I keep thinking Mordrak could do some dirty stuff. I know peeps have thrown down with the Mordrak + Librarian with summoning and bringing some friends along the front line trick but I am wondering can he work as a - Oh SHIZNIT - type of affect that allows more of your army to work.
What I mean is - can you put your opponent off of their game enough to capitalize on weaker units pouring out more firepower due to having more turns to interact with the game. A lot of the time I define my armies based on how long things are supposed to live. When I build a Rock list I expect my rock to usually survive till turn 4 - right when people should start to looking at trying to "win" the game.
When you build lists designed to work this way you can hopefully guarantee that other parts of your army are going to live longer then the normal when it is just a straight shooting gallery type game. Does this always work? Hell no, but still it is something I think about from time to time.
So with that in mind I want to build out a list that tries to work then shock and awe type of game I like to play. So here is a Mordrak list thought -
HQ: Mordrak + 5 Ghost Knights with 2 Hammers and 3 Falchions
This weapon load out lets me dish out a crap ton of attacks or at least get a chance to donkey punch something to death if need be.
HQ: Coteaz
I need scoring units to at least start them game and with such a front loaded designed list I need the cheapest asshole around.
Elites: Venerable Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2 Psybolt
Elites: Venerable Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2 Psybolt
You will see why I picked these in the end. I need a good - surviving scoring unit if need be.
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
I need scoring units and starting with 4 is good. Plus if you are not playing Psycannons then you are doing something wrong.
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter
With Mordrak and these guys - I got a big FU presence that jumps in front, shows you there business, and makes you scared for your family.
This hits at 1998 pts and I think it might have some merit. Give your Knights Scout if you want or whatever other nonsense you think might work. Drop forward, drop fast, and get your business done. Heck - even if they fully reserve drop Mordrak near the front lines and just wait it out as needed. Coteaz joins one of the ghetto boyz and goes from there.
Make the two Ven Dreads scoring and have them sit on their "shiney metal butts" on an objective as the rest of your army moves out and swarms. Not sure if the list is good as it feels like a normal Goatboy - copy and paste list. Other ideas would be to figure out more Henchmen crazy builds and create a cool Dark Mechanicus list too. That is another neat idea that might work also. Drop the two Ven Dreads and create some Assassin builds to help steam some assaults. Still I think this might work for my Goatboy Brain as something fun to try out. Just means I need to create that Evil Dreadknight to add so I at least have 3 to test out. Plus this isn't a try to be tricky Summoning list and just goes for the - FU PUNCH IN FACE RARRRAGH!!!
I have been running Mordrak and an army of all power armor without duplicating any units. Imagine only one dread and one dread knight and have been rocking with it. I think I have been at the top table at every tourney in the last round and won quite a few. I know it is only our local scene in Chicago but we do have some good players here especially in the AWC monthly tourneys. I also got to get you do draw another bag for me the next time I see you for the GKs. I will even pay for another cab ride ha.
Greg Swanson
Hey Greg of course you get some art on a bag! Are you hitting the ATC again? I will be there for Adepticon for sure. Woohoo.
I want to test it out - need to grab some models to try it out this weekend - will see.
Hey have been thinking about your list and I think you would be owned by most other GKs. If you drop Mordrak in and he gets charged he will be getting raped by anything charging in with psyk out grenades. Also a canny opponent will either be casting sanctuary or in terrain and the knights will be going last without grenades and will be talking to the force weapon thunder hammers. Plus the lack of psychic hood will hurt, You would be better off taking a libby and some regular grey knights. If you drop in you can at least cast sanctuary on Mordraks unit and have some psychic defense. Plus if you give him warp rift it forces your opponent to deploy defensively lest he get flamed. Necrons are really going to hate that power.
I'm not liking the list in my mind either. I'm basically throwing away 400+ points. I still love my Draigo wing style list. Libby has been less and less interesting due to coteaZ doing more for less in the helper slot.
The army that won BeakyCon had Mordrak. I think lots of people underrate him a lot. I'd rather have Draigo but I respect what Mordrak brings to the table.
Versus GK lists you don't have to drop him right in front of their grill . Use him as a counter assault unit.
I think the list you posted here could use a full squad of Interceptors - they integrate very well with NDK.
The Mordrak list I have been using (you can see it on white scars or blade and bolter) Has both interceptors and a storm raven. I love using Mordrak out of the stormraven. The unit of 3 ghost knights the libby and mordrak will wreck a unit of paladins if the get the charge off, which is more likely with the storm raven. I love the interceptors.
I have stopped playing with small squads of paladins. If it isn't 10 man - it isn't worth it as too much kills them, plus they only have 2 attacks base and taking out a force something for a bro banner isn't worth it in less then 10.
10 paladins and mordraks units is not going to survive - had a similar fight at feast with 5 paladins and a libbie -Draigo got In 1, a random dude got In 1 and I just ginsued up the rest with my superior number of attacks and weapon options. Plus I usually always have fun grenades so it makes charging the unit a rough decision.
Really - as I play more and more with Grey Knights I just find the big fat scary unit that helps keep games in your corner Paladin death squad to be just very good. The issue comes with what you feel you need for support.
I dont expect Mordraks unit to survive but if I get the charge off and am able to force weapon my weapons I will get 12 attacks hitting on 4s wounding on 2s killing probably like 4 paladins who will all be at int 1 due to grenades. Then mordrak will go with 5 str 10 hammer hits killing maybe 3. That doesn't include the mind strikes on the way in probably icing the justicar and putting some wounds on Draigo along with maybe one dead due to the twin lascannon and twin multi melta. Granted it depends on getting the charge off from the raven. If I have anyone left the combat resolution should be in my favor. I dont care if Mordrak is left as they are not scoring and it allows the rest of my troops to move around unmolested.
Actually it doesn't work that way with Psyk out grenades.
Brotherhood of the Psyker means only one model in the a Grey Knight unit is the psyker - ie Justicar or Sarge like model. In the Paladins there are no Justicars so one is picked at random.
So when you charge - Draigo, 1 Random Paladin and whatever other IC is attached to the unit and touched by the Ghost Knight. It is in the FAQ so really you charge in - I will kill the majority of you with Ini 6 and whatever else I have - so really it isn't nearly as explosive as you want it to be. Plus whatever I roll with a Grenade :).
And usually a Dread is nearby so you are -4 to blow up their mind.
As you read under Brotherhood of the Psyker - the one leader is the Psyker - for all intents and purposes - so if you charge in you affect him - not the other guys etc. That is the way it is played for any perils and anything that works as a psyker or so it is played here. Now else where who knows - either way I think if it didn't work that way it would make Grey Knight on Grey Knight games kinda annoying haha. Who gets the charge.
But yeah - 10 dudes work better then just 5 :).
Yeah we have been playing the grenades as working on everyone. I guess it will be something that will have to be FAQed, just to be sure. That is the way it has been working here if you dont get the charge you are probably dead. Also if there is a dread I imagine I would try to get the weapons up to strength 8 3 x hamer hand and one might so they instakill paladins. I look at tit like this usually if you can cripple or kill the big paladin unit in a Draigo army the rest usually just falls apart. Oh well will have to wait to see what the INAT or GW rules.
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