Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's Wednesday - my work Friday

Woohoo!!! Great day as it is my Friday. I have had a kinda slow week. Not a whole lot on the model front but I did do a bunch of art designs for blogs and other options. So all in all a fun time in general. Will post some of the art. Most drawings start at $25.00 and rarely go higher from there. I know people want customer images for their blogs so I keep the cost low. Woohoo!

I am going to be playing my Grey Knights this Thursday to get some more games in before my Alamo GT event. Here is the list I turned in with tweaks that fit what I like to play.

HQ: Crowe
HQ: Librarian, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Warp Rift, Might of Titan
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino, Searchlight
Troops: GKT X 10, Thawn Upgrade, Halberds X 6, Daemon Hammer X 2, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

That is the 2000 pt plan list and most likely the initial shell I plan on using. Thawn is in there because Grey Knights are not about anything under a 100 pts. Or hell 150pts. So I had to do something. Plus I can count how many times the jerk dies in a game :).

So will see what will happen as I play it.

I am also playing a Team Event on Saturday and I will be playing a pure Purifiers list with some Death Wing. It is a 1500 points which is a bit much for a team, but will just play it and see. Basically this is what I plan on throwing down with.

HQ: Crowe
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon X 2, Rhino
Troops: Purifiers X 7, Halberds X 4, Daemon Hammer, Incinerators X 2, Rhino
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

Pts: 1499

Next week is the first weekly Heroes of Armageddon updates. I will be building the first trukk boy squad to get started on next week. I have some other client Speed Freaks to do too - so it will be an ork fight for the next few weeks heh.

I am also planning some new Grey Knight builds as I look at a Henchmen and more aggressive/less shooty builds. Fun times indeed. In fact I did a test for Rogue Psykers too.

Floating evil brains!!! Hahahah. Should be fun - I am planning on having one squad of 8 with 2 Meltagun jerks to run around with in a rhino. Most likely they will explode and the inside of the rhino looks like some kind of terrible horror show. Fun times indeed.

Art stuff I have done so far. Woohoo!.

The last two are for the Feast of Blades up in Colorado. If you need art shoot me an email at GoatboyBOLS @

And besides this some minis I painted too. I paint things yay! And I am Full of Monkey painting too by the way. I have another guy that paints with me too - but for the most part that is me. But we are cheap and fast if you are interested in some work.


Aventine said...

So you switched out the Incinerator squad for a Librarian?

Thomas aka Goatboy said...

Yup -and other small random things to get it there.

Unknown said...

That last poster with the grey knight taking on everything is Uber sweet. Great artwork gb :-)