This next week is going to be busy as I catch up on stuff before I jet over to FTW Games. The HOA stuff is hitting hard too so I will make a good post in two days with what I have done so far (orks, orks and more orks).
I am working tomorrow so that hopefully means I get some time to get to painting. I need to paint a squad of Grey Knight Strike guys for myself and some other things. Fun times indeed.
Current no SC thoughts Grey Knights List. Yeah I know it is heavy on the HQ side but I can make more scoring units if need be. Hooray for making Walkers hold objectives!
HQ: GK Master, Psychotroke Grenades, Psycannon
HQ: Librarian, Quicksilver, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Might of Titans
Elites: Tech Marine, Warding Stave, Servo Skulls X 3
Elites: Purifiers X 10, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psycannon X 2, Incinerator X 2, Halberds X 5, Rhino
Troops: GKT X 10, Daemon Hammer X 2, Halberds X 6, Psycannon X 2
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
2000 pts - I can make almost everything scoring if I want and I got some solid annoyances in the middle with a chance to get a 2+ cover save in some terrain I call "home". Will it work? Who the hell knows but I think it will be a way to have me play a non SC fest. Plus I love the 10 terminators. Brick of doom coming at you. Hell I can scout them up too hehe if need be.
The other thoughts would be to find a way to get a Dreadknight as a surprise drop to go get an objective. The asshole is just too expensive no matter how much I want my monkey knight to punch face. The other thoughts would be to get a Storm Raven as a way to get the Purifiers up and in some personal business. I know the weapon load out is odd on them - but I feel two flamers could help and I will only get to shoot with two guns out the top. The GKSS might be held in reserve most games or they will be there to protect me versus Deep Strikers. Fun times indeed.
Look for more lists as I think up some other ideas to compete. I wanted to build this for none SC tournaments as it has a bunch of different things in it (beyond the 3 dreads, which can be swapped and easily changed to give you a jack of all trades army).
Current paint list for the week.
GK Master w/psycannon - For myself - Did em today
GKT X 2 - For myself - Did em today
GKSS X 10 - For myself - in pieces and got an idea on how to paint them neat. NEAT I SAY!
Rhino/Razorback - For myself - will probably just build.
10 Shoota orks for HOA - Did em today
Ork Bomba - Client - Built - want to spray it today to get done at some point in the week before I go or at least start it.
3 Ork Deff Koptas with removable buzzsaws for HOA - in a box!
1 Battlewagon for HOA - partway done - need to create a deff rolla for it too
Plastic Dudesmen - Did one yesterday yay!
Plastic Dudesmen - Another? Gasp the internet gets angry! - got script will tweak
Look for an HOA update with more Ork boyz, ork biker warboss, and some other things. Plus maybe some art? Gasp arts!

Alright that is it for now - laterz gaterz.