And it makes me want to think of a Psyker prominent Space Marine army. The Thousand Sons that didn't rebel with powers etc and a mix of Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and whatever other nonsense I am thinking about. I will post up some thoughts as I think em - and see what you think. Think of it as an experiment in rules creation.
So lets start with the HQ choices. I don't want to do any special characters as I haven't finish the book. Will see what I think of it in the end. So basic HQ's to start.
Space Marine Captian - 100ptsWS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 Wo 3 I 5 Att 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+
Rules - ATSKNF, Psyker
Equipment - Power Armor, Frag/Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
Captain may choose one of the following Psychic Powers
Warptime - Can be cast per player turn - for the rest of the turn you may reroll failed to hit and to wound rolls
Magnus's Eye - Str 5 Ap 3 Assault 3 - 18" range shooting attack
Strength of the Father - Can be cast per assault phase - strength becomes 10 until the end of the phase
Equipment Options
Space Marine Bike - 35pts - if Captain is giving a bike you make take bike squads as troops if they number 5 or more.
Artificer Armor - 20pts - 2+ armor save
Storm Shield - 30pts - 3+ Inv save - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Combi-Weapon - 5pts - Flamer/Plasma/Melta - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Plasma Pistol - 15pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Power Weapon - 10pts - Ignores armor saves - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Relic Blade - 20pts - Ignores armor saves +2 to strength - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Familiar - 5pts - Reroll failed psychic checks
Terminator Armor - 25pts - 2+ Armor/4+ Inv - includes power weapon/storm bolter - replaces all equipment options
Storm Shield - 10pts - 3+ Inv Save - replaces Storm Bolter
Power Fist - 10pts - Doubles wearers str - initiative becomes 1 - replaces power weapon
Relic Blade - 5pts - +2 to strength power weapon
If you purchase a Captain you may also purchase an Honor Guard to accompany the Captain as a retinue.
Honor Guard - 5 Models - 125pts - 3 Sergeants, 1 Apocathery, 1 Librarian Adept
All models have the basic rules - ATSKNF
WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 Wo 1 I 4 Att 2 Ld 10 Sv 3+ - 3 Sergeants and 1 Apocathery
WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 Wo 1 I 4 Att 2 Ld 10 Sv 3+/5+ Inv - Librarian Adept
The squad may be equipped with Bikes for 90pts
Librarian Adept has the following equipment
Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Magnus's Talisman (5+ Inv), Frag/Krak Grenades, Psyker, Warptime
Apocathery has the following equipment
Narthecium, CCW, Bolt Pistol, Frag/Krak Grenades
Sergeants have the following equipment
CCW, Bolt Pistol, Frag/Krak Grenades
The following equipment may only be upgraded on the 3 Sergeants
Meltagun - 10pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Plasmagun - 15pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Flamer - 5 pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Combi-Weapon - 5pts - Flamer/Plasma/Melta - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Power Weapon - 10pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Lightning Claw - 15pts for one or 20pts for pair - replaces bolt pistol/CCW and if pair it replaces both
Powerfist - 20pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
Storm Shield - 20pts - replaces bolt pistol/CCW
You may also purchase them a transport from the following list
Rhino - 35pts - Storm Bolter
Razorback - 40pts - TWL Heavy Bolter, +35pts for TWL Lascannon, Las/Plasma Gun, TWL Assault Cannon
HQ: Chief Librarian - 150ptsWS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 4 Wo 3 I 5 Att 3 Ld 10 Sv 2+/4+ inv
Rules - ATSKNF, Psyker Supreme (May use 2 Psychic powers a turn)
Equipment - Force Staff, Frag/Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol, Artificer Armor, Belt of the Father
Force Staff - If psychic power is used within 24" you may try to Nullify it on a 4+ - also is a force weapon
Belt of the Father - 4+ Inv Save
Chief Librarian may choose 3 of the following powers
Warptime - Can be cast per player turn - for the rest of the turn you may reroll failed to hit and to wound rolls
Magnus's Eye - Str 5 Ap 3 Assault 3 - 18" range shooting attack
Strength of the Father - Can be cast per assault phase - strength becomes 10 until the end of the phase
Magnus's Anger - Str 8 Ap 1 Assault 1 - 24" range shooting attack
Shadow Gate - Librarian and squad attach may teleport up to 24" from current location - roll as per deep strike/Icons can be used to not scatter
Touch of the Warp - Pick any single friendly model within 6 inches - replace attack characters with 2d6 and rending - end of your turn the model is removed from play as the warp consumes him from within
Equipment upgrade options
Space Marine Bike - 35pts
Plasma Pistol - 15pts - replaces bolt pistol
Combi-Weapon - 5pts - Flamer/Plasma/Melta - replaces bolt pistol
Familiar - 5pts - Reroll failed psychic checks
If you purchase a Librarian you may purchase a Conclave at 150pts that includes 5 Librarian Adepts
WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 Wo 1 I 4 Att 2 Ld 10 Sv 3+/5+ Inv - Librarian Adepts
Librarian Adept has the following equipment
Power Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Magnus's Talisman (5+ Inv), Frag/Krak Grenades, Psyker, 1 Psychic power chosen from below
Warptime - Can be cast per player turn - for the rest of the turn you may reroll failed to hit and to wound rolls
Magnus's Eye - Str 5 Ap 3 Assault 3 - 18" range shooting attack
Strength of the Father - Can be cast per assault phase - strength becomes 10 until the end of the phase
You may put the squad on Space Marine Bikes for 90pts
You may also purchase them a transport from the following list
Rhino - 35pts - Storm Bolter
Razorback - 40pts - TWL Heavy Bolter, +35pts for TWL Lascannon, Las/Plasma Gun, TWL Assault Cannon
So there you have it. Does the points sound ok? To give a thought lets build out a unit to see if it works.
Lets do the good ole Space Marine Command Bike squad.
Commander, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Warptime, Familiar, Artificier Armor, Bike - 210pts
Command Squad - Bikes, Meltagun X 2, Powerfist X 1, Storm Shield - 255pts
Sits at a nice bike squad with some assault capabilities.
Lets look at a Chief Librarian with a Conclave
Chief Librarian, Familiar - 155pts
Conclave - Rhino - 185pts - Warptime, Magnus's Eye X 3, Magnus's Rage
This is not a bad anti infantry unit with a decent amount of attacks as well as some anti personnel ability with the Magnus's Eye.
I might have fubar some points so check it out and tell me what you think. I will go into Elites next with some more thought on how to make a unique chapter with more psykers in it - probably a Wolf Guard/Conclave Adepts that can split apart and be added to squads with special abilities to give to the squad - ie like Warlocks etc. Combat magic, shooting magic, etc.