Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Goatboy's - Late ass post

I know this is later then normal.  I have been taking a bit of a modeling break to just clear my head a bit.  Plus I have terrible list ideas and thought - f it I need to have more stuff painted for them.  Thus why I have been working on my stuff a bit more.  But it all changes after this weekend and a quick 3 round local tournament.  1850 and I plan on bringing this monstrosity.

HQ: Daemon Prince, MoN, Wings, Armor, Burning Brand
HQ: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, The Black Mace, Lvl 1 Sorcerer, Spell Familiar
HQ: Big Mek, KFF,
Elites: Lootas X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
FA: Heldrake
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
Heavy: Big Guns X 3

1850 and it is mean.  Who knows how it will work but it sounds interesting.  Plus I get to make woosh sounds as I fly around with my assholes.  Dakka dakka in your face!  The orks give me some meat in the back so I can hopefully not get my teeth kicked in too bad.  I could add Necrons but this feels like it has more - well stuff to do.  Plus Lootas are always good.

I could figure a way to get Typhus plus Orks but do I really want to make people get mad at me taking forever to set up? Thoughts and more thoughts.

Current Paint stuff

Plastic Dudesmen - it is drawn and colored.  One more till 100!  Woohoo!
Custom Heldrake - Done!
Daemon Prince - Done!
Nurgle Chaos Lord Bro - Done!

Small bits before I send out the order

Bases - All done!

So really a lightish week to keep me happy and satisfied haha.  I hope to get a game on Thursday with the list above and then some more this weekend.  Will see what ends up reaching the table top as I feel Typhus really just gives you army a lot.

Figure we would end with pics.  Some things you have seen on BOLS - the Dragon was just done tonight :).

He is upset - this will be my non baleflamer one.  Woohoo!  Dakka out the butt!

My other DP - this one is the "Burning Brand" one - he has stank breath.

Client wanted me to paint up one banner guy - Tier 3 paint job.

This bad boy was up on BOLS already but I am showing him again.  He was a lot of fun to do and I think fits nicely in my army.  If only Typhus could look like this haha.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I am not dead

I had issues with photo editing software - thus the lack of chatty cathy nonsense from me.  I swear I am not deads!  I've been playing some games on weekends with a co worker and pulling shenanigans.  Hopefully this next time I won't be a dick and bring something a bit more - well normal.  Too many flyers makes for a craptastic game on both sides.  You either kill them like dirty bitches or you are just covered in crap.  Blargh.

Lists for Railhead Rumble and your thoughts

List 1 - CSM - taken from this Dakka guy from Cali - good list builder
HQ: Abbaddon
HQ: Typhus
Troops: Zombies X 33
Troops: Zombies X 33
Troops: Zombies X 10
Troops: Zombies X 10
FA: Heldrake
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN

1845 on the nose.  I like it when things end in numbers that make my brain happy.  HAPPY!!!  It seems fun and a bit one sided in the flyers.  I went with one Dakka one to try and hurt other flyers easier.  Will see - the idea of shooting bullets out of my ass is hilarious.

List 2 - CSM/Demons- Assault Armageddon - mixed to allow me a chance first the Flying Circus
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, Juggernaut, Blinding Axe, Sigil, Meltabombs, Veteran
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoN, Bike, Black Mace, Sigil, Meltabombs, Blight Grenades, Veteran
HQ: Masque
Troops: Cultists X 35
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 7
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Screamers X 8
Heavy: Havocs X 5, Autocannon X 4
Heavy: Havocs X 5, Autocannon X 4
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Quadgun

1850 as well - it is an odd bird with assault elements that can hurt normal static armies.  The Fat blob of cultists will go to ground a lot behind the line and the Havocs will shoot away hopefully.  It should have enough anti air but who knows.  It does look fun though.

List 3 - Orks!
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 10
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Quadgun

This covers the table in assholes.  It doesn't have a lot to break linebreaker - it almost makes me want to find a way to get Kommandos in there to go behind the line.  It is an idea.  I could get it for the Quad gun - it is a thought and still this a site to see on the table top.  Necron Flying circus will just be like - WTF am I supposed to do.  I don't envy playing one of those assault CSM list above.  Ekk.. I just don't know

What do you think?  Should I just go back to the drawing board?  Crons/CSM is pretty mean but I just don't want to play with Croissants.  Blargh!

Paint list

Plastic dudesmen - Drawn and will get done tomorrow.
Obliterators - 3 - Done!
Havoc Squad 2 ish - One done, 2 Built, 2 more to build
Start building custom dragon! Waiting on crap to come in!
Get display case done!

Drop pod - Done!
5 Man shield jerks - Done!
Some other stuff - NOT DONE!

Aegis Line - Done!
Bases - not done!

Mantic Dreadball teams - tests done need to do more!

Offish week - will see what I add to it.  Now some models yay!

 Perfect place to go to ground behind.
FU and your magic Bike!

Zap, Crackle and Pop?

Woohoo - this one fit alright!

Don't come near my shields as they are hazardous.  Grimy as all get out too.

Zoom zoom!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Goatboy - Woohoo its Monday?

Or Sunday night as I write this - we got like 25 minutes and then my birthday is over.  Woohoo 35!  I made it this far (not that I did anything crazy to warrant a - holy crap I am still alive nonsense) and I plan on keeping it going.  Of course my Wife would get mad if I kicked it heh.  Maybe I will fall over onto my minis and they will end up being the Death of me.  Death by Spikey Bits haha.

I got a game of 40k in this weekend.  I played this list based off some nonsense I found on Dakka.  It is a guy I haven't met yet from the California area - Jy2 off of Dakka.  I like his lists and the Batrep on Frontline seemed to show he is a decent enough bloke.  He plays mean lists and seems to know what he is talking about.  I decided to run something similar to see if it was mean or at least work decent enough with my own twist.

2000 points cuz my Buddy wanted to play 2000 points.

HQ: Abbaddon
HQ: Typhus
Troops: Plague Marines X 7, Plasmagun X 2, Combi-Plasma, Power Axe
Troops: Plague Zombies X 30
Troops: Plague Zombies X 30
Troops: Plague Zombies X 10
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
FA: Heldrake
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN

Yeah - so Typhus and Abbadon join up with Oblits - Abbadon Deep Strikes in and I try to just run around.  My buddy played a CSM list with 3  Hellbrutes, some Havocs, A crazy MoN lord on a Pallenquin, MoN Sorcerer lvl 3, Aegis with Quad Gun, and some Plague Marines and Slaanesh regular CSM.  It was fun and I only pulled some nonsense when I took my two Heldrakes that were knocked off with the weapons and used their movement phase to vector strike out the Havocs and make the Quad gun unmanaged so my flamer one could flame stuff.  It was a lot of fun and the MoN lord killed Abbadon (the sorcerer got invisibility so Abbadon was WS 1 for the entire fight) and turned into a Daemon Prince hah.  The game was the Relic and the KP one.  I took the Relic and ran back to win the game in the end.

I got some better ideas on this list and plan on messing around with it to see if it ends up working out.  Woohoo.  I will get Chaos to purr soon I swear.  I think Orks help them out a ton as well as Demons.  It really depends on what kind of nonsense I want to throw down.  I still think a Masque/Typhus/Demon bomb might be the shit.

Something like this - 1850 due to well the Rumble being 1850

HQ: Typhus
HQ: The Masque
Elites: Flamers X 5
Troops: Plague Zombies X 30
Troops: Plague Zombies X 30
Troops: Plague Zombies X 30
Troops: Plague Bearersr X 6
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake
FA: Screamers X 9
Heavy: Havocs X 10, Veterans of the Long War, Autocannons X 4

1850 on the nose.  I think it seems pretty mean - but not well - soul crushing.  Will see. I don't know if I need the 3 Heldrakes.  I still like the Super Assault heavy CSM list.

HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, Juggernaut, Blind Axe, Meltabombs, Sigil, Veteran
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoN, Bike, Sigil, Black Mace, Veteran, Meltabombs
HQ: The Masque
Troops: Cultists X 35
Troops: Cultists X 35
Troops: Plague Bearers X 7
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5
FA: Screamers of Tzeentch X 9
Heavy: Havocs X 10, Autocannon X 4

Not sure if it works well - but it is an idea.  I think Daemons help out Chaos a lot and I am just thinkiing of things.  Of course I might see a complete new thing in a month or so - so will see haha.  I will be posting some DA musing lists before long.  My Bols stuff might switch to more Hobby related things too.

Let's look at the paint list for the week.

Plastic Dudesmen - already did this next week.  It introduces another new character - will see if I get as much hate as before hah.
Coloring - Chaos Space Marine guys - I drew up some this week and want to color them up.  I am also planning on doing a card to keep the gifts tracked etc.
Custom Heldrake - Pieces should be coming in this week - I will start up on that.

Defiler - Got the base built and the guy can be magnetized to it - just need to paint it up
Aegis Defense Line - Need to paint this up for him
A crap ton of bases

20 Veteran guys - Got the pieces in - hope to build them up to get done this week

Bell of Lost Souls
Paint up Dreadball teams - Humans and Orks

Woot - a nice week for me to finish some things up.  I got two Dragons done this last week (last one today woohoo!) and I did up my Scibor Abbadon nonsense.  Hooray!

Now how about those models eh?

 Oh my goodness - I finally finished these raptors.  I enjoy the Caution strip - black base - then the dwarf flesh, yellow, and finally rotten flesh or warpstone something.
Woohoo - regular marines are done for Jens!  Ahriman is like all yo - I cast mind bullets!

My Abbadon is pointing at you - and saying fuck I got to much glow all over my ass.  I wanted to go with a different glow from his armor - not sure if the red is too much.  Still it looks creepy.  The green glow is the same as the Plague Bearers - base a dark purple, then build up to green.  I will write up a how too at some point.

6 Dragons done!  Woohoo!  I am up to 4 Forge/Mauler Fiends.  I got my custom one and then who the hell knows what else.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thank you for the Comments

I appreciate it.  You forget that the few who are shitheads are few indeed.  And I got minis to post and a small battle rep.  As you know I played a 1250 event this past Sunday with some Orks.  The list was a bit rough - and I felt that to make something more interesting meant dropping the Dakka jets and rokkits for right now.  They just didn't do as well as I wanted too.  Of course the Lootas were good and the Jets were a bit too much haha.  I think Big Guns help out way too much to miss them.  So with that - list and then each game.

HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 10
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakka Jet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace

1240 on the nose.

Rd 1 - KP max 10 & 5 Objectives mission
Kingsley was playing Dark Eldar with the Baron, Big fat unit of Beast master, Talos, Bomber, 2 Raiders with Splinter Cannon/Blaster Guys, Venom full of True Born with Blasters, and 5 Scourges with 2 Haywire Blasters.

This was a rough game for Kingsley as I came on - shot him a bunch and just slowly drag him down in bullets.  The Talos did kill a unit of orks then took my whole army shooting at him.  I blew things up and shot stuff down.  I lost some boyz and then the one unit.  Weirdboy didn't do much interesting and just ran around to different guys and I roll the Waagh spell a lot to shoot a ton.  Felt rough about this one.  I got 18 points - 2 Objectives + 9 KP.  I killed the Warlord and got First Blood.

Rd 2 - Relic and 5 Objectives mission
I was playing against my buddy Brandon who was with IG.  2 Avenger things (170 pt flyer from FW), blob of 40 guys, 3 Chimeras, an Aegis with FU Quad Gun, some Vets.  Basic army and fine to play against.  I tried to hide my Lootas and then get some Snapfire into the Quad gun but that failed.  This game felt like a chore as my Dakkajets came in one at a time got shot up.  I tried to be tricky with a teleporting Orks when I should have jumped on the Relic and try to hold it from there.  But still it was a rough one.  Fun game as he is my buddy and if things go crap we would just stop and move on.  He ended up winning this one.

6 Points each plus 5 KP he took from me and 3 I took from him.  A light win for Brandon.

Rd 3 - Random point 6 objectives and KP - FA were scoring or something.
I was playing against Matt and his GK.  He had 3 Squads of Strikes with toys in Rhinos, 2 Dreads, and an Inq in termie armor with a Psycannon.  This game was FU flyers as my Dakkajets made 9 out of 13 Jink saves and just were a pain in the ass.  He combat squaded everything and I just shot guys to bits. I left him 2 Dreads, a rhino, a 5 man squad and 1 single Psycannon jerk.

I ended up winning this one 18 to 6 or something.

I ended up 3rd place and had a good time coming back to the local tournament scene.  The event was well run by Nick and Shannon and I really like how the tournaments are all starting to push to multiple objective book missions.  BAO is doing that too and I applaud them.

So with that let's look at where I want to go next for some armies.  I am looking at 1850 because that is the next big event I plan on going too.  I just paid for the Railhead in Dallas on March 2-3rd and I am still looking at CSM.  What is funny is if I played my assault CSM list for the event I would have dicked punched my army haha.

Straight CSM

HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, Juggernaut, The Blinding Axe of Fury, Veteran of the Long War, Sigil of Corruption
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoN, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, The Black Mace, Veteran of the Long War
Troops: Plague Marines X 5, Plasma Gun X 2
Troops: Cultists X 35
Troops: CSM X 10, Plasma Gun, Auto Cannon, Veterans
Troops: CSM X 10, Plasma Gun, Auto Cannon, Veterans
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
Heavy: Mauler Fiend
Heavy: Mauler Fiend
Fortification: Aegis Line, Quad Gun

The Cultists can be a big blob versus Drop Pods - attack a Chaos Lord and they will never run.  It is almost tempting to add two 25 blobs and tweak some of the points to get a big enough "shield" but I think 35 should work ok.  I am unsure of the Drake as dropping him would give me another 170 - which could mean either more Dakka.  I could drop the two Mauler Fiends for 8 Autocannon Havocs with 10 points left (5 plus 4 Cannons plus Vet = 120).  I could also look at adding more CSM too to help pad it out.  It feels nice to look at and really the Mauler Fiends are fun against vehicles.  You just have to hide them correctly.  Thoughts on this list?  Should I find a way to add either Demons or something else to fill things out?  It is funny I made 20 NSM and I have only used them for Feast of Blades and one game before hand.  Heh.

I am almost thinking of dropping the Chaos Spawn with MoN for bikers.  It gets close and with some tweaks I can fit it in.  10 MoN bikers is pretty spicy too.  I got more torso's and horses to make them as well.  Blargh.

And an Ork list for the same Event.

HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 9
Elites: Lootas X 9
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
FA: Dakkajets, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajets, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajets, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherd
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Commlinks

I could get a Quad gun instead - drop some Rokkits etc.  So no idea.  But I think that many Dakkajets coming in - or not coming in to stop quad gun nonsense.  Might be good?

Alright - some quick models.  I did a paint experiment with some Nurgle Demons.  I started off Purple to pull up to Green and I think they came out pretty good.  It has a nice creepy look with the Blue "broken" flesh.  What do you think?

It deals with multiple glazes towards the cracks - Purple and greens.  If people are interesting I can write it up how I did it.  It is not as hard and just involves layering paints up.

Woot a Dreadnought for Luis.  Fun times.

What - Heldrake number 5 - new client.  They just want me to cry right?  hehe at least they are easy to put together now.

Here is my paint list as well for the coming week.  The top 3 things were done on Saturday in 6 or so hours.  I was watching Adventure time and hanging out with friends doing a paint day.  If you haven't done that yet - you should just get some buddies together and feed off of each other's paint fumes.  It helps you get better for sure.

Paint list

Plastic Dudesmen - We are starting on some character intro and building.  The idea is to do it as a Game Shop and the discussions that happen there.  So look for some introductions coming.
CSM Regular Guys - need to start filling them out and using the new Autocannons.  One squad of 10 would be great.
2 Raptors - I have 2 left to paint
Tablewar Case - start getting it built together.  Woot.

Not sure what I will do - it depends on the new codex and what I need to fill out for the DA.

Defiler - Base build plus paint - woot.
Ahriman - Finish - he has been base painted
A bunch of bases - will finish off the order - matching other bases I did

Heldrake # 2 - and the 6th one I have done - need to build

I am sure I will find other things to do as I think about it.  I always find more stuff hehe.  I might repaint more Loota skin to get another squad to mess around with it.  And make a Commlink item hehe.  I think I will try to mess with the CSM stuff first so will see.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Goatboy's - 40k Whatever

So on BOLS today a model review popped up by myself that had me thinking.  People really don't quiet understand normal social routines.  I say this as I read some comments that just - well make me think a bit.  No I am not stopping what I do - it is just something that kinda gnawed at my brain a bit.

I am really tired of the useless comments.  If you post - that sucks or epic fail then you have done nothing.  At most you have just looked like a little child that says "Peas yuck!" It is one of those small things that really just annoys me.  If you don't know I do tech support and let me give you a hint at getting good support - don't be a dick.  It is the same with life - don't be a dick and most likely better things will happen for you.

It is how I live most of my life.  There is no good in bringing negativity to anything so I try to limit it as much as I can.  I know I don't always succeed but really - we all can't be fucking rainbows and sunshine.  It is why I usually just don't comment back to anything I find well - worthless.  I sometimes click on their facebook link and if they have a lovely picture of themselves I think some mean thoughts but I leave it at that.  If I can't help there is no point in giving it.

I wonder if this age of "bullied" but didn't go ape shit recipients has caused this constant stream of you suck, epic fail, or why are you even playing.  Look when you kill me 30 times in Halo I know I suck.  You don't have to say it to make yourself feel better.  Hell I feel better by having a lot of friends I can talk my game stuff with.  I am happy I have a wife that is cool with me covering the house in plastic models for myself and my clients.  I am happy I don't have to worry too much other then jerks giving me crap online heh.

The saddest thing I see is the same people commenting over and over again.  It is like - look I know you don't like this so what is the point.  I am not stopping (95 and going with Plastic Dudesmen) so what is the point?  What is the point in "pretending to read it" and then saying it sucks.  Awesome - you know how to "read".  So what is the point? I ask that of myself as I do these posts, comments, "articles", artwork, etc.  And you know why I do it?  Because I like too.  I know a lot of people get a lot out of what I do so I continue on with it.  It is fun for me because my brain is a constant battle of ideas and I need something to pour that epic hot sauce into.

My painting is my own - you hate it or you like it.  I don't really care either way as I enjoy how it comes about. I do wish some people would post there work.  If it is good I will say so.  If it is bad - I won't say anything.  It doesn't help unless they want a critique and how things are done etc.  Not that they like how I do stuff - but whatever right?

Alright - so with that rambling out of the way I should be painting later on today.  I got a Chaplain dread built, some CSM built, I need to finish off my 2 Raptors for myself and maybe start on another dragon.  By the end of it I will have painted 6 dragons haha.  Plus I want to do a conversion one too.  I just hate myself eh?

Some models for those to give me shit about.


Beaten up and in Lava - life sucks eh?
And the reason why I am playing 3 Dakkajets - I painted my third one woohoo!

Oh and it looks like I am going to play a 1250 tournament event.  I plan on taking this.

Orks - 1250

HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 10
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota X 3, Fighta Ace

I am 10 points under 1250 and I should have fun.  DAKKA DAKKA!  Will see about writing up a battle rep if I remember.