Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I am not dead

I had issues with photo editing software - thus the lack of chatty cathy nonsense from me.  I swear I am not deads!  I've been playing some games on weekends with a co worker and pulling shenanigans.  Hopefully this next time I won't be a dick and bring something a bit more - well normal.  Too many flyers makes for a craptastic game on both sides.  You either kill them like dirty bitches or you are just covered in crap.  Blargh.

Lists for Railhead Rumble and your thoughts

List 1 - CSM - taken from this Dakka guy from Cali - good list builder
HQ: Abbaddon
HQ: Typhus
Troops: Zombies X 33
Troops: Zombies X 33
Troops: Zombies X 10
Troops: Zombies X 10
FA: Heldrake
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN
Heavy: Obliterators X 3, MoN

1845 on the nose.  I like it when things end in numbers that make my brain happy.  HAPPY!!!  It seems fun and a bit one sided in the flyers.  I went with one Dakka one to try and hurt other flyers easier.  Will see - the idea of shooting bullets out of my ass is hilarious.

List 2 - CSM/Demons- Assault Armageddon - mixed to allow me a chance first the Flying Circus
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, Juggernaut, Blinding Axe, Sigil, Meltabombs, Veteran
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoN, Bike, Black Mace, Sigil, Meltabombs, Blight Grenades, Veteran
HQ: Masque
Troops: Cultists X 35
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 7
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Screamers X 8
Heavy: Havocs X 5, Autocannon X 4
Heavy: Havocs X 5, Autocannon X 4
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Quadgun

1850 as well - it is an odd bird with assault elements that can hurt normal static armies.  The Fat blob of cultists will go to ground a lot behind the line and the Havocs will shoot away hopefully.  It should have enough anti air but who knows.  It does look fun though.

List 3 - Orks!
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 10
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shoota X 3, Nob
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkits X 3
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Fighta Ace
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Heavy: Big Guns X 3, Runtherder
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line, Quadgun

This covers the table in assholes.  It doesn't have a lot to break linebreaker - it almost makes me want to find a way to get Kommandos in there to go behind the line.  It is an idea.  I could get it for the Quad gun - it is a thought and still this a site to see on the table top.  Necron Flying circus will just be like - WTF am I supposed to do.  I don't envy playing one of those assault CSM list above.  Ekk.. I just don't know

What do you think?  Should I just go back to the drawing board?  Crons/CSM is pretty mean but I just don't want to play with Croissants.  Blargh!

Paint list

Plastic dudesmen - Drawn and will get done tomorrow.
Obliterators - 3 - Done!
Havoc Squad 2 ish - One done, 2 Built, 2 more to build
Start building custom dragon! Waiting on crap to come in!
Get display case done!

Drop pod - Done!
5 Man shield jerks - Done!
Some other stuff - NOT DONE!

Aegis Line - Done!
Bases - not done!

Mantic Dreadball teams - tests done need to do more!

Offish week - will see what I add to it.  Now some models yay!

 Perfect place to go to ground behind.
FU and your magic Bike!

Zap, Crackle and Pop?

Woohoo - this one fit alright!

Don't come near my shields as they are hazardous.  Grimy as all get out too.

Zoom zoom!

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