power, +1 Toughness - 25pts
Mark of Khorne - +1 Strength, +1 Attack, Furious Charge - 25pts
Mark of Slaanesh - Psyker, may know 1 Basic Psychic Power, 1 Slaanesh Specific Power, + 1 Initiative - 25pts
Mark of Tzeentch - Psyker, may know 1 Basic Psychic Power, 2 Tzeentch Specific Powers, +1 Inv save - 25pts
Mark Specific Wargear
Mark of Chaos Undividied
Claws of Chaos - Counts as being equipped with 2 Close Combat weapons, power weapons - 25pts
Mark of Nurgle
Palaquin of Nurgle - +2 Wound, +2 Attacks - 35pts
Nurgles Filth - All attacks are poisoned - 15pts
Cloud of Flies - Offensive/defensive Grenades - 10pts
Mark of Khorne
Axe of Khorne - 2 handed weapon, +1 Str, Power Weapon, Rending - 25pts
Bellow of Khorne - All units within 12 inches have preferred enemy (including enemy) - 25pts
Collar of Khorne - Psychic powers targeting Lord or unit Lord is in are negated - 10pts
Mark of Slaanesh
Death Frenzy - Friendly unit attached gets +1 attack, lose one model at end of combat - 15pts
Broken Gaze - Pick one model in base to base, model lose all but 1 attack - 20pts
Aura of Slaanesh - Offensive/Defensive Grenades - 10pts
Mark of Tzeentch
Touch of Change - Force Weapon/Power Weapon - 10pts
We are Legion - May cast 2 psychic powers per turn at different targets - 25pts
Disc of Tzeentch - Jump Infantry, +1 Wound, +1 Attack, +1 Toughness - 35pts
Basic Psychic Powers
Warptime - Reroll all failed to hit rolls and wound rolls per player turn, may be cast per player turn - 25pts
Gaze of Chaos - 18" 5 3 Assault 3 - 15pts
Breath of Chaos - Template - - Wounds on 4+/Glances on 4+/no Arm save - 15pts
Fear the Warp - 24" unit must make a leadership test at -2 or is pinned - 25pts
Nurgle Psychic Powers
Gift of Nurgle - Herald and unit attached gain FNP - 25pts
Bringer of the Plague - Place a large template over the herald, all none Mark of Nurgle units must pass a toughness test or take a wound, no armor save allowed - 25pts
Slaanesh Psychic Powers
Dance of Slaanesh - 18" target unit must move towards Chaos lord 2d6 inches, ignore difficult terrain but test for dangerous terrain as normal - 25pts
Jealousy of Slaanesh - 18" Target unit makes 1 attack versus each other, if special weapons are in the unit those too make one attack - 25pts
Ecstasy of Slaanesh - Herald and unit attached gain fleet - 15pts
Tzeentch Psychic Powers
Bolt of Tzeentch - 18" 8 1 Assault 1 Melta - 25pts
Break the Plan - Unit Herald is attached to is removed from the table and placed anywhere via Deep Strike - 25pts
Corruption of Tzeentch - 12" Target model must pass toughness test or is turned into a spawn - 25pts
As usual comment away please. These are just thoughts and ideas I have to make CSM more interesting. The herald was a way to keep the psychic potential without some of the nonsense. Also as a way to make sure you want to take a Chaos Lord. I also wanted to tweak Lash and leave it as a good thing that isn't as crazy as it was. Of course if these rules were truly published it would state something that the models set up needs to stay the same (ie not bunching them together) as this power is a way to get there and get into assault. And these are all thoughts that are always open for change. I am just using this as way to stretch my mind a bit and give something interesting to the community beyond my articles and other zany thoughts.