So as you saw on BOLS I am working on a Daemon list. It is a bit unorthodox as well as internet approved with its pieces. A lot of it has to do with how my conversions are going and I just want to go with it. Sometimes you just need to play with models that make you grin to throw them on the table. And this is the list. I do wish I could have a greater daemon in there. But most likely I would do some kind of Goat headed stupid crap thing as I am nutty. But here is the second thought as I started building the list.
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Blessing of the Blood God, Charoit, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Blessing of the Blood God, Charoit, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plague Bearers X 5
Troops: Plague Bearers X 5
Troops: Plague Bearers X 5
Troops: Plague Bearers X 5
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Iron Hide, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Iron Hide, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoN, Iron Hide, Wings, Breath of Chaos, Unholy Might, Cloud of Flies
That hits me right at 2000 points. I changed out the Blood Crushers due to overall cost of getting a squad of 6 and the other Daemon Prince because I had a cool conversion idea after the extra parts of the two DP's as well as some other cool resin bits from Troll Forged Minis. I think it will look really sweet :). But that is my first Daemon Army thoughts.
The Heralds are done, and I build the first fiend squad. I have Plague Bearers from an army from before, so I won't have to build them. I am getting 3 more Cold Ones and this will complete my fiends needed for the entire army. All and all pretty good with very little needing to be purchase. Always a good sign when building a new army hah.
But here are some pics too. For enjoyment!

Those look pretty fucking rad.
List looks solid too, hope you enjoy it. Daemons are just plain fun.
Glad you like em - they should be a neat and weird looking army. Look for the Cold Ones/Fiends and the Nurgle DP.
totally boss conversions man. What did you use to make the beholder looking floating eyes?
Ping Pong Ball, Zombie bits, and green stuff. Plus lots and lots of hate.
Wow !! Awseome-o those conversions are crazy awesome !!
That triceratops thing is epic! Looks like it's gonna be an awesome army.
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