So Ard Boyz came and went. Two bad match ups and bad missions later and I got beat by decent players. It is life - and makes me rethink some army lists and build designs. But hey - when you over think your army list you just get boned. And I think I need new dice for this army too haha. But oh well - good times.
I went to Dallas to play and ran into Brent from Strictly Average. Man I want that guy to move to Austin so we can have some battle reports. Either way it was worth it going to Dallas and seeing some buds as well as letting my wife hang out with old friends. Good times.
First game I played MSU Space Wolves based off of Andy's list. Good list - and with the VP mission I couldn't do much to catch up the points as my army would fail some saves. I did well with the Rogue Psykers but it just wasn't enough. The second game was verus 50 GK termies and two Inq with rad and Psychotroke. That one was bad as I failed a crap ton of saves. I fought the good fight and did kill a bunch of guys so that is good too haha. It is one of those armies that work versus certain things and then others they just don't do as well. Good guy too.
But enough of that - Ard Boyz is well - Ard Boyz.
Currently I got Feast of Blades and Da Boyz GT to do in the coming months. One is heavily comped the other is well not. I am doing one to try and get into the ETC - the other is cuz it was a cheap flight and Chandler is a good dude. So good times indeed. Currently I am looking at a Coteaz list mixed with Termies. It is a good guys versus bad guys type of board design that I hope looks good and plays decent.
Current Boyz thoughts - Rubric gives me a 70. Click here to see it.
HQ: Coteaz
HQ: Xenos Inq, Plasma Siphon, Rad Grenades. Psychotroke Grenades, Servo Skulls X 2
Elites: Vindicare Assassin
Elites: Venerable Dreadnought. TWL autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Brotherhood Banner, Halberd X 7, Daemon Hammer X 2, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psyker X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 2, Meltagun X 2, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psyker X 8, Warrior Acolyte, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, Assault Cannon
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
1850 on the nose. Might be good - might be bad but it gets a 70. Which is awesome. But is it good? Who the hell knows. Need to make sure to get some new dice.
Feast of the other hand is a no comp event. I don't know if I want to play Grey Knights or Wolves. Who the hell knows. Might do a Crowe build for that one. Lord I just don't know haha. I got two months.
Initial Thoughts
HQ: Coteaz
Elites: Purifiers X 8, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer X 1, Rhino
Elites: Purifiers X 8, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer X 1, Rhino
Elites: Purifiers X 10, Incinerator X 4, Psybolt, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer X 1, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psykers X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 2, Meltagun X 2, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psykers X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 2, Meltagun X 2, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psykers X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 1, Rhino
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
2000 pts
Alright - paint list for the week.
Test Rhino with light nonsense - Built - need to tweak
1 More Khador heavy jack - Almost done with a Starter set - going to do a Cryx one next week. Will probably have em for sale.
Michael N
Ork Trukk - Built and Primed
Ork Boyz X 10 - Need to build em
Ork Trukk - Need to build it
Randy M
3 More Infinity - Built em and need to paint em
Luis P
Mordhim Possessed Box - Need to build, prime, and paint
Scott M
Need to Based Flyers!
I will probably do some others too. That is how I roll damnit!
Now some models! Check em out suckas!!!

Beyond all of this I am also sell off some models.
I got 60 Dark Eldar warriors - 3 in boxes, 2 on sprues, 1 that was just clipped and the legs glued to the base - all for $95.00 for anyone interested.
I also have 2 Trygon/Mawloc boxes for $35.00 each
1 Box of Bloodletters for $17.00
1 Box of Daemonettes for $17.00
1 Box of Metal Incubi for $15.00
So if you are interesting email me - goatboybols@gmail.com - shipping will be based on where you are at etc - most likely 5-10 bucks for most.
Alright that is it.
Loving the chaos interceptors. They look great. Please... one thing... don't post them on BoLS!
Hahahah - the comments would be nuts. And really I just don't care at all what people think. It is my money, my time, and my desire so I can do what I want. You ain't my dads!
Do it Goat! Do it do it do it!
I am not unknown...
Only pulls a 60 there Goatboy. -10 points for Coteaz and -10 for 3 transports on the first list.
Nice list though. I'd have a hard time handling it.
Isn't it over three? I thought it if it was just 3.
Which is correct - still 60 ain't terrible. But we can see if I can fix that hah.
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