It never ends for the Goatboy. This week starts the change of not being able to paint at work. It also marks the last week of my old schedule and a change to a new one. I can't double down on time so it means a change up in how I work. The new schedule is 7am to 4pm so I should have time to bust out some models after work. That is my plan anyway.
This week is the in between and I plan on taking a bit of a break, work on some art, and well get ready mentally for the Da Boyz. Mentally in the fact of throwing down dice for 5 games haha. Either way it should be a lot of fun seeing some friends and hanging out with Nick Rose and a bunch of others. I am almost finished with the display board. I need to put more magnets on bases as well as get some flock and other bits on there to match it all up. I plan on doing that tomorrow after work. Woohoo!
I painted up some Mantic Marauders too so look for those reviews to pop up soon too. I finished up all the Deff Koptas as well as some other small bits and pieces this week. Add in a Plastic Dudesmen and I did pretty well for my last "double time" Sunday.
List of what I need to do this week.
Display Board - Almost Done!
Mantic Marauders X 5 - Done!
Mantic Marauder Raptor - Done!
Michael N
4 Deffkoptas - Done!
John H
Tweak 3 Blood Angels - Done!
Luis P
9 Necromunda Guys - Built and Primed!
That is it for the plan - when I get back from Rochester I plan on hitting some other things and get this Speed Freak army out of the house as well. That will help some of my bills hah. From there I will have a Dark Eldar Army coming out and who knows what else haha. Lots of stuff.
I am still trying to figure out my Feast list. It will probably be 2 Dreads, 2 Terminator squads and a bunch of other things. Who the hell knows haha. I really like the two fat squads of termies. I sent Chandler a list that I will probably end up playing - but I still want to do some tweaking as usual. Of course if I do that I end up making something nutty that won't work and I eat a crap ton of sadness donuts. Sad panda indeed :(.
This is tempting me - I just like how solid the base feels.
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator
Not sure if this will work well - but 20 hard to deal with troops is kinda neat. I have to make an Evil Inquisitor for the other side but it might be neat. I got almost everything else. If I drop one Terminator squad (still have to get another troop or two) - go with two more GKSS with Razorbacks and I might have something super mean.
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Warding Stave, Storm Bolter, Servo Skull X 2
Elites: Purifiers x 8, Psycannon X 2, Halberds X 4, Warding Stave X 1, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: GKSS X 5, Psycannon X 1, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
This list I only need to make one guy - another Inquisitor. It does feel dirty enough for sure. Dakka dakka baby. Chandler?
Models - lookie!

And some art!

That's it. I am done! Woohoo!
The Koptas are awesome! I like the marines too.
Cool stuff man, should be fun :)
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to play - DEldar, Blood Angels Jump/Pred spam, Wolfstar (probably not), or Hydra-heavy IG.
Too many choices, too little time to figure it out :-p
It'll for sure be fun though, looking forward to a Round 1 matchup with you, followed by a Round 7 matchup for the finals :)
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