Should have been Sunday - but I painted this one dude and I wanted to show him off. Lord I am feeling out of it. The fires in Texas have made for a rather evil Allergy season for me. Boogers are pouring out of my nose like crazy. It sucks. But I am still painting away like a mad man!
Anyone watch True Blood? It was a nutty ending. Other then that Dr. Who is kicking some ass too. I can't wait for some of my other shows coming soon too. How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Cartoons, etc. I watch a lot of TV sometimes, but I dvr that shiznit to keep it real. Should we do a BOLS reality show with model building? Hrmm...
Alright - Paint week then Ard Boyz thoughts.
10 Evil Inceptors - Got all the pieces built out - need to put them together and paint em up maybe for Ard Boyz
1 CSM Nurgle Champion from Fantasy into 40k - Done!
1 Test Evil Purifier - Done!
Khador Battleforce Box - In pieces
Test Rhino - Mental Phase
Plastic Dudesmen - Script in need to work it through
Michael N.
10 Ork Boyz - Done!
1 Ork Trukk - In pieces
Randy M
3 Infinity Figures - In pieces
Luis P
Pull out first batch of Mordhiem Figures to Do - In Pieces
5 Khador Chainsaw dudes - Done!
I might do some more but will see as I will be heading out to Dallas to play at Ard Boyz this year with some Grey Knights. I played some test games Vs. Darkwynn and won both missions. My army is just designed to work the missions well enough and it is harder for Nick. Plus Black Templar are not the best match up against Grey Knights. Ini 6 and str 5+ hurts. Plus the Psycannon should have stayed Str 6 instead of Str 7.
I tested out some Rogue Psykers and I think they work out pretty well. I am going to play two squads. This whole thing is why I have been creating an Evil Rogue Inquisitor army. I can't stop painting something Chaosy and when I started doing a much higher level of painting I had to go to Chaos for sure. After Ard Boyz it is back to cutting down playing mean lists and probably bringing out my old Fabius Bile army to have fun with.
For those interested - Current Fabius Bile list.
HQ: Fabius Bile
HQ: Kharn
Elites: Possessed X 5, Mark of Tzeentch, Rhino
Troops: CSM X 10, Meltagun X 2, Mark of Nurgle, Powerfist, Rhino, Bile Upgrade
Troops: CSM X 10, Flamer X 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Power Weapon, Rhino, Bile Upgrade
Troops: CSM X 10, Meltagun X 2, Mark of Khorne, Powerfist, Rhino, Bile Upgrade
Heavy: Obliterators X 3
Heavy: Havoks X 5, Autocannons X 5, Icon of Chaos Glory
Heavy: Havoks X 5, Autocannons X 5, Icon of Chaos Glory
I might need to fit another troop choice in - drop Kharn and the possessed but this looks alright at 2000 points.
I broke my Full of Monkey site last week but got it fixed up and tweaked it. It is finally just a central site for all my stuff which is probably for the best. So change your links to http://www.fullofmonkey.com - it will just be the central hub for anything I do. Art, Minis, etc.
Alright enough of this look at these minis!

Look for more models this week - I got some cool ideas for my Evil Inceptors. Hopefully I will have the full - Good VS. Evil army board done up soonish too for next month. I plan on hitting Da Boyz this year so look for some thoughts on that comp filled system. Yeah games within games for the goatboy.
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