Goatboy here again - surviving Xmas with the best of them. I will be building and painting up my Contemptor dreads. One is going to be a Goat - thus a Space Wolves one and the other I plan on making a Chaos dread platform. That way we can test out Butcher Cannons and other junk.
My "I am done with Grey Knights" post is churning along nicely on BOLS. I am just tired of playing the same book. I get that way from time to time and just want something different. Plus I miss my goats. Here is the current list I plan on bringing on Friday.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Powerfist, Stormshield, Wolf Tail Talisman
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, JaWs, Living Lightning
Elites: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 3, Powerfist X 4, Storm Shield X 1, Bike X 1
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, Plasmagun, Razorback, Dozer Blade, Las/TWL Plasma
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, Plasmagun, Razorback, Dozer Blade, Las/TWL Plasma
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 5, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
I have some points left over - so will see. Either way this is what I have in my cardboard box to take up on Thursday and probably on Saturday. It doesn't have a lot of missiles and I could always add in two Long Fang squads if I wanted too. But I don't want too haha. The Razorbacks are a test to have 2 units that can stay home as needed to protect a home objective. I might only need one so will see.
Now onto the Paint list.
3 Wolf Guard designs - Done! Pics below!
1 Plastic Dudesmen - Script in - need to draw it up later on today.
2 Primarch colored - One Done - maybe I will do another one!
Randy M
5 More Infinity Guys - in Pieces
2 Venoms - Primed!
Luis P
10 Necromunda - Primed - half have more paint
2 Mordhiem Guys - Primed
12 Necromunda Guys - In pieces
Michael S
Ork Flyer - Almost built - need a few more tweaks.
Gonna buy some flight stands from Dragon Forge to get these guys up in the air. I have seen them up close and at 4 bucks that is worth less pain.
I am sure I will end up painting something Goaty. I always do hah.
But onto some pictures.

I drew des!

I also changed up the art on my blog a bit. A new one will go up on Full of Monkey's site and this one was a - oh crap I got an idea and I drawz it last night. I still need to preview my Barbarian comic too. Lord lots ot do haha.
Oh I saw two movies - Sherlock Holmes and Young Adult. I liked both. I was a fan of the no nudity, 18th Century, Lethal Weapon Sherlock Holmes movie and the second one did not disappoint. Lots of action and Mr. Downey being Mr. Downey. I really like Jude Law in this too. Good movie all and all. I give it 3.5 Stars out of 5.
Young Adult is another one from the Juno crew. I liked it as it has Patton Oswalt in it. You don't like the main character because well - she is supposed to be a terrible person. But at least its a person you probably know or had flow through your life at some point. Still it was a good movie with dialogue that was sharp but not too sharp as to be unrealistic. Patton Oswalt was awesome as the anti romantic movie best friend role. Good job for sure but you have to like the type of movies from Diablo Cody.
Alright that is it for now. The picture is from a game last Thursday where I did 6 wounds to some Death Wing Terminators and this was the armor saves. Go go Goats!
1 comment:
I really enjoyed the new Sherlock Holmes movie... Lots of action and very fast paced. Good stuff for sure.
: )
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