Got some commissions done and out of the way - just have the huge Necromunda/Catachan/Thing and a few bits of CSM. Then it is just my own stuff to do for a bit. Some Tau will be coming in later too. So lots of neat random things coming up. Beyond that I got art to do and other fun stuff so Goatboy will be all good.
Tires are expensive. I knew I was saving cash up for something - and Tires was what it was. Woohoo. But I needed them right. Lord that could be a whole lot of plastic hahah.
Wrote the following DE list to "mentally" and probably physically test. I don't know if it is any good but it helps deal with the Kill Point disadvantage that is inherent to the Dark Eldar game experience. I get 3 games in of 40k with 2 wins and 1 loss. I played Orks, SW, and Daemons. Lots of things to rework on the Daemon army as it might be a good dark horse army for Adepticon and its Kill Point dominating missions. Fixing the MSU/Mass Boxes issue eh?
Anyway Dark Eldar list for thoughts.
HQ: Baron
HQ: Haemonculus X 2, Webway Portal X 2
Elites: Trueborn X 3, Blaster X 3
Elites: Trueborn X 3, Blaster X 3
Elites: Trueborn X 3, Blaster X 3
Troops: Wyches X 10, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlets X 2, Siren, Agoniser
Troops: Wyches X 10, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlets X 2, Siren, Agoniser
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 20, Dark Lance X 2, Sybarite
Troops: Kabalite Warriors X 20, Dark Lance X 2, Sybarite
Troops: Hellions X 10, Heliarch, Agoniser
FA: Beastmasters X 5, Khymarae X 20, Clawed Fiend
So basically I can have the Baron attach to the Warriors with 2 Haemonculus to give them a most likely 3+ cover save followed by a 4+ FNP to help make sure the Haemonculus can move up 6 and drop portals. Everyone else will hopefully run out and be able to fleet or get somewhere to hurt something. The massed Haywire grenades are for vehicles and dreadnoughts. Again this is a thought list and it helps break the whole Killpoint issue. 12 KP is not bad at all :).
Been thinking of other Foot style armies that are designed to give the Middle Finger to massed Razer/Raider/ML/Etc spam. I got some Logan ideas that might work - with massed anti vehicle fire power from fearless troops who have a 4+-3+ cover save due to some nutty options. A lot of the game is getting to the point of trying to invalidate your opponents offensive. Either by ignore certain rules of the game (fearless, stubborn) or by making much of their forces power useless when a 4+ cover save is involved. Hell that should be an article for BOLS at some point haha.
As you saw on Friday I am working on a Word Bearers army for myself and have had a good time build the scheme. I showed some of the "bikers" and will show case other bits of the models as I finish building and designing the army. I am trying to make a one style army so I don't have to "waste" as much time making models that don't fit. Will see if I can still keep that promise hah.
Current Daemons List I will play to test people's armies etc.
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos, Bolt of Tzeentch
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos, Bolt of Tzeentch
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne, Blessing of Khorne
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut, Unholy Might, Fury of Khorne, Blessing of Khorne
Elites: Juggernauts of Khorne X 3, Fury of Khorne, Chaos Icon
Elites: Fiends X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Troops: Plaguebearers X 5
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze
1845 on the nose. So yeah a basic Daemon army - which should work ok. As basic as you can get :).
I am going to be posting some WB list thoughts later on this week. That is my plan. Oh Current paint list
Jens - CSM
Nurgle DP - Conversion with Jump Pack - build/paint I hope
Lascannon sponsons - To match the ones I did earlier
Word Bearers Rhino - Done!
Word Bearers 4 Troops - Done!
Word Bearers Horse Riders - Built/Primed/& Started on
Word Bearers Scouts - Need to be primed and based
Luis P
Necromunda Stuff - It Never Ends!!! hahaha
That is it - I got some art to do this week so that is my plan. Get that done up and help refill my checking account from the tires of doom I had to buy. Blargh!!!
Models painted!! Yay!

That ravager is simply ravishing !!
: )
I'm digging the daemon list - very hard hitting. I might replace one of the Tzneetch heralds with the Masque. She is very useful in this type of army with the 3x Pavane.
Is the White Dark Eldar army going to be yours? If so, why the white scheme? I always have thought of Dark Eldar as having dark blues, purples, and greens. Perhaps it is just GW's insidious influence on me... They look great though, I particularly like the cleanness of the White.
They are not mine. My own army is a mixture of white and purple. I just wanted something different and striking. Plus it looks good on video reports - whenever I finish mine hehe. Which will be after my Word Bearers.
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