Yup - sorry for the lack of updates. Today will be a slow one - I am mentally recovering from 40k after the Bay Area Open. I had a great time and will do a quick write up on it in a bit - then my paint ideas for the week then some lists. A big one woohoo!
So with that - Let's begin.
Bay Area Open
Pros -
1. Well Run - Reese and crew did a great job. Wish it was easier to see the pairings but I think that means I need glasses.
2. Easy to follow missions - Man that was a dream. I had no questions during the game beyond rules. Super simple
3. Awesome prize support - They gave out a lot of stuff. Those guys rocked!
Cons -
1. The Location - I know it is cheap but beyond the kick stand flushing in the bathrooms it was a bit dumpy.
2. Far away - there wasn't a whole lot of stuff nearby. It was fine for me but if my wife came down she might have been bored.
3. Terrain - there needs to be more LOS blocking terrain. I felt that a lot of the times it was a shooting gallery with very little LOS blocking and very little Area terrain as well. Easy to fix and we know how hard it is to get terrain set up - give an event 2 - 3 years and it will look awesome on the table tops.
So with that I will come back again. The flight was great (ya JetBlue rocks!) and it was a great time. I even got to feel an Earthquake. Woohoo! Knock that shit off my list!
You saw the list from before here it is again.
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, JaWs, Living Lightning
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Meltabombs, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Elites: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 5, Powerfist X 5, Storm Bolter X 3, Drop Pod
Elites: Lone Wolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Elites: Lone Wolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod
I have what I would change in an upcoming BOLS article. So wait on that woohoo!
So let's get that report started.
RD1 - Versus IG - Tim D - Nice fluffy IG list. Dawn of War - Won 3-0.
Basically I weathered some beatings and got there. He failed I think 4 or 5 Leadership checks in one turn (orders X 2 and two leadership tests after taking wounds). It was just one of those games. Murderous Hurricane on the blob helped me keep it in place. Both Lone Wolves survived the entire game - one with one wound as they rain around the table. They blew up some Vehicles as well. Tim had some Swedish fish that were delicis!
Lone Wolves - 4 - 0
RD 2 - Ryan C - Blood Angels - Mephiston/Sanguinor friends forever! We drew down the line on this one. I won one (Multiple Objectives), He won another (KP) and we drew on Capture and Control (I took his, he got mine heh). This was a rough game. I really wish I had plasma for those squads so I can pepper them down. I can take out one guy but not two running around. Meph only got one wings off though (when I wasn't in range - we both laughed about that). Close game that was a lot of fun. I got lucky with this one for sure.
Lone Wolves - 0 - 2
Rd 3 - Can't remember the guys name - He didn't get a printed list and had it on his phone. Blood Angels - 9 Dreadnoughts, 15 DC, and 5 Regular dudes. Wow this list was a lot of brutality. Lucky it was a pitched battle deployment on this one. I won 2-1 (KP and Sieze Ground) and we drew on Capture and control. I couldn't kill his 5 man squad. I stole the iniative and just started blowing up jerks. I almost had the ultimate Lone Wolf moment but failed one 3+ save. Grr - blowing up two dreads would have been awesome. My army was a bad match up as I just grinded him down. He had 3 troops left to hold his objective, the DC, Immobolized Furioso and a one armed Furioso.
Lone Wolves - 1 - 2
Rd 4 - Demetri - Necrons. He had a crazy death star unit - 3 blobs of Immortals and 6 Heavy Destroyers and another Lord. I won this one 3-0 as I killed everything but the Death Star. It was Obyrn, 2 Time Crypteks, and 5 Lords with Mindshacke, 3 with 2+ (one with an orb) and 2 with 3++ saves. I only killed one guy with 4 JaWs during that game. He would always fail one out of the 3 and then reroll that. The game was a lot of fun and my army is a bad match up as I got there and started grinding down. I broke some units, chased them off the board and left that fat ass unit alone because they made me scared. It did kill two Lone Wolves (One failed mindshackle and couldn't hurt himself (yay 3++). Good game for sure and Demetri is a cool cat.
Lone Wolves - 0 - 2
Rd 5 - TastyTaste - Daemons. I stayed with Tasty over the weekend. I won this game by one on KPs to take it in the end. He even said he was going to start losing on the second day and I was the jerk to start it. Tasty played very well and some clutch rolls by my part helped me out. I did do a crazy amount of wounds to the crusher unit and like a boss Tasty made almost all of them. The army gave me ideas for later ones for Adepticon as this tournament had a crap ton of GK and there are ways to make good armies out of Daemons VS GK, Marines, and IG. So with that in mind I might have my new list heh. Nick rocked and it was a good game as we butted heads in the Bay. Oh like a boss I made Tasty go first. Remember make Daemons go first so you can shoot them in the no no place.
Lone Wolves - 1 - 1
Rd 6 - Brian M - Dark Eldar. This was one of those games where Goatboy is supposed to win. I siezed the Initiative and started blowing up paper airplanes from the beginning. Usually 3 per turn and that was all she wrote. It was just one of those games. One Lone Wolf killed a bunch of things. The other died sad. I got 2 out of the 3 during this game. Very nice guy and friends of the BA player with Sang and Meph.
Lone Wolves - 3 - 1
Rd 7 - Christian and the eventual winner. IG with 6 Hydras, 3 Vendettas, and lots of Vet squads with mostly melta to plasma. This game was brutal. Every shot blew up a vehicle. I was able to keep my Base safe enough. I failed one Dangerous terrain check on the last guy to tie on KP. Lone Wolves failed some saves which sucked and I think they killed one thing. Still a hard as hell game and I am glad I tied it. The terrain didn't have enough LOS to let me sneak up and try to use Reserves. Christian was cool as hell and we were both wearing Pink Kimonos to showcase our awesomeness. His buddy Steve was cool as shit for getting them and I drew on the back of his as well as mine.
Lone Wolves - 1 - 2
So I went 5-0-2 and got 4th in a closely tested race for 2-3. I also got the Best Space Wolves player with my strange Wolf list. Good times indeed. Not to shabby for a Texas boy hitting up the sunny state of California. I had In and Out burger twice (Awesome!) and found one of the coolest stores around at End Games as well as Battle Bunker Games (Holy shit - this store is awesome with the amount of stuff in there - played Battle Tech Pods too!). An awesome trip for sure and gets me motivated for Adepticon as well.
Alright that is out of the way - paint list. It will be small.
Plastic Dudesmen - Need to finish one panel
JWolf Art - Done - need to color
Get some Daemons - need to get some damnit!
Beaky Con Art - Done!
Ohio Warhammer Art - Need to do this weekend!
Bols Review stuff?
Luis P
10 More Mordhiem - Primed!
10 More Mordhiem - need to build!
Dark Eldar Ravager - Need to get magnets to finish
Dark Eldar Ravager - Get Magnets at least
Next week is the Start to finish these ork flyers. Its taking too long damnit. Need to go get a drill too.
I just preorder my Ipad. Or as I call it - my book holder. It is my big tech purchase for the year. Woohoo!
And from there - some lists. I got asked about a Thunder Wolf List - this is the idea I had for Adepticon. It is a bit odd - but it is a initial thought.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Bear, Storm Shield, Powerfist, Wolf Tail Talisman, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Wolfkin, Storm Shield, Frost Blade, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter, Fenris Wolves X 2
Elites: WG X 4, Powerfist X 4, Combi-Melta X 4
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozerblade
Troops: Fenris Wolves X 9
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
1849 on the nose. You can swap the Rhinos for Drop Pods so who knows. But this might be the right bit of punch mixed with hard nosed objective holding. The Saga is set up for Dawn of war. You can start the 9 Dogs with the Wolf Priest on the table - make a line back to your edge and when your Wolf Lord buds come on you join up and create a lovely line of ass kicking. Not sure how well it will work but it looks neat on paper.
Daemons - Might take them - they can screw up GK pretty royally.
HQ: Skulltaker, Juggernaut
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Blessing of the Blood God, Unholy Might
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6
Elites: Bloodcrushers of Khorne X 5, Chaos Icon
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
FA: Blood Hounds of Khorne X 15
1850 on the nose and feels just - pretty haha. Covering the board in nonsense and bolts. You have 8 Bolts to pop rhinos, a super fat central unit and the cheatiest of cheat with the Fiends. I should be able to pop rhinos and other options as the teeth get close to the unit. The crushers are designed to be a central threat and give some punch when needed.
The lack of DP's are due to the Dark Eldar and getting peppered with poison. Just a bunch of jerks those guys hah.