Sunday, December 28, 2014

Post Xmas Post thing yay!

Woot - doing this early - started writing on Xmas day - will hopefully finish on the 26th if it isn't too busy at work.  Woohoo!

I actually got some painting done these last few days.  Enough to make me feel good about myself.  I have a few more to do in a small commission and then a bunch for larger work.  Lots of things all over the place I need to finish.  It just never ends for me.  Plus art stuff too haha.  It never ends for the Goatboy.

Let's do a paint list real quick - just to write it all out.

Frontline Art - 3 more Hordes Pics to do then some Dropzone commander - 2 Done - need to draw the 3rd - have the idea.
BOLS article - last of the year woohoo! - Done!
I need to buy some Nurglings to finish up... bah! - Built! I think I have another box somewhere too - need to see if I can find it.
Fix up screamers that fell off bases
Do a Test Nid for a future commission - Done!

Don S
Crys stuff - things to finish up - some Warjacks and some solos

Michael K
Lots of Sister and IG vehicles - Built 2 today - Wyvern and Manticore...
The Saint - Done - need to seal her.

Luis P
Flesh Tearers stuff - some models and small things to finish out an army - Some done today!

NecroOrk Stompa - want to get this done dammit - Will hopefully get time when I get back into town over the weekend.  It is a half day sort of jobbie job.

I am sure other stuff as people get back with me after Xmas.  Woohoo it is how I do it!

Boy is getting better - he smiles a lot more now and sleeps ok.  He is just getting bigger too.  Hopefully I can get a lot of good time working on stuff next year.  And I need to study for certifications for work too.  Man it never ends for the Goat.  I will slow down eventually.

I am going to test the 4 Grinder list this next week - and then another version that drops one set of Nurglings and Grinder to get 8 screamers.  It might work better - but 4 Grinders sound awesome.  I still really like the 3 Chapter Master idea I posted on BOLS the other day.  Here is a smaller version that might be fun.

Imperial Fists Main + Clan Raakan Ally

HQ: Lysander
HQ: Chapter Master, Terminator Armor, The Shield Eternal, Chainfist
Elites: Legion of the Damned X 5, Multi-melta, Meltagun, Combi-Grav
Elites: Legion of the Damned X 5, Multi-melta, Meltagun, Combi-Grav
Elites: Legion of the Damned X 5, Multi-melta, Meltagun, Combi-Grav
Troops: Scouts X 10, Combi-Grav, Meltabomb
Troops: Scouts X 10, Combi-Grav, Meltabomb
Heavy: Relic Sicarian Battle Tank, Hvy Bolters Sponsons

HQ: Chapter Master, Gorgon's Chain, Chainfist, Thunder Hammer, Terminator Armor
Troops: Scouts X 10, Combi-Grav, Meltabomb
Troops: Scouts X 10, Combi-Grav, Meltabomb

It seems like it could win games on just being annoying alone.  Plus the 3 man super dudes would be cool as they hit the ground, drop lasers from the sky, and then get involved in dumb situations.  It is like a stupid odd ball comedy.  Woohoo!

First LVO army testing will be the following

DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
Nurglings X 4
Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent X 4

Super basic - just to see if things work out.  From there I move stuff around woohoo!  Will hopefully do a quick right up on how it actually worked.  4 Grinders just sound fun.

I can drop a grinder and one Nurgling squad for 8 screamers.  Might be worth it.

Models to check out.

More Cryx!  I do like painting them for Warmachine.

This might be my new favorite Daemon prince.

That Helbrute kit has lots of cool stuff in it.  

Nid Test for a client - likes it so most likely an army of this in a few months.

Got one more to do - plus a Manticore - damaged for the win!

This finishes off all the regular sisters - now it is just vehicles.
The Saint herself.
Woot some DC - Storm Raven for them is coming soonish.
Finally some Art too - got one more Hordes to do for Frontline.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Goatboy's Sunday Thoughts

Man babies suck up your time.  As does the fiscal end of month.  Woohoo.  But I am surviving and striving and driving and... painting still?  Woohoo!

I think I have to veto doing an Ork army for LVO.  I just don't have the time to get a new one ready to go.  This means I have to go Chaos of some sort.  Lists coming in a bit after I write up some paint list/thought stuff etc.  But it makes me sad about the Orks.  I still have ideas on how to get it to work - just not finding the time to get it done and practiced with.  Poops!

I did get a game in with Nick - played a meh Chaos Space Marine list as I still had all the pieces pulled out.  It was

Sorcer X 2 on Bikes
Chaos Lord on Juggernaut with stuff
30 Cultists
1 Sicarian
2 Helblades
2 Set of Chaos Spawn
3 Maulerfiends

He kicked my butt as I didn't roll well for penetration and other hits and just got left hanging in the wind.  It was alright as I tricked him last time and he didn't fall for it and went after the right squad.  I really hate the damn Saint from the sisters.   That lady rocks so many units with her super sword and pain in the ass deep strikes haha.  Too many heavy flamers dammit.  Still it was fun to get a game in even though it was a butt whooping.

Ok paint list

3 Units of Nurglings I need to buy and build
3 More Horde arts for Frontline gaming
Some arts for Frontline based on drop zone commander
Art for design idea etc
Maybe work on Comic idea to doodle - will see if the week is slow enough

Mike K
11 more sisters of battle - primed
Lots of vehicles

Don S
Some Cryx stuff - some are built already - priming them now

NecroOrk Stompa - this is where my Ork time is going to go

Flesh Tearers stuff

Woot - nothing too nutty - but yeah.  I am sure some other stuff will come in too that I will need to get done.  Waiting on this Knight stuff to get in to work on.  Woohoo!

Let's get on with LVO lists.

LVO List one - Basic and totally Copy and Paste nonsense

CSM Daemons + CSM Daemons Ally

HQ: DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
HQ: DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent

HQ: DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent

1850 pts of pure nonsense.  I have 4 Obj Secured troops which isn't bad.  I have armor 13 vehicles that are a pain and fast plus 3 Flying Dildo princes.  It looks like it could work - and I just need to paint up 3 sets of Nurglings and maybe another Grinder.  I will probably do another Gun prince as they will match the other ones.  So simple - basic and I think actually fun to play.  I go big and get involved haha.

The other one has more tricks involved.  In the form of dropping the ally and getting in a CSM - summoning function.

CSM Daemons + Black Leegion

HQ: DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
HQ: DP, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent

Ally - Black Legion
HQ: DP, MoN, Wings, Armor, Eternal Warrior Skull, Gift of Mutation, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer

This one just needs to get one box of Nurglings and I have everything else done already.  It has the summoning suite needed on the MoN price plus he won't die to some random Strength 10 shot if he gets it in the end.  The Dragon is still good and I feel having 3 could still be pretty scary for a lot of armies to face.  Look at something like this and get sad at the FW cost.

Crimson Slaughter

HQ: Bel'Akor
HQ: CSM Sorcerer, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar, Prophet of Voices, Melta bombs, Gift of Mutation
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Possessed X 5, MoT, Chaos Rhino, Combi-Melta
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
FA: Heldrake, Baleflamer
Heavy: Sicarian, Hvy Bolters, Malefic Ammunition
Heavy: Sicarian, Hvy Bolters, Malefic Ammunition
Heavy: Sicarian, Hvy Bolters, Malefic Ammunition

I mean - this looks dumb as heck but it shoots a lot.  Plus those dragons are going to suck for anyone. I went with Be'lakor because it gives you shrouding automatically.  This is a help versus a lot of armies and keeps your Sicarians tough to remove.  If not Bel - I guess you could go into just Sorcerers but I think the Possessed one is just going to be summoning stuff.  It probably won't work but man - bullets will be coming at you from all over the place.  The CSM sorcerer is built this way so I could get 3 Sicarians.

Stupid - if I could do more then 2 sources Orks.

Ork Horde Detachment + Great Waagh Detachment + Greentide

5 Units of 9 Slugga Boyz + Nob w/PK
5 Units of 10 Slugga Boyz
Warboss, PK

Ork Horde
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK, Finkin Cap - Warlord
HQ: Mad Doc
HQ: Painboy, Warbike
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
FA: Deff Koptas X 5, TWL Rokkits X 5

Great Waagh
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK, Da Big Bosspole
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK
Elites: Tank Bustas X 5, Bomb Squigg
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10

You have the big ole tide sitting in front then you have the Deff Squad running around causing issues.  You want to roll strategic and if you get lucky you can put all kinds of in the middle of the board and just be a huge threat.  Plus that bike squad is pretty dang scary to look at.  But again - 3 sources so sad panda pants.  Plus that is a lot of gretchin haha.

Bah!!! So lets get onto something I don did. 

First some Frontline Gaming art for battle reports.

Now some other arts.
And finally some arts for a team thing.  I like how the Daemon came out.
Some models to look at too.

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's Amazing What Little Extra Time I Have

I blame da baby hahaha.  He takes up a good amount of time and I have client work to do so that is done on any free time.  Plus I hope to get some art done too.  Ugh.  Too much to do hahaha.  And he is crying now downstairs... poor chunky munkey... But I keep moving along!

Paint List

Probably nothing - depending on what I get to do to make myself happy - might build my stompa or start to build some Orks - will see.

Land Raider fix/build/etc
Libbie on a bike conversion by me

Some Flesh Tearers to fill in the holes for the new army book

Michael K
5 More Sisters
5 More funny hat IG
5 More Sisters
Once I knock out the sisters it is a vehicle dance party.  Hope to get this all knocked out by the end of December.

Paint the NecroOrk Stompa - this will be on dock maybe this weekend.

I am still thinking about what I want to play for LVO.  I don't know if I want to go crazy with a build or just look at having some fun with some models and losing a game or two.  It is just tempting to play with crap and see what I can do.

I played a tournament 2 weekends ago in San Antonio.  It was a 2000 point, no limit event and I brought the following.

HQ: Bel'Akor
HQ: Daemon Prince, Wings, Armor, MoN, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar
HQ: Chaos Lord, MoK, Juggernaut, Daemonheart, Powerfist, Lightning Claw
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Hell Blade, Autocannons
FA: Hell Blade, Autocannons
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend
Heavy: Sicarian, Hvy Bolters, Malefic Ammunition, Dirge Caster

So a basic - CSM/CSM ally nonsense.  It was fun - I didn't lose a game but didn't win enough to do awesome in the Battle Point event but still came out of it with a win on Best Paint.  Man locally it is such a crap shoot with people and my paint so it is nice that other people enjoy the nonsense I bring.  My game memory is kind of fuzzy but here is some info.

Game 1 - Zach I think - playing unbound - 10 Farseers on jet bikes and some war gear to make them shrouding and other shit.  Eldrad and 10 Warlocks.  Ugh right... One of the reasons why no one will ever let Unbound actually play.  Still I won this game due to the mission giving you 2 KP for every force org slot that is destroyed or not there. I got 8 pts to begin and just played cagey enough to ensure I stayed alive.  Crazy enough I casted some spells and summoned some daemons.

Game 2 - Pete with White Scars marines plus other marines.  Bikes as usual.  A weird mission with objectives that you collected as you played then a big one in the middle in the end.  I ended up getting enough initial points to contest the middle and win in the end barely.  The Sicarian took a lot of firepower to go down and killed 2 Attack Bikes and helped finish off a Bike Squad.  Pete played too conservatively and that caused some issues.

Game 3 - Boyd with 3 Tall FW knights and 2 regular knights.  One of each of the tall ones.  This one was how many times could Boyd roll crap on a stomp.  I killed all the knights with assault.  Learned some Stomp rule stuff - you roll a d3 to see how many stomps you do and each unit gets one D6 roll to see what happens with the stomp.  So less scary if you don't see any 6's.  I would assault the knights on the side so the explosion of D in the middle didn't always hit me.  Boyd was cool and had some nice looking models.  Bel'Akor got 2 knights - Juggerlord got 1 knight, Maulerfiends helped kill the other 2.

Sorry if I butchered people's names or forgot stuff.  I had a good time hanging out with my friend Endar even though the wife was mad cuz I was gone almost the entire day.

Lists so far for LVO with levels of what needs to get painted to be ready to go.


Dumb list # 1 - Crimson Slaughter + Chaos Space Marines

HQ: Sorcerer, Bike, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar
HQ: Chaos Lord, Bike, Daemonheart, Sigil of Corruption, MoN, Powerfist, Lightning Claw
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA:  Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Hellblade, Autocannons
FA: Hellblade, Autocannons
Heavy: Sicarian, Heavy Bolters, Malefic
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils

HQ: Sorcerer, Bike, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
Heavy: Maulerfiend

Painting needed - none! So really  this one is the easiest - ready to go.  I won't win much with it - but damnit it looks fun.  I could drop the Chaos lord and go with another Sorcerer if I felt like it.  It would free up a few points to get another troop.  Meh!

FMC Tzeentch seems to be a pretty good choice right now.  Getting reroll 2+ to 4+ saves is pretty strong so it might not be a bad idea.

Daemons + Daemon Allies
HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Troops: Nurglings X 3
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3

HQ: Bel'Akor
Troops: Nurglings X 3

Painting - 2 boxes of Nurglings as I have a ton of Daemon Princes.  Summon stuff and go to town.  It seems like another - simple list just built to survive and win the game based on missions.

Orks + Ghaz
Ork Horde Detachment
HQ: FW Warboss on Bike
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK
HQ: Painboy, Bike
HQ: Mek, Rokkit
HQ: Mek, Rokkit
HQ: Mek
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
FA: Deff Koptas X 5, TWL Rokkits X 5
LoW: Stompa, Grot Riggas

Ghaz Ghul Detachment
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK, Big Bosspole
HQ: Warboss, Bike, PK
Elites: Tank Bustas X 5
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10

Paint - Almost the entire thing - but it is Orks and I love to build crazy bikerz. I want to build my stompa and try this out.  Heck it could work with the Stompa surrounded by Grots to keep the melta at bay - then I have 6 5+ rolls to get Hull Points back.  Plus I can shoot rokkits out of it too.  Meh - it looks goofy as all heck doesn't it.

Then of course I can do the Greentide as well.

4 Squads of 9 Boyz plus Nob with PK and Eavy Armor
2 Squads of 9 Boyz plus Nob with PK
4 Squads of 10 Boyz
Warboss, Big Bosspole, PK

Ork Horde Detachment
Warboss, Lucky Stick, Mega Armor
Warboss, PK, Eavy Armor, Bosspole
Warbuggies X 5, Rokkits X 5
Warbuggies X 5, Rokkits X 5
Mek Guns X 5, Smasha Gun X 5

Not really even painted at all - so the one most likely I won't do.  But this reads ok on paper - it might be good.

Hellblade thingie - I had another one done and broke a dragon apart to make this one.

Death Company Dread restoration!

Funny Hats!

No funny hats!

Final Knight

3 Rando bikers I found in the box to do!

Drop pod surprise!