DE are going to be hitting our tables at some point. Most likely grey, most likely by people that will end up hating them, and most likely landing in the hands of better players who want a challenge. The army looks neat, should play hard, and should give you a lot of bang for your buck. The majority of the good stuff in the list is plastic - making it a nice army to look at if you want to jump into something new. I know it is seriously tempting to me, and if I can find a way to paint it that makes me not want to pull out my goat horns I will probably jump in feet first and hope that the Archon doesn't get too interesting my goodies.
Here is the initial thought list I want to try to think towards.
HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculous X 2, Agonisers X 2
Elites: Kalabite True Born X 4, Blasters X 4, Venom, Splinter Cannon
Elites: Kalabite True Born X 4, Blasters X 4, Venom, Splinter Cannon
Troops: Hellions X 15, Helliarch, Stunclaw
Troops: Hellions X 15, Helliarch, Stunclaw
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Troops: Wyches X 10, Hekatrix, Blaster Pistol, Agonizer, Raider, Flickerfield
Heavy: Cronos Parasite Engine, Spirit Vortex
The two Haemonculous's start attached to the Hellions. They break away, give up their pain token and attach to the True Borns and get ready to run forward and die for the greater glory by popping some raider or other nonsense. The Parasite engine is there to get pain on the Wyches and hopefully get them into some business somewhere. It is a large amount of models and it might work out well. Will see.
It sits close to 1850 - with some points left over to try out some nonsense on the Haemonculous. I could try two webway portals and have the Wyches without a ride too. It is another thought to get one up midfield and then another further in. All a bunch of thoughts. I am still not sure yet as I just feel that I might like warriors over wyches for the additional anti vehicle and anti infantry with the massed Poison shots. It is hard to say. Will just have to wait and see.
Painted up some more stuff as usual. Will be updating the main Full of Monkey site with new tiered pics as well as other fun stuff. Fun times indeed. Got a tournament to go to in Houston. Will probably play my Daemons as there is no Comp, so I can bring whatever I want. I could throw down with Wolves but I figured I need to rest them a bit before I hit up Rochester. Will post the list before I go.
Painted things!

I really like the somewhat pastel palette you have going in the last couple pictures. It's a nice change from the "BOLD! BALLS! BRIGHT!" that's popular at the moment.
Thanks - have to change to grow :).
I have yet to have had the opportunity to take a good look at the new dark eldar codex. I am very interested in this one as I've heard a lot of mixed reviews so far. From what I can gleen it sounds like they will be an unforgiving army that requires a true veteran to rock with on the top tables. I think they will be a truly dynamic army but die in droves. Hopefully they'll be everything the next gen ever wanted.
As much as the Kabalite trueborn are necessary to pop vehicles, 173 points is kind of expensive for a 4 man suicide unit.
If you don't go big - go home - and suicide is the only answer when you are a filthy space elf.
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