To keep me from going crazy with the lack of plastic model throw down, I am playing in a team tournament this Saturday at Dragon's Lair this weekend with Darkwynn and his purple Blood Angels. I was going to play a Space Goats lists but have decided to throw caution in the win and just go with my new Daemons army I have painted up. Will see how it goes as it really is all about just doing the one big, huge assault.
Each army is 1500 pts with no abilities being able to be passed between players.
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Charoit of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 5, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 5, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 5, Unholy Might
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 10, Icon of Chaos
Heavy: Daemon Prince, Mark of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze, Bolt of Tzeentch, Soul Devourer
Heavy: Daemon Prince, Mark of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze, Bolt of Tzeentch, Soul Devourer
Woot - will see if the sticky touch of Slaanesh can bring a victory for us. If not I will just die a lot hehe. Either way it should be fun. I have 2 boxes of Blood Crushers to build as well as one more Daemon Prince to finish out all the wacky options I want to do. As usual, I just keep building and building on an army throughout my "play" time with it. I have ideas for my Space Goats, more Wolf Scout build outs so that will be something I will come back to in a month or so.
We have Adepticon thoughts coming up as well as Da Boyz GT that will be heading up too. The Boyz GT is a comp system, so I am not sure what I will end up bringing. I want to do Daemons, but don't know if I can fit something together that I feel gives me the full range of generalship I want out of it. The options can be somewhat limiting in Daemons, thus giving the feel of Spam that a lot of people don't always like. Plus Daemons can just crush people at times too, making it a hit or miss type of army. Will see as the time gets closer. I could always bring my Space Goats and create a Highlander style list too. Those are pretty fun and give me all kinds of options to do fun stuff.
I also want to play a huge Dreadnought list, but need to get some Dakka Dreads made. Plus I would want to grab some FW dreads too, which are all things that cost a bit much right now hah. But I can always dream.
Next year I want to make some more tournaments. Will see how the Vegas thing goes too. We hope for the best, but will see. I think it depends on the type of tournament it is. Will see.
What do you want me to talk about next? Do you want some painting thoughts? Army list thoughts? Thoughts?
A dreadnaught army could be a lot of fun . You can build a competitive army as such with the new Blood Angels codex. It would be fun to bounce some ideas off of each other .
Anyways BA & Daemons should rock steel balls. I want to read some batreps bro !
I will write one up for sure. And I will post some Dreadnought thoughts in the coming week.
Just going to throw it out there tom; your half of the list wasn’t not fun to play against. Can't fault Nick too much cuz he had one supper killy, multiple character unit like I did. But you had 25 Rending Cavalry and only three min sized Plague Bearer units for troops… which was annoying because we were able to kill all of Nick’s scoring units but had no chance against yours.
You guys did beat us straight up, and since you won all three games you deserved first place and I had fun playing yall.
I agree the cav were a bit much thus the crushers coming in next time. The 3 PB units were what I had but next time I am looking at some Horrors etc just to mix things up. I figured Daemonettes would just be too much more rending.
Nick's super unit would have survived a charge by the Zerkers if my fat lizards weren't in the way. But yeah this list is not fully done as I need to make more troop choices so I can have more options all over the board.
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