HQ: Canis, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Wolf Tail Talisman, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Frost Weapon, Storm Shield, Wolf Tail Talisman, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of Majesty, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Wolf Tail Talisman, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2
Troops: Fenris Wolves X 15
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun x 2, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Flamer, Razorback, TWL
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Flamer, Razorback, TWL
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML X 5
This is my pure Assault with long range finger pointing action. It should be able to hurt someone, has 6 scoring units and a shit ton of tanks. Are you going to shoot the jerks with dogs coming at you? We also have 4 Wolf Tail Talisman's riding in the squad. Psychic battle squads? I don't think so. Roll 4 dice and if you get a 5 it turns off. Lash, 4 dice to get a 5. Good times i say. It also has enough Melta to hurt things as needed and the range is pretty good with 48" of everywhere. Who knows if it is any good. I would just need to make one more rhino and some extra dudes to have this army. Fun times indeed.
I am also wondering if a nob biker army could be a good dark horse initial play army for the beginning. It is something to think about as it does a good job of fully whipping out an enemy if not prepared for. Something to think about haha.
But alright - some Goat Angels stuff I painted up to get the army ready to go. I am itching to play some BA and I am a stickler about playing all painted armies. This also keeps me sane form the Nids stuff I am doing as well as finishing up an IG order that is huge haha. Fun times fun times. The Baal turret was built by a friend. I will be doing another one to match it up and keep the crazy Orkish/Chaos/Mad Max style the army seems to have.

The white guy is the Sanguinary Priest.

And here is a Lictor for the snow Nids I am painting up. I should have a Trygon later on this week too, got him built and the base built up. I need to add in some baby rippers running around. After that there is a Mawloc for the same guy as well as some Tervigons for another client. Fun times! The lictor is blending into the metal, thus the slight change in skin tone as well as reflecting the green glow. Plus some of the crazy Zonathropes I built for the customer.

I also did some quick WoC for a local client. They were fun to do and I just had fun working up the blue for this army.

Finally some Warmachine stuff. First some Khador things for the same client from before.

And some Bane Thralls for myself.

This are all from the last 3 weeks. I got a lot to do this coming month or so, so come back and check it out. My armies are pretty much done for now, with all the Nids needing to get finished before I can even think of my own gibbering horde.
Damn, those models are cool.
I like the list, lots of TWC running into people is mean, but I'm not sure how tough those Rhinos are, especially as your only armor. That's why I use Logan and WG w/ cyclones, it's more missile launchers on a moving platform that also scores.
You are a sweetie :) cool list!
Ah, you tricked me!
I saw a whitish Space Goat and assumed that was going to be your Goat Angels color... is that Death Company or something?
I worked up some casualty markers for BoLSCon, for when me and Fritz beat up on you and Jawaballs - anyway, I did the Goat casualties in white armor.
I had fun trying to paint your style, but I couldn't figure out your verve, what with the big, bold strokes.
Ah, well - they're done - Brent
It is a mixture of a bunch of different styles haha. Bold strokes, wet blending colors, washes and other fun stuff.
The white ones are the leaders of the Goat Angels or the ones closest to the Great Goat. The red ones are the grunts etc, while the death company are obviously in the frenzy of the Goat. How many times can I say Goat? A ton more hahaha.
Cough. That's 5 scoring units. ;)
Fenrisian wolves never score.
Not even for the Goat.
I played a tournament where they didn't score, but counted for one of the missions. basically if they lived it meant I had more troops alive.
But yes, the dogs can never understand about holding onto some important thing on a base hahah.
Great stuff as always and your ability to churn out painted models is amazing!!! Your like a factory,.(that seems to make goats lately)
I love the face on that dreadnought!
The goats are always great looking. Well done!
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