Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Goatboy 40k Attack of the Dingus!
So this week might be royally f-d in the A when it comes to me getting some games in :(. If you live near the Gulf Coast there is a hurricane coming in. Also if you know what I do, technical support for an internet company, then you know there is a good chance we might be boned over this with wind, rain, and pure ass hatery. So I might not get to play :(. Which makes me sad as it is a heavy tournament and I could unleash whatever nonsense I could think of. So will see.
I was going to play either Space Wolves or Blood Angels depending on the mood I was in. I thought about a maxed out LR BA list just for shits and giggles or some kind of LoganWing. Lists below.
You saw the original 3 Super Hero Space Wolf Wolf Lord list - here is a LoganWing
HQ: Logan
HQ: Rune Priest, Jaws, Living Lightning
HQ: Wolf Priest
Troops: Wolf Guard X 10
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, ChainFist, Storm Shield
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard, Mark of the Wolfen - Goes with Blood Claws
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Plasmagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws X 8, Power Weapon, Rhino
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Just a lot of troops, and try to control and protect the center. A more flexible list as well as just a way to play with some nonsense that I feel might be neat to mess around with. I wanted to test out more Plasma in some grey hunter squads, thus the change to plasma guns there. But it is a thought. Could be fun too, and playing with that many Terminators makes me feel like I am in 2nd edition haha.
BA - Land Raider HOOOO!!!
HQ: Librarian, Preferred Enemy, Sanguine Sword
Elites: Chaplain
Elites: Sanguinary Priests in Power Armor X 2, Power Sword X 2
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider Redeemer, Multi-Melta
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist, Land Raider, Multi-melta
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
This is just a, can you deal with Land Raiders? No... I'm sorry TANK SHOCK!!! Who knows if it is any good but it should be alright to play. Plus I just like more feet on the table. And I can deep strike them for pure idiocy. The regular land raider is set up to be a tank hunter, with the others going right at your face. I don't like min squads in LR as once you pop the box, they are pretty much worthless after that.
So those new FAQ's? Some nonsense, some good. All and all it looks alright. They say some things that were pretty damned obvious. I don't like how Shadow doesn't work on people in vehicles as well as the change to how FC only works if you are still within the 6 inch sippy cup bubble. The goofiest thing is if a ini 6 character kills the priest, the squad loses their angry charge.
I have had a slow paint week with just some building of Tervigons for Darkwyn, 3 Plasma weapon holding goats, and some other small goofy stuff. The rain mixed with just being tired has kept me from working a bunch. Hopefully the change in schedule will help a bit as well as get a chance to see my wife more often.
Also, Green Blow Fly took up the offer for some art and got the following done for his blog header. Again the deal is $25 bucks gets you something cool. If you know people needing something drawn up, send them my way. I will be posting in Dakka and Bols for all those interested.
blood angels,
goat angels,
space goats,
space wolves,
warhammer 40k
Monday, June 28, 2010
Goatboy 40k: Lord I just like playing Space Goats
Do you ever get that with an army? You just like to have all the options and just keep playing it but in different configurations? I think the new 5th edition landscape has really let a lot of armies morph into more then just one set of minis. Hell it keeps me buying stuff, so that is always good. I like to help places stay open so I can play my bullshit army every now and again. Can't be a complete douche in my own house, cuz if I am no one will come and play with me and I will just be all alone with my toys and cheeto stained tshirts.
Current Thought Builds for Space Wolves - Shit should I call this blog Space WOLVES R THE AWEZOME!!!
Wolf Lords HOOO!!!
HQ: Wolflord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2 - Wolverine
HQ: Wolflord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2 - Captain America
HQ: Wolflord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Beast Slayer, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Runic ARmor, Fenris Wolves X 2 - Iron Man
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer X 2, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Plasma Gun X 2, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 5
Lots of guys - no dogs to hide lords in, because they are running by themselves. You want to waste shots on one guy, go for it. They will be spread out and ready to go beat the shit out of stuff. the more I think about it, putting them all in one basket just leaves them open to getting hurts by massed fire. Leaving them one at a time, means you have to put serious damage on them to get rid of them, no longer just putting a few shots on them etc. I could drop one Grey Hunter squad to get another, but think the 4 10 man squads should do some good. Plus, they are set up that if they get out, they will always be a threat to anything coming at them. And of course 10 missiles are always good.
Again, this isn't a fun list, as it is spam heavy on what is in there for super assault stuff. You could always drop the plasma squad, get some Elite Thunder Wolf Iron priests and have some serious crazy assault stuff.
Now some BA love - something I might be playing for a heavy. I am really hating 5 man assault squads, as once they get out of their expensive ride they are easy to kill and get rid of. I just don't think playing for the Alpha strike is a particular fun way to play this game and find armies that do this to be rather, well one dimensional and bad for the game as a whole. When I saw that allies were taken out, I was happy as it made players play their actual codexes, but with the GW ruling that allows it, it just makes me a sad panda. Oh well - it will change at some point.
Anyway onto BA. This is a mish mash list with Sanguinor in it. I don't know it is truly good, but it lets me play with the stuff I like. Fast Vehicles and a flying Iron Goatman of death.
HQ: Sanguinor
HQ: Honor Guard X 5, Flamers X 3, Meltagun, Jump Packs (wings)
Elites: Furioso Librarian Dreadnought, Wings, Shield
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer X 2, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon
FA: Baal Predator
FA: Baal Predator
FA: Baal Predator
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
This is a mish mash list that should do alright. You got a lot of troops, can deep strike stuff and have vehicles all over. I still believe in go 12 or go home for BA, and think sponsons are for silly people. Yeah I know, I can go 6 and shoot stuff, but come on really, if you go six and some of the new super fast assault units in the game can now hit you on 4's and probably swamp all your vehicles is just something I don't want to lose too. Plus all those 60 points add up and can get you another vehicle. Target saturation is goods.
I don't know, I am hoping some of the new books will be more exciting. Fantasy is not making me want to build new armies as the horde rule is looking like it is going to kill my wallet. The termite BS mixed with just cash flow issues overall (less OT, changes to pay scale at work, etc) means I just don't have the extra money right now. I am hoping next month changes but I have a feeling I won't feel the load lighten till my wife pays off her car. Oh well. It will all be good and it just means I need not eat out as much and try to be smart about my money decisions. Lucky for me, I have bought all the techno toys I want so far this year (Iphone, Laptop, etc) so I don't forsee anything crazy going on (Knock on wood, without any termites in there). I just need to make sure I have fun for Vegas GT next year.
Also, if you want art now is the time. $25 dollars gets you a full color image like the ones below, so come on and get some customer drawings of whatever you want. Also miniature painting is up as usual too hah.
blood angels,
goat angels,
space goats,
space wolves
Monday, June 21, 2010
Woot - So I made a Goat Sanguinor
Need to Dull coat it, to help deal with some funky spray paint crap on it. I kept the bits as it looks rusty, but I think a clear coat will help smooth it all down a bit. Pics to go up on the Full of Monkey Blog in a day or two. His name will be the Great Iron Goat, thus the rusted armor and straight wing growth from his back as well as the chains. He is so infused with the aura of the great Goat. One day I will write the Hierarchy of the Goats and the internet will just get more mad at me hah.
But here is my mean list with Sanguinor. His design/part of the army is just as a way to be a nuisance as well as an opponent "target". I really like creating target units/unit to help push my opponents decisions into dealing with it. As PDiddy said in the movie "Get him to the Greek" it's time to mind fuck them.
Not Nice Blood Angels list with some Spam mixed in.
HQ: Sanguinor
HQ: Honor Guard, Blood Champion, 3 X Flamers, Razorback, TWL Hvy Flamer
Elites: Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Weapon
Elites: Librarian Furioso Dreadnought, Wings, Shield
Troops: 10 - Assault Squad, 2 X Meltagun, Power Weapon
Troops: 10 - Assault Squad, 2 X Meltagun, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: 10 - Assault Squad, 2 X Meltagun, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Baal Predator
FA: Baal Predator
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Basically you can make an armor 13 wall, your rhinos and jump packs behind. Your Dread moves up casts shield during your opponents turn and you move your Sanguinor to jump around. You could also deep strike your Assault squad too as well as the Sanguinor. He might not have the newb punch like Mephiston, but he will do a number on smaller squads as well as take out some HQ's that Meph doesn't like to see (Wolf Lords with Saga of the FU Bear). So yeah, my kinda thought for BA right now, might test it this Thursday depending on if I can get someone to play me a game with it.
A reader of the blog pointed out I was a cheatie face with my Hobby Space Wolf army, so here is the fix. You can't put a Wolf Guard with the Jump Pack Blood Claws so I had to change up the list. DAMN YOU GW!!!
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Talisman
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Jump Pack, Runic Armor
HQ: Rune Priest, Murderous Hurricane, Living Lightning
Elites: Wolf Guard Pack X 5
Wolf Guard in Power Armor, MoW, Bike - W/the bikes
Wolf Guard in Power Armor, Power Weapon - With Grey Hunters 1
Wolf Guard in Power Armor, Power Weapon - With Grey Hunters 2
Wolf Guard in Power Armor, Power Weapon - With Blood Claws
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher - With Long Fangs
Troops: 9 - Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
Troops: 9 - Grey Hunters, Flamer, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
Troops: 8 - Blood Claws, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: 6 - Swift Claw Bikers, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
FA: 8 - Sky Claws, Meltagun, Power Weapon, MoW
Heavy: 6 - Long Fangs, Missile Launcher X 3, Heavy Bolter X 2
Here is my Current Heavy Build for Space Wovles/Goats too - Embracing the power of Logan and the LoganWing. Or the Grim Goat as I call him.
HQ: Logan
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Bear, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2
Elites: Wolf Guard Unit X 10
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Chainfist
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor
Troops: 10 - Grey Hunters, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
Troops: 10 - Grey Hunters, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
FA: Fenris Wolves X 10
Heavy: 6 - Long Fangs, Missile Launcher X 5
This sits right at 2000 points. I might have to drop one lord, and go with more Long Fangs or maybe another Grey Hunter squad. I want to test this more just to see how much it helps having a big huge Troop squad. I might have to find a way to Save the Wolf Lords from crazy Psychic nonsense, so will see. If I am worried, I could always start Logan Attached to make them fearless as the Terminators should survive most stuff coming at them and will be placed forward so hopefully they won't run away if I block their normal path etc. Will see. It is just a bunch of thoughts as usual. I did finish all my Goat Terminators too, because I don't like to play if it ain't painted.
Anyone else having fun with Logan Wing? Any other thoughts? I went heavy TH in my build more from the fact I liked the way they looked and thought it would be neat to see them walking around all tough and Road House like. Cuz Paint don't Hurt!!!
blood angels,
goat angels,
space goats,
space wolves,
warhammer 40k
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Goatboy's 40k Thoughts - New Rules and Some Space Wolves Thoughts
Today I did some play testing with Darkwynn on some Ard Boyz stuff. Man it makes me kinda glad I didn't play this year again as 2500 is just a pain in the ass. It also shows me that you have to get very lucky to get past a well designed IG list. Darkwynn was testing some Blood Angels build and I was playing a bizarre Wolf Lord/LoganWing concoction that I wanted to test out.
Basic LoganWing/Wolf Lord Brick list
HQ: Wolf Lord - Goodies + Saga of the Bear/Thunder Hammer
HQ: Wolf Lord - Goodies + Saga of the Warrior/Frost Axe
HQ: Logan
HQ: Wolf Priest, Jump Pack, Goodies + Saga of the Wolfkin
Troops: Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor, 2 X Chainfist, 2 X Thunder Hammer, 4 X Storm Shields, 2 X Cyclone ML
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun x 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino X 3
FA: 15 Fenris Wolves
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5 X 3
Basically a spam heavy list designed to have a really annoying troop choice as well as super assault bit that hits first. The plan is to keep you busy till turn 3 or 4 and I get in there with massed Grey Hunters and other nonsense. 19 Missiles is pretty annoying too. Plus 4 of the are strength 9. I really like the jack of all trades you grey hunters become with bolters and other nonsense. The Wolf Priest starts with the dogs as you won't normally be assaulting first turn. The dogs plus Wolf Lords become fearless and it helps out versus Psyker Battle Squads and other nonsense. Of course Logan makes his unit Fearless in your opponents turn and usually tank hunter or preferred enemy depending on what your mission is.
Power level is very high and I think it would give most armies a run for you money. A good IG list though, rolling hot will beat you up pretty good. Your hope is to go first, run forward and get in there. Darkwynn was testing a 5 Assault squad/Rhino list with 1 Las Predator, 2 Vindicators and 3 Baals. Meph was in there too and one Honor Guard. It is one of those lists that will hurt small armies as it is hard to deal with 5 full troop choices at times. Versus IG the hope is to go first, shoot forward and pray to survive the pounding you are going to get.
First Game I went first, he reserved his whole army and I just waited for him to come out. I shoot him to pieces and just controlled the game as he came in piecemeal and I was ready when only having to deal with small bits at a time. Also I had a chance to set up all my grey hunters to be counter assault units that easily came on and dealt with stuff with the meltaguns. Second game Darkwynn made an armor 13 Wall and it helped out a lot as I shot things up going first, but couldn't do enough due to target saturation. The game ended in a draw, but it was a much "better" game.
I am lately finding BA to have a glass jaw. The lack of Bolter on the Assault squads is pretty huge as they help you deal with hordes. Mix that with the overall cheapness of Space Wolf troops and I feel you have a slight advantage. Yes we all love the Bubble FNP, but when you assault them you only need to win by a few. You are marine versus marine which usually ends in a slap fight. Mix this in with some extra Power Weapon (Mark of the Wulfen) and you usually have enough of an advantage. And our Daemon Prince HQ's have awesome invulnerable saves :).
I am really liking Logan and the big fat scoring terminator unit. I will be experimenting with mixing up this list to a 2000 point limit for local Heavy Tournaments. This is no way a pick up game army, as I feel it concentrates too much on beating face that makes a fun pick up game no fun. Anyone else experimenting with LoganWing? I know a new Texan plays it and it beat my ass in a tournament. It made me rethink it, as the walking Terminators is a pretty scary thing, especially when they are 10 strong and scoring. Plus that gives me more reason to make a shit ton more goats hahaha. It never ends!!!
Quick Fun Pick up game list for Space Wolves
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Saga of the Bear, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Talisman
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
HQ: Wolf Priest, Jump Pack, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
Elites; Wolf Guard
1. Wolf Guard, Jump Pack, Power Weapon - Goes with the Sky Claws
2. Wolf Guard, Bike, MoW - Goes with the Swift Claws
3. Wolf Guard, Power Weapon - Goes with the 9 Man Grey Hunters
4. Wolf Guard, Power Fist - Goes with the Blood Claws
5. Wolf Guard, Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcer - Goes with the Long Fangs
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Flamer, MoW, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun x 2, MoW, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws X 8, Power Weapon, Rhino
FA: Sky Claws x 8, Meltagun, MoW, Power Weapon
FA: Swift Claws X 6, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, Missile Launcher X 3, Heavy Bolter X 2
That should hit 2000 points if I remember correctly. It basically lets me play with a ton of stuff, plus I got a lot of feet on the table and a lot of things that feel Space Wolf/Goat like. And I get to play with more Bikes. I just like bikes haha.
Well the new Fantasy is out too - and it is a crazy bunch of new rules and other nonsense. There are some crazy things too, so will see. I think WoC might have stepped up to be better. With Initiative being important it means that my Warriors will be striking first a lot of the time. Fun fun fun times. Will see how it goes in the coming months. I guess I get to play Fantasy some more. I also got my Cryx book and plan on throwing down with some Warmachine too. Kick ass for more games!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Goatboy - I be Hatin but I stopped.
I was going to write a whole thing about stuff I hate right now, but I decided what is the point. I just want to have fun damnit. So that is what I plan on doing. I will have mean lists, but most of the time I plan on playing as much different shit as I can to at least maximize my potential to be a 40k "cool" player. One of those guys that you know will bring the competition but will at least give a game, versus a brutal prison beating.
I don't want to play what I consider the best army, because I don't need to win that bad. It is a game and no matter how much you might shout out how bad ass you are, it is just a fucking game. I want my dirty painted models to go have fun with whatever painted models you have. If I win, fucking awesome. If I lose, fucking awesome. If something awesome happens, fucking awesome.
So lets look at ways to make some of these tournaments fun. Just some thoughts that maybe you try out in your next army list. It makes for some goofy games, but at least you can confuse your opponent more then showing up in a pair of hot pants and glitter on your shirt tits.
1. Highlander lists - Magic the gathering used to have this format called Highlander. They might still have it, but I don't play the game at this time. Anyway, this environment meant that every card, except for basic lands had to be different. So lots and lots of 1 of's and the game was exciting every time you drew a card. You had to create your strategy and change up your game plan game to game as you might not draw the shit awesome card you needed. So for 40k why not try something that lets you have to have each unit either be different or have different wargear enough to get a 20 point difference in overall point cost. I know some armies might not be able to do it (Necrons, Tau) but most should be able to fit into this. Heck you could do 2 could be the same type at troop to help out. This would let you test out weird stuff and create interesting games. I know I enjoyed doing it with my Space Goats so I think people could try.
2. Weird point limits - I know that the Vegas GT will be 1500 points. That is 500 points less then I normally play so this will be an interesting time to try and create something new. I have less to frosting up my army, so it will definitely make me really think what I need at what time. Locally they are starting to have 1250 tournaments for fun and I will hopefully get a chance to try one out in the coming weeks as my work schedule changes. I think this is an interesting idea and something we should all try. When we limit ourselves we create opportunities to break out of our normal game mode.
3. Play with Shit - Play that crappy army. You will notice ways to win with shit units that you might not have tried with your so called awesome units. It lets you discover things that can be fun as well as useful. I know I found the Blood Claw variants to be cool and it is something I think everyone should try out from time to time. Also you could get a chance to buy something new and help keep your store open too. Something people should think about as they run out of stuff for the army and the desire to build a new list is too wallet hurting.
I am sure there are other things people know about so comment away. Also as usual, art is available if people need logos or other designs for their armies. You can check out my work at Full of Monkey. Also here is some other artwork I have done that is less graphic art style and more 40k etc like.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Goatboy - Lord can we stop with the Man Sword Waving?
Seriously, it is getting tiresome. I mean shit, I know I don't suck too bad, but really. I am better then you, no you suck more, no you suck even more, no look you suck like a prison lady boy. Come on. It is time to just shut up and start having fun pushing plastic jerk faces around the table. As most know I am friends with all sorts of internet jerk faces. Heck I am one of them too. Passing whatever I consider tactics on a game that has a random factor in it. I can shout all I want about whatever army list is better, but when it comes down too it, whoever roll more 4+ usually wins. I just want people to just shut up and having fun playing the game.
Take this weekend, we had a hobby tournament and I took a nutty Space Wolves list that went for a highlander style of feel. Every unit different with as much of the Force Org covered with whatever nonsense I felt like taking. I took a few good units, but for the most part took stuff looking just to maximize the chance to have something cool happen. Here is the list and I ended up winning the event and had fun in every game.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Wolf Tail Talisman
HQ: Wolf Priest, Jump Pack, Runic Armor, Meltabombs
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
Elites: 5 Wolf Scouts, 2 X Plasma Pistol, Meltagun
Elites: Lone Wolf, Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Chainfist, 2 X Fenris Wolves
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, MoW, 2 X Meltaguns, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, MoW, 2 X Flamers, Power Weapon, Rhino
Troops: 9 Bloodclaws, Powerfist, Rhino
FA: 10 Fenris Wolves
FA: 9 Sky Claws, Meltagun, MoW, Powerfist
Heavy: 6 Long Fangs, 2 Lascannons, 3 Heavy Bolters
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Obviously this is not a power house list as there are some options are that are not the best. I probably should have gone with a Wolf Claw lord with that Saga or at least a Frost Weapon. I should know, as the lord only saw 4 rounds of combat in all the games. He was killed by Scorpion mandiblaster one game. Meganobz in another game. And Grey Knights with some Sisters help in another game.
The Long Fangs were not really that good, as they only had 2 long range weapons. I had a lot of fun with the Blood Claws and Sky Claws. They really pour out the pain when they got in there. The 2 Grey Hunter squads were my work horses as normally my Wolf Lord took the opponents attention for 2 turns and it set up my rhino full of Space Goats to get out and do some major damage. The Lone Wolf was pretty awesome as he took out a Killa Kan, an Avatar, and a Wraithlord for the weekend.
So what did I learn from all of this? Taking an unoptimized army made me work for my wins. I got lucky and didn't play anyone with a fully tuned list, but still each game was a challenge to pull out in the end. Lately games really have not been the best as you can easily see the outcome after turn 2 when playing with two highly tuned lists. These more mish mashed lists really give a hell of a lot more opportunity to do exciting things with otherwise "Ass" units. Heck sometimes you can find a little nugget of gold in these units.
So I don't know really what else to say beyond try playing for fun a bit more. I have won a whole lot and of course usually like winning to losing, but winning with tactics beats winning with list superiority.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Wow so this week has been fun so far
1100.00 less - and my house is going to be rid of Termites. Neighbors saw some on their side, and of course that means I got to pay some monies to get rid of them. Luckily it was found early enough that there were not all up in my shit. And lucky enough I had savings. I don't want to get into credit card debt any more beyond life or death stuff, so savings it came from. Hopefully some more commissions will roll through and my savings will fill back up. So if anyone needs art or minis, shoot me an email and we can work out a deal hah. Heck if you want a cool drawing of your avatar/character/headshot/etc shoot me an email. Prices will be at $25.00 for a digital color unless you want something crazy. You can check out some of my art at Full of Monkey.
So a fan from BOLS sent me an email asking me to make something with bikers and BA. So this is the list I made. I don't know if it will work, but it should give you some quick goofy games.
HQ: Librarian, Fear the Darkness, Str 10 power, Bike
HQ: Librarian, Fear the Darkness, Str 10 power, Bike
Elites: Sang Priest X 2, Bike X 2, PW X 2
Elites: Chaplain, Bike
Elites: Chaplain, Bike
Troops: Assault squad X 5
Transport: Razorback, TWL whatever you want that costs points
Troops: Assault squad X 5
Transport: Razorback, TWL whatever you want that costs points
Troops: Assault squad X 5
Transport: Razorback, TWL whatever you want that costs points
FA: Bike Squad X 5, Meltagun X 2, Power Fist, Attack Bike, MM
FA: Bike Squad X 5, Meltagun X 2, Power Fist, Attack Bike, MM
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
This sits around 2000 points. I don't know if it will work, but it makes me kinda interested in at least playtesting it. See if it is worthwile. Probably not, but who knows. If I could only make those bikers scoring. But both squads are fearless, reroll hits in the first round, str 5, toughness 5 with lots of power weapon attacks as well as fists etc. Plus lots of FNP. I don't know if Fear the Darkness is better or something else. The powers don't truly matter too much. If only they had access to Null Zone. Heck you could change the Meltaguns to plasma guns and try to never get into assault till you wanted too. It is one of those random list thoughts.
Got a hobby tournament this weekend and plan on taking a Highlander style Space Wolves list. Just lots of different things. Not optimized at all.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Normal goodies set up with Saga of the Bear, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane
HQ: Wolf Priest, Jump Pack, Meltabombs
Elites: Wolf Scouts, Plasma Pistol X 2, Meltagun
Elites: Lone Wolf, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves X 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamers X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino
Troops: Blood Claws X 9, Powerfist, Rhino
FA: Sky Claws X 9, MoW, Powerfist, Meltagun
FA: Fenris Wolves X 10
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, 2 Lascannons, 3 HB
There might be some meltabombs somewhere to make it at 2000 points. But yeah it is an really random list with lots of goofy stuff. Just want to try out some new things to see what works.
This week I am pretty much caught up on mini painting. So all in all a pretty good week beyond the sheer kick to the wallets nuts. I am just glad I am not putting it all on a credit card. I need to get 5 more Meganobs done for the Ork Robots army as well as another box of Killa Kans at some point to finish it out.
blood angels,
goat angels,
space goats
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