I should have a slow week next week - Thanksgiving and all. I love Thanksgiving - Turkey is one of my favorite foods haha. Hopefully this week will end up working out better then last week. We had some house nonsense last week that continues onto this week. Water heater, pipe to sewer, and other fun times. Lucky I get paid with some model stuff later on this week and my overall buying desire is pretty dead due to nothing new coming out I want to paint up. So all in all fun times.
I will hopefully get a 40k game this weekend. I didn't play this week nor last week so I need to get back on the horse with the Grey Knights to find what I really like. Sorry it still keeps on with Grey Knight nonsense - but I just really enjoy the army. It fits all the aspects I like - 3+ armor, massed T4, shooting, and a pretty decent assault element. That is what I need to be happy. Just wish the models were more evil haha. I guess I have to wait for Chaos Legions :).
Paint schedule will be up and down this week.
Plastic Dudesmen - Not even thought up yet or script written
Logo for website - Drew it up - waiting on customer's approval
Poster design for RM40k - Finish it up
A test drawing design for a future project
Maybe scan my comic - X432 the Barbarian - will post some pics of it here.
Jens K
Venom 1 - FInished yesterday!
Lelith - Finished yesterday
Venom 2 - Need to prime
First batch of Wyches X 8 - Need to prime
Michael S
Ork Flyer 1 - Start this and get the first one built and hopefully paint
Ork Flyer 2 - Start building it
Luis P.
5 Mordhiem mixture - Done!
5 More Mordhiem mixture - Primed
10 More Mordhiem mixture - Need to build and prime
I finished the Speed Freak army last week - waiting on final payment and box to ship it out in and I will have some desk space! Yay! It is a huge army and I am glad to finish it up. From there I don't know what to paint for myself as I constantly look for new things to build and paint up. I might do this jump pack Chaos lord - but I want to tweak it out a bunch to get it ready. Will see. I also want to do a really cool evil Dreadknight thingie - but I am just not finding the drive yet. Oh well.
Models to look at!

And some art!

And my list that I plan on this week.
HQ: Draigo
HQ: Coteaz
Elites: Tech Marine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: Paladins X 10, 4 MC Psycannons, 3 Halberds, 1 Warding Stave, Apocathery, 2 Daemon Hammers, Bro Banner, 3 Swords
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassin X 5, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassin X 5, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
1999 and I think it might work. Testing out if I need the jumpers or not. Plus the Assassins which might be neat as well as on the box Psycannons haha. Will see. That is it for now - onto the next one haha.
1 comment:
That venom is pretty darn hot !!
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