Woohoo - Models done, stuff thought about, and life lived! AROOO!!!
Quick question - do you think people would be interested in Sadness Donut T-Shirts? I got some ideas and have been slowly adding them to Plastic Dudesmen - it is just a thought.
I am going to be playing a battle report finally for Bols on Sunday with Bushido. I plan on having fun with it so most likely throwing orks down with some nonsense. I am facing off against Abbadon so I might have some nob bikerz and then just other stuff. 2250 - dual Force Orgs and other nonsense. This is what it is looking like right now.
Current 2250 list thoughts.
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Powerklaw, Bosspole, Cybork, Attack squig - 155pts
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead - 85pts
HQ: Mega Armored Warboss, Attack Squig, Cybork Body, Bosspole - 130pts
Elites: Lootas X 15 - 225pts
Troops: Nobz X 10, Warbikes, Painboy, Cybork Body, Power Klaw X 4, Waagh Banner - 655pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw - 250pts
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota - 120pts
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota - 120pts
2240 - woohoo.
I think the best Ally will still be IG or IG + someone. They just offer to much to all the armies that it allows each army to specialize and you can have the IG fill in the holes you need. I want to do a CSM army so bad but until that book comes out I just can't get one together. So will look at IG + GK to give a nice meaty center.
IG - Main Force
HQ: Company Command - Flamers X 4, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 125pts
Elites: Psyker Battle Squad X 7, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 135pts
Troops: Veterans - Meltaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 155pts
Troops: Veterans - Meltaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 155pts
Troops: Veterans - Plasmaguns X 3, Chimera, Heavy Flamer - 170pts
Heavy: Manticore, Camo Netting - 190pts
Heavy: Colssus, Camo Netting - 170pts
Fortification - Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun - 100pts
GK - Detachment
HQ: Coteaz - 100pts
EliteS: Techmarine, Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades - 115pts
Troops: Terminators X 10, Hammers X 4, Bro Banner, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt, Thawn, Swords X 4 - 570pts
Basically it just uses a ton of guys and gives me the Melta I need. I went with a Colossus as it can easily hurt guys behind those lovely Aegis Defense lines. I might need to get a flyer in there - Vendetta etc - but feel we will see a lot more anti of that stuff as needed. Still this is an idea using the rough center of GK to help out the IG. I went with Coteaz as he is the cheapest Librarian they have in the GK.
Alright - enough for now. Minis!

The base is built - just need to finish painting it etc. Woohoo!