Alright - got one game in with a test list for Da Boyz - going to change it up a small bit I think to make it overall better in the long run - instead of just being annoying versus certain lists. The core is still there - just need to get the bits and pieces at the top and bottom ie - Heavy and HQ. I got some ideas - and I think I don't need certain pieces of wargear as it limits my play style instead of creating a better game.
So with a quick on - here is my paint list. I already did stuff today so there will be some finished things.
5 Evil Terminators - DONE!
5 more Evil Terminators - need to get them
Finish Cryx Battleforce box - DONE!
3 Heralds of Tzeentch - Built & Primed
Michael N
10 Kommandos - Done!
5 Deff Koptas - Need to build them out ie snap em together and prime!
Luis P
Mordhiem 6 Man Undead Gang - DONE!
Another batch of 10 Mordhiem - Need to pull them out and prime em up
Scott M
Start building Ork Plane 1 - Just gonna start to build it
5 Manowar thingies from Khador - Built & Primed
Plastic Dudesmen - DONE - the art on this one is bad ass
Color some character designs
Rocky Mountain 40k
Finish the Flyer design
Woohoo! So yeah a big week if I can finish it. I don't think I have anything going on this weekend. So woot!
And here are some of the models even!

So yeah - so here is the core list for Da Boyz
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
This hits at 1470 - it is still 40 bodies on the table top which is good. I can go a bunch of different directions.
HQ - Librarian, Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might of Titan
HQ - Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
245pts right there - leaving me enough room to get either a TWL Autocannon Dread or a Henchmen unit designed to bring some trouble.
Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt - 135pts
Rogue Psykers X 8, Crusaders X 3, Mystic - 135pts
One gives me a Str 10 blast sometimes with a Beacon as well as some 3+ saves to keep guys alive?
I could just amp up the units a bit more with the 135pts. Get Psybolt on each of the termie squads and maybe make the other Inquistor a psyker with tricks. This gives me a 75 on the Comp system which is pretty nice.
Another option would be to just take a straight henchmen unit -
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TWL Assault Cannon
This is expensive - but gives me some options to add a servo skull/FU infiltrator option as well as giving me another Assault Cannon that is TWL. And Plasma. I am going towards that one as a unit that is in reserve and can come out and help at times.
So the "final list". Who the hell knows. I think it gives me what I want.
HQ - Librarian, Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might of Titan, Dark Exocommunication
HQ - Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon, Servo Skull
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TWL Assault Cannon
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
Hits 1850 on the nose - with 75pts for the comp.
Only -5 pts for nothing in the heavy slot for Group 1 to allow for the second HQ slot from group 2. So not too shabby.
I dropped Rad Grenades and Psycotroke because well - they are either not fun for you or not fun for me. I can deepstrike the entire army if I want and I should have enough scoring. Will it work? Who the hell knows haha. What are your thoughts?
I love this list - hard as nails son !!
I dunno, the single Razorback with acolytes in it might not be so hot, it's the only vehicle in the army and prone to getting missiles shot at it. Other than that, looks like fun.
Back and forth with people makes me think the same thing.
I think just 40 dudes - 2 HQ's might be the way to go.
The only other thing would be to get Dreadnoughts etc - but then really - moving forward or Deep Striking I can punish things.
Also this event won't see the normal vehicle spam we are used too so a foot army might do ok.
10 Termies
10 Termies
10 Inceptors
All goodies on em etc. I could get a tech marine in the there to try some 2+ cvr save shenanigans - but it might not be worth it.
I like the list.
Just a heads up, 25% of the players that came to the primer tournament brought dual land raider lists, which also took first and second overall. It's a loophole in the comp scoring that allows them with max points.
Your list has a lot more psycannons than my GK list so you may be OK, but man I was eating a lot of sadness doughnuts that day when I couldn't pop land raiders.
That is exactly where I was thinking it was going to go. Dual Raiders is a whole in the design for BA's for sure. Thus all my Cannons and the Relentless ones mixed with a hard center to crack. Makes it hard to come forward and dump the LR's in my face.
Yeah - I think the Psycannon in larger numbers is the way to go for sure.
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