Watched True Blood and Dr. Who. Damn fine episodes. Been kinda meh on True Blood but I think the Season Finale will amp it up pretty good me thinks. I can't wait for Boardwalk Empire. Yeah you can tell I get free cable cuz I love me those cable tv shows haha. Dexter is coming soon too and that shit is awesome. But enough of that - my paint list. I am working tomorrow and I finished a ton of stuff today.
Rogue Psyker Squad # 2 - DONE today!
Chaos Lord/Thousand Son Lord/Evil Psyker Lord - Built and Magnetized!
5 Rat Assassins - Built and Primed
3 CSM Bikerz - Built
3 CSM Asp Champs - Built
4 Noise Marines - Built
4 CSM Guys - Built
Michael N
10 Ork Boyz - Done!
1 Zapp Gun Guy - Done!
1 Trukk - On Sprue
Randy M
3 Infinity Bikerz - Need to be built
5 Infinity Guys - Need to be built
Plastic Dudesmen - Need to do one - maybe another.
That is my plan for the week. I should get all the CSM done tomorrow - that is my plan as the client needs it fast. Woohoo. Lots to do.
Beyond that I need to call the Dallas store I plan on playing in. Hopefully I can get in there and not go to San Antonio. That is my plan to try and win a new army haha. I have 2 in pieces army - DE and Nids. I need to finish them at some point.
I wanted to try and test this one GK list but the player I threw down against quit after my initial assault. He just wanted to get the game of 40k desire out of his system and I brought the list to do it. He had Death Wing and I hate playing against that army. It is either no fun for you or no fun for me. All based on rolling that 3+ inv save.
The list I wanted to test.
GKM, Psycannon, Rad, Psychotroke, 3 Servo Skulls
Ven Dread, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Ven Dread, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
GKT X 10, Thawn, Psycannon X 2, Daemon Hammer X 2, Halberds X 6, Bro Banner
Henchmen - Rogue Psyker X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 2, Meltagun X 2, Rhino
Henchmen - Rogue Psyker X 8, Warrior Acolyte X 2, Plasmagun X 2, Rhino
Henchmen - Rogue Psyker X 8, Mystic, Rhino
Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator
2000 pts or so. Could be good. I think it has some interesting interactions and lots of bits and pieces I normally like. I might run something similar for Ard Boyz with 10 Inceptors and another Ven Dread maybe. Who the hell knows haha. I think that is where my list building is going right now. I might just have two Rogue Psykers as I think I don't need the 3rd. I run into Eldar and I lose it.
I want to paint up some Goat Riders with those new Ogres. I think they will look awesome. Anyone see how the new Ogre book is? Is it actually decent? I hope to get some games in on Thursday. I played local Minus67 with his Venom spam army and I played some GK bullshit to help him test it out. I shot a lot and my dice rolling was hot. I would get one penetrate through and I would roll a 6 or 5 every time.
Not sure what is next for my brain - too much to think about haha.

Hey, i played you today at Ard Boyz (first game). Too bad my melta's wiffed and i didn't kill that henchman rhino...those guys look really cool, lol. I meant to make a closer look at them and the rest of your army after the game, but i forgot and then you were gone...great job on everything i looked at though.
I saw the Chaos lord in the post above and was like "Ooh, I killed that guy!" :-P
Anyway, it was nice meeting you and i really enjoyed our game. Hopefully see you around once I finish my army and try to get into the bigger tournaments in this next year or so.
Dude you were awesome to play against and even though I lost two games you guys rocked. I hope you guys make it down to some events in Austin or I see everyone around and about. Good games for sure! And that is the wolves army I like - not the most exciting but it gets the job done for sure haha. And Moving Wolf Guard with ML is awesome.
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