Woohoo it is my Friday. I plan on playing a game versus Big Red tomorrow and hopefully an Ork game versus Dark Wynn and his test Dark Eldar - lists will be below. The Ork is just a basic ork lis with the SW are a meaner list I want to test out for Adepitcon thoughts. Just to see where I want to go with it.
Space Wolves - Mean list to Test to see if I want to go back to Thunder Lords! So I will test bikes one or two more times
HQ: Wolf Lord, Saga of the Bear, Bike, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Runic Armor, Bike
HQ: Rune Priest, JaWs, Living Lightning
HQ: Rune Priest, Murderous Hurricane, Living Lightning, Chooser of the Slain
Elites: Wolf Guard X 4
Wolf Guard #1 - Power Armor, Combi-Melta, Powerfist
Wolf Guard #2 - Power Armor, Combi-Melta, Powerfist
Wolf Guard #3 - Power Armor, Combi-Melta, Powerfist
Wolf Guard #4 - Power Armor, Bike, Powerfist
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, MoW, Power Weapon, Meltagun, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, MoW, Power Weapon, Meltagun, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, MoW, Power Weapon, Meltagun, Razorback, Las/TWL Plasma
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 5, Attack Bike, MM
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
There it is - lean and mean biker army of doom. I got some more ideas for Wolf Lord Armageddon but will wait on that until I feel like making more Plastic jugger riders :).
The ork list I plan on playing with Darkwynn is the following
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Cybork, Power Klaw, Attack Squigg, Bosspole
HQ: Big Mek, Cybork, Burna, Kustom Force Field
Elites: Lootas X 15
Elites: Lootas X 15
Troops: Nobz X 5, Painboy, Bike, Power Klaw X 4, Bosspole, Waagh Banner, Kombi-Skorcha, Cyborks
Troops: Boyz X 20, Big Shoota X 2, Shootas, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
Troops: Boyz X 19, Big Shoota, Shootas, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole
FA: Deff Kopta, TWL Rokkits
FA: Deff Kopta, TWL Rokkits
FA: Deff Kopta, TWL Rokkits
Heavy: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Big Shoota X 2
Heavy: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Red Paint, Grot Riggas, Big Shoota X 2
Simple, basic and lots of boom boom. Will see if I can hit with rokkits and lootas. It is great when versus all the Dark Eldar vehicles orks have AP 1 Weaponry hehe.
Current Dark Eldar list I will maybe play :)
HQ: Baron Sathonyx
HQ: Haemonculus X 2, Webway Portal X 2
Elites: Incubi X 8, Klaivex
Elites: Trueborn X 3, Blasters X 3
Elites: Trueborn X 3, Blasters X 3
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 20, Dark Lance X 2, Sybarite
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 20, Dark Lance X 2, Sybarite
Troops: Hellions X 20, Heliarchs, Agoniser
FA: Beastmasters X 3, Khymarae X 10, Clawed Fiend
FA: Beastmasters X 3, Khymarae X 10, Clawed Fiend
So a crazy pop out and scare you portal army. The other thought was just to do one portal with an Archon and go from there as he might be a better help when he joins the Incubi. The lack of Pain tokens might be bad - I just don't know just yet. I should play a bit and find out - but I am such a play only painted player now that it just hurts to test. I will paint it all anyway. But that is a thought list. Lots of annoying crap and things that run out and scare the crap out of your :). Muahahah.
And now some model pictures. The Hellion is my Duke. He is the Red Baron and when he dies someone else just picks up the helmet and continues on the legend of the Baron :).

What does the models in the last picture represent ?
A clients D&D minis for a game :).
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