Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Goatboy - It's Tuesday?

Goatboy here again - surviving Xmas with the best of them. I will be building and painting up my Contemptor dreads. One is going to be a Goat - thus a Space Wolves one and the other I plan on making a Chaos dread platform. That way we can test out Butcher Cannons and other junk.

My "I am done with Grey Knights" post is churning along nicely on BOLS. I am just tired of playing the same book. I get that way from time to time and just want something different. Plus I miss my goats. Here is the current list I plan on bringing on Friday.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Powerfist, Stormshield, Wolf Tail Talisman
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike
HQ: Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, JaWs, Living Lightning
Elites: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 3, Powerfist X 4, Storm Shield X 1, Bike X 1
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Mark of the Wulfen, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, Plasmagun, Razorback, Dozer Blade, Las/TWL Plasma
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, Plasmagun, Razorback, Dozer Blade, Las/TWL Plasma
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 5, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta

I have some points left over - so will see. Either way this is what I have in my cardboard box to take up on Thursday and probably on Saturday. It doesn't have a lot of missiles and I could always add in two Long Fang squads if I wanted too. But I don't want too haha. The Razorbacks are a test to have 2 units that can stay home as needed to protect a home objective. I might only need one so will see.

Now onto the Paint list.

3 Wolf Guard designs - Done! Pics below!
1 Plastic Dudesmen - Script in - need to draw it up later on today.
2 Primarch colored - One Done - maybe I will do another one!

Randy M
5 More Infinity Guys - in Pieces

2 Venoms - Primed!

Luis P
10 Necromunda - Primed - half have more paint
2 Mordhiem Guys - Primed
12 Necromunda Guys - In pieces

Michael S
Ork Flyer - Almost built - need a few more tweaks.
Gonna buy some flight stands from Dragon Forge to get these guys up in the air. I have seen them up close and at 4 bucks that is worth less pain.

I am sure I will end up painting something Goaty. I always do hah.

But onto some pictures.

I drew des!

I also changed up the art on my blog a bit. A new one will go up on Full of Monkey's site and this one was a - oh crap I got an idea and I drawz it last night. I still need to preview my Barbarian comic too. Lord lots ot do haha.

Oh I saw two movies - Sherlock Holmes and Young Adult. I liked both. I was a fan of the no nudity, 18th Century, Lethal Weapon Sherlock Holmes movie and the second one did not disappoint. Lots of action and Mr. Downey being Mr. Downey. I really like Jude Law in this too. Good movie all and all. I give it 3.5 Stars out of 5.

Young Adult is another one from the Juno crew. I liked it as it has Patton Oswalt in it. You don't like the main character because well - she is supposed to be a terrible person. But at least its a person you probably know or had flow through your life at some point. Still it was a good movie with dialogue that was sharp but not too sharp as to be unrealistic. Patton Oswalt was awesome as the anti romantic movie best friend role. Good job for sure but you have to like the type of movies from Diablo Cody.

Alright that is it for now. The picture is from a game last Thursday where I did 6 wounds to some Death Wing Terminators and this was the armor saves. Go go Goats!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Goatboy - Oh my Goodness it is almost Xmas

Woohoo!! I got the wifey things. She has a bday on the 30th so I got her things for that too. She is getting me the body for a Contemptor dread. It will have a Goat head on it because I obviously hate the game. Hehe. A buddy is getting me one too so that one will be a Chaos one as we need one for games locally. Beyond that I might buy myself something 40k. Who knows.

Speaking of 40k - here is my paint list. I have already started cuz I am a jerk.

Plastic Dudesmen - Finished!
Primarch - Finished!
Test Goat Guard - Built and primed!

9 Reaver JetBikes - Finished!

6 Infinity Guys - Finished
4 More Infinity Guys - Primed and sitting in front of me now.

Luis P
10 Necromunda Guys - Built
2 Mordhiem Guys - Built

Michael 3
Ork Flyer - Started the build Process

I also got all the pieces for a small addition to the Ork army I painted last month (small my ass - 40 shoota boyz and 6 nob bikerz hehe). They will have cool heads so look for those starting up soon.

I am excited about this new Goat Guard guy as it will mean I get to paint more goats. Yay for my own personal stuff! I still need to rework a logo and I am just stuck on the design for right now. Might look to a graphic logo for an Icon and then a more cartoon like one for my banner head. I need something different. I also drew up Mortarion and Dorn. Colored Mortarion and Dorn will be coming soon. From there I will color up some of the older ones and continue on my goal to get GW mad at me for drawing the Primarchs for fun. I should just make the Goat Primarch - Goaticus the Mad! In fact I will go ahead and do that damnit. Codex Goat.

Oh I have gotten a few games in with the same - gasp army. I am enjoying this current build so far.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Storm shield, Powerfist, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Rune Priest, Livinig Lightning, JaWs
Elite: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Wolf Tooth Necklace, Cyber Wolves X 4
Elite: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2
Elite: WG X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 1, Combi-Plasma X 1, Powerfist X 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 6, Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon

I like it so far as it moves and has lots of dudes. Not sure if the Wolf lord is needed as much, but it lets me play with Lemmy my super Wolf lord model. He isn't as nutty as I normally make him but he works this way. I wish I could have Logan in there - as it would make my WG scoring. I could probably do that. It would be a monster set of scoring units and that might not be too bad. I wouldn't have the Rock - but still. It could be an annoying list. Blargh.

Now onto the Art and pictures portions.

I thought I had uploaded the Mortarion - guess I didn't. Will do a big art post later on this weekend I swear.


More art to come later on. Probably lists.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Goatboy - Whoa Friday.

This week has been a bit of a paint/art bust. I have drawn stuff - just haven't had time to color it up and make it all photoshop like. I did do the Plastic Dudesmen - it won't burn your eyes like the last one but I think it is pretty funny.

To give you an idea of how they are usually made - Wyatt usually comes up with an idea or I come up with some image - and then the writing happens and I just go from there with the art. lately the art has had a nice boost due to me drawing by hand instead of digitally. My hand drawing is a lot more - structure so it has a lot more confidence in the lines. Hopefully I will get a new upper logo drawn up that fits my brain. I got pieces done - and I just need to magically put them together in photoshop to make the magic happen.

But enough of that - maybe I will do a making of Plastic Dudesmen. Who knows - maybe the 10 or so fans that like it might enjoy it haha.

I got a game in last night with the Goats list I posted. I liked how most of it worked - I missed an assault hammer but still thought it worked well. I want to try adding in a hammer unit in there too - so here are some other thoughts. I also loved the WG walking Long Fangs. They gave me some interesting options and I felt pretty good about that choice. I am not sure on the Scouts as I didn't really need them - plus if I move into a small Death Star I might be fine. Will see if it can fit in the point limits I build out for myself. Oh and in the game Bjorn missed with a TWL lascannon. So someone got cured of whatever they had somewhere.

Anyway - the new thought list adding in things I like.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Storm Shield, Powerfist, Fenris Wolves X 2
HQ: Rune Pries, Chooser of the Slain, JaWs, Living Lightning
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Cyberwolves X 4, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 2
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Melta X 1, Combi-Plasma X 1, Powerfist X 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 6, Wolf Standard, Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, Rhino, Dozer Blade
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon

I think it will be fun - it will give me a mini Deathstar and I can use my super Goat Bro. I just need to make a really cool Goat Iron Priest. I have some made - but they are metal and I hates metal! Metal!!!

That I what I will play this weekend too. Will see if I can dump the Wolf Lord to a Battle Leader and fill out the Plasma Grey Hunter Squad. I just want to play Thunder Wolves haha. And Make a new one. I am actually excited about making some new models too. Woohoo Goatboy gets to paint more Goats!!

I have decided Dozer Blades are a must. I only failed one intial roll - but I was able to go willy nilly through terrain not giving a crap about anything. So thus my decision has been made.

I am hoping to get a Venom done tonight as well as the beginnings of the Wych squad. I hope to also get some base started on some of the Necromunda guys. Whatever I don't finish I hope to hit hard on Saturday morning in between my weekend game. Wish me luck. It is crazy how much better I feel when playing Wolves.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Goatboy - Its Wednesday - Woohoo Late post

Blargh! Late post - just a quick one. Going to start playing new stuff this coming week. I am done for now with the Knights. Going to try and discover something interesting for Wolves and BA - thus the return of the GOATS! It might mean more Goat painting too. Woohoo!

Paint list

Plastic Dudesmen # 39 - NEVER STOPPIN! DUDESMEN 4 LIFE!
Tweak Logo art
Tweak book cover art
Banner art for Store

Randy M
7 Infinity - Need to tweak some faces - I think my flesh paint is acting crap
5-7 More Infinity Models - Need to build - with the rain might not get them primed

Luis P
2 Extra Mordhiem/Necromunda - DONE!
5 More random dudes for Necromunda - Primed!
1 More Mordhiem - Primed
Want to build more - but with the rain it is hard

3 Warriors - DONE!
2 Wyches - DONE!
7 More Wyches - Primed!
1 Venom - Primed!

And probably some ork stuff.

Need to pull out models for Thursday night gaming. Here is the list I plan on bringing up. Will see if this Wolf list works. It has no Long Fangs or Thunder Wolves. It is trying to utilize its ability to be completely mobile.

HQ: Rune Priest, Jaws, Living Lightning, Chooser of the Slain
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Meltabombs, Chooser of the Slain
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Plasma X 1, Combi-Melta X 2, Powerfist X 3
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2, Combi-Plasma X 1, Combi-Melta X 1
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 9, Meltagun, Mark of the Wolfen, Power Weapon X 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Plasmagun, Plasma Pistol, Wolf Standard, Rhino, Dozer Blade
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon
FA: Land Speeder Typhoon

Basic list - will tweak it. Not sure on the Scouts - might look at another Grey Hunter squad instead as it might help shore up some nonsense. Yes it is a rhino wall - but I think it will work. I don't need Razorbacks as I should have enough to deal with things as needed. Plus I like Plasma as a just in case for massed Paladins or other nonsense. It should let me win missions instead of just crushing an opponent too - which is good.

Also tempted to test out this BA list. It is basic and lets me zoom zoom which is what I care about most of the time.

HQ: Librarian, Combi-Melta
Elites: Sang Priest X 1, Combi-Melta X 1, Lightning Claw
Elites: Furioso Dread, Blood Talons
Elites: Terminators X 5, TH/SS X 5
Troops: Death Company X 10, Lemartes, Power Weapon X 2, Powerfist X 1
Troops: Death Company Dread, Blood Talons
Troops: Assault Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL Plasma/Lascannon
Troops: Assault Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL Plasma/Lascannon
Troops: Assault Squad X 5, Meltagun, Razorback, TWL Plasma/Lascannon
FA: Storm Raven, Extra Armor
FA: Storm Raven, Extra Armor

Basic, simple and somewhat effective. That is all I really want to do - go 24 and watch things explode.

But that is it for now - more pics later on this week as I get them uploaded. Fun times indeed! And probably some art too.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Goatboy's - Monday start!

Woohoo - first paint list. It is raining so this might just be a build list. Will see. I had some things primed which I will show down below.

Me -
Plastic Dudesmen - initial idea not coming across
New Logo design - started doing the pieces
BOLScon basic shirts - DONE!
Poster for client - Art part done - poster part not done.
Evil Dreadknight - DONE!

Randy M
Build 10 Infinity Guys - Got them set aside

Luis P
11 Necromunda Guys - Done!
10 + Necromunda/Mordhiem Guys - Need to pull them out

Jens K
7 Wyches - Primed
1 Raider - DONE!
7 Wyches - Need to base and prime - then all wyches done!

Scott M
Start Ork Flyer - It keeps getting put aside as other things pop up - but I want to start one damnit!

So an interesting week. I get to play Santa at the wife's work place this next weekend. It should be fun and the continue jokes of my fattitude will continue. Jerks! Hopefully I will get some time to play some games later on that Sunday with some random Grey Knight nonsense I want to play. I am grabbing some real Space Wolf stuff so I might make a real Wolves army. Who knows. Or I just add to my pile of stuff.

Grey Knight list I want to play - No dreadnoughts!

HQ: Coteaz
HQ: Xenos Inq, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Elites: Purifers X 10, Incinerators X 4, Daemon Hammer X 1, Halberds X 5
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen, Death Assassins X 3, Crusader X 2, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen, Death Assassins X 3, Crusader X 2, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen, Death Assassins X 3, Crusader X 2, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
FA: Storm Raven, Extra Armor
Heav: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Teleporter
Heav: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Teleporter
Heav: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Teleporter

Hits right at 1999 pts. The troops are worthless but it is one of those - push in one direction list. The question is do 3 Jumping asshole Knights work out better then just 2? If I drop to two this list fits at 1850 - for Adepticon. It is a thought - and I can make my crazy Dreadknight idea. It is nutty hahahah.

Alright enough of that - we really need a new edition so I have to make up other nonsense. Models!

Evil Dreadknight - he keeps getting more and more warped via jumping through the warp. WARP!!!

Alright more later on this week.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Goatboy - I know its Wednesday

So sue me haha. I have been busy with work and trying to catch up on some miniature stuff. So first things first - the LIST!

Evil Dreadknight thingie - Built, halfway painted. It is a big mix of a bunch of things - pics will come later on this week.
Tempted to Build a Customer Kharn design - Waiting on bits to come in, but I want to do something crazy with Chaos, orks and other bits.
Plastic Dudesmen - Art bit done - need to color and build
Cover for book idea - Pieces started
Logo for Site - need to build it out

11 Necromunda Figures - Primed and built
Another batch of Mordhiem - In pieces
Probably a small bit of Necromunda - In pieces

Michael S
1 Ork Flyer - that is my plan damnit!

7 Wyches part 2 - Done!
Venom 3 - Done!
Raider 1 - In pieces

Randy M
Build first few Infinity and maybe paint - In Pieces

I will be playing a team event this Sunday. I am teaming up with Jay aka Bushido Red Panda and we are planning on throwing down with Terminator Armageddon. He will have DeathWing and I will be with a bad DraigoWing.

HQ: Draigo
Troops: Paladins X 10, MC Psycannons X 4, Swords X 3, Warding Stave X 1, Halberds X 3, Hammers X 2, Bro Banner, Apoc
Troops: Paladins X 1
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

1495 on the nose. This is a dumb list that is really just me testing out if somethign like this is actually viable. I doubt it but it sure will look fun with the Monkey Dreadknight jumping along with an evil Dreadknight haha.

I got my first list thoughts on Necrons coming this Monday on BOLS. Will post more lists after that as I think the ideas are sound even with the threat of an FAQ making some of the fun not nearly as mean. Will see. I have changed my mind after reading up on some other thoughts and more Theory hammering. Is it the best? No but it does do some mean things to so called best lists. I think even if they change out Entropic strike to happen after the Penetrate the sheer mass of bugs will be more then enough to hurt people.

I uploaded some model pictures so lets check em out.

Oh also it has been forever since I have seen an Anime I want to watch - saw this up on another site and I just want to see it bad. - Check it Crazy Racecar Anime. I just love the dark heavy line work and flat colors.

Beyond this I hope to get a game on Thursday with the Jumping Knights. Something dump and fun that should give me some ideas on where I need to go post Necron. Force the rock to go one way instead of spreading all along my lines. It might work out haha.

HQ: Draigo
HQ: Xenos Inq, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Plasma Siphoon
Troops: Paladins X 10, MC Psycannons X 4, Swords X 3, Warding Stave X 1, Halberds X 3, Hammers X 2, Bro Banner, Apoc
Troops: Paladins X 1
Troops: Paladins X 1
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 1
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Teleporter

2000 pts on the nose and I should lose some games with it. But it will look neat on the table top for sure!

Alright that is it - back to working.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Goatboy - Its Friday!

And I am at work. Bored bored and super bored. Lord it will be a long day - enough that I will be driving home to get things to do. I wish I could have scanned up some of this new comic idea. I will try to do it Sunday so I can post some pics. I think it might be good. It is one of those ideas that got me to draw a quick 7 page story with just one sketch starting it - which is usually a good thing. Will see. I will post it up here to look at too. If it seems neat it might be a weekly comic somewhere out in the webs.

First of all yay UT for beating A&M for the last time most likely. Sad they are leaving. And yes I went to UT. My little brother went to A&M so he can suck it!

Also the continued annoyance of Goatboy well continues. Last week we had a sewer pipe back up (not as bad as it sounds, as we caught it but still sucks and we still got a deal on getting the poo claw thingie cleaning out the pipes). Then the water heater had one part it it. Lucky I had a warranty thingie and 60 bucks later we have better hot water. Then yesterday my exhaust pipe to my muffler disconnected while coming home. So my vehicle got really throaty sounding. It is under warranty as it was fixed when I got rear ended a few months ago, but still it is annoying. At least my wife has a cool job so that makes life easier in general. She is happier, she will have money to spend on her things, and I don't have to feel like a scrouge with money. Yay beer!

Beyond that I want to try and get a game in this weekend. That is my plan. Most likely the tweak Draigo list to test out some more. Will see if it works better with Psybolters getting replaced with PsyAssault cannons. Not sure if it works better. Will see.

Right now I am in a personal mini rut. I don't have anything I need to paint for myself (small changes ie assault cannons, etc) so it is kinda meh. I am having fun with client stuff but still want to paint some things for myself. I got some ideas so will see. A super wolf lord thing, this evil Dreadknight started, and maybe another crazy Evil Draigo build out. Will see as I get closer to needing something to keep myself busy.

Wolves are calling me again - with changes to lists that reflects some new ideas on being able to move around the board instead of being stuck behind terrain as I rain missiles and other nonsense down. Here are the two initial thoughts I had for lists.

Rune Priest
Lone Wolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Lone Wolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Wolf Scouts X 10, Meltagun, Power Weapon X 2, Mark of the Wolfen
Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 6, Storm Shield X 4, Assault Cannon X 2, Powerfist X 3 (One on a non terminator), Combi-Melta
Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2
Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2
Wolf Guard X 10, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2

Just lots of dudes on foot doing what dudes do. Bro out and bring it bro style. I still want to play more Thunder Wolf Armageddon. I guess it depends on if my model thought for the super wolf lord actually gets working. Will see. If it looks cool as my brain magic thinks it does - then we will have the beginnings of a sweet army. Will post that up before long too as I think it has merit still.

Blood Angels is still a neat idea. My current Grey Knight designs gives a rat's ass about Mephiston, but a lot of other builds are scared shitless by the mad glittery doom weasel. The Dual Storm Raven builds will just win games sometimes as they throw nonsense into your throat and you just choke on said nonsense. I just feel like there isn't a whole lot of neat with BA that hasn't already been found. Grr.

Alright that is it for now - I am off - pics of stuff painted later on this weekend. I got more Dark Eldar painted up (Wyches and another Venom), some Necromunda stuff, and who knows what else. Maybe my "evil" dreadknight. WOOHOO!!! And some art too!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blah blah blah - Sunday night

I should have a slow week next week - Thanksgiving and all. I love Thanksgiving - Turkey is one of my favorite foods haha. Hopefully this week will end up working out better then last week. We had some house nonsense last week that continues onto this week. Water heater, pipe to sewer, and other fun times. Lucky I get paid with some model stuff later on this week and my overall buying desire is pretty dead due to nothing new coming out I want to paint up. So all in all fun times.

I will hopefully get a 40k game this weekend. I didn't play this week nor last week so I need to get back on the horse with the Grey Knights to find what I really like. Sorry it still keeps on with Grey Knight nonsense - but I just really enjoy the army. It fits all the aspects I like - 3+ armor, massed T4, shooting, and a pretty decent assault element. That is what I need to be happy. Just wish the models were more evil haha. I guess I have to wait for Chaos Legions :).

Paint schedule will be up and down this week.

Plastic Dudesmen - Not even thought up yet or script written
Logo for website - Drew it up - waiting on customer's approval
Poster design for RM40k - Finish it up
A test drawing design for a future project
Maybe scan my comic - X432 the Barbarian - will post some pics of it here.

Jens K
Venom 1 - FInished yesterday!
Lelith - Finished yesterday
Venom 2 - Need to prime
First batch of Wyches X 8 - Need to prime

Michael S
Ork Flyer 1 - Start this and get the first one built and hopefully paint
Ork Flyer 2 - Start building it

Luis P.
5 Mordhiem mixture - Done!
5 More Mordhiem mixture - Primed
10 More Mordhiem mixture - Need to build and prime

I finished the Speed Freak army last week - waiting on final payment and box to ship it out in and I will have some desk space! Yay! It is a huge army and I am glad to finish it up. From there I don't know what to paint for myself as I constantly look for new things to build and paint up. I might do this jump pack Chaos lord - but I want to tweak it out a bunch to get it ready. Will see. I also want to do a really cool evil Dreadknight thingie - but I am just not finding the drive yet. Oh well.

Models to look at!

And some art!

And my list that I plan on this week.

HQ: Draigo
HQ: Coteaz
Elites: Tech Marine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: Paladins X 10, 4 MC Psycannons, 3 Halberds, 1 Warding Stave, Apocathery, 2 Daemon Hammers, Bro Banner, 3 Swords
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassin X 5, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassin X 5, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

1999 and I think it might work. Testing out if I need the jumpers or not. Plus the Assassins which might be neat as well as on the box Psycannons haha. Will see. That is it for now - onto the next one haha.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Goatboy's Still Dancing with the Knights

I keep thinking Mordrak could do some dirty stuff. I know peeps have thrown down with the Mordrak + Librarian with summoning and bringing some friends along the front line trick but I am wondering can he work as a - Oh SHIZNIT - type of affect that allows more of your army to work.

What I mean is - can you put your opponent off of their game enough to capitalize on weaker units pouring out more firepower due to having more turns to interact with the game. A lot of the time I define my armies based on how long things are supposed to live. When I build a Rock list I expect my rock to usually survive till turn 4 - right when people should start to looking at trying to "win" the game.

When you build lists designed to work this way you can hopefully guarantee that other parts of your army are going to live longer then the normal when it is just a straight shooting gallery type game. Does this always work? Hell no, but still it is something I think about from time to time.

So with that in mind I want to build out a list that tries to work then shock and awe type of game I like to play. So here is a Mordrak list thought -

HQ: Mordrak + 5 Ghost Knights with 2 Hammers and 3 Falchions
This weapon load out lets me dish out a crap ton of attacks or at least get a chance to donkey punch something to death if need be.

HQ: Coteaz
I need scoring units to at least start them game and with such a front loaded designed list I need the cheapest asshole around.

Elites: Venerable Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2 Psybolt
Elites: Venerable Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2 Psybolt

You will see why I picked these in the end. I need a good - surviving scoring unit if need be.

Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TLW Assault Cannon

I need scoring units and starting with 4 is good. Plus if you are not playing Psycannons then you are doing something wrong.

Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator, Personal Teleporter

With Mordrak and these guys - I got a big FU presence that jumps in front, shows you there business, and makes you scared for your family.

This hits at 1998 pts and I think it might have some merit. Give your Knights Scout if you want or whatever other nonsense you think might work. Drop forward, drop fast, and get your business done. Heck - even if they fully reserve drop Mordrak near the front lines and just wait it out as needed. Coteaz joins one of the ghetto boyz and goes from there.

Make the two Ven Dreads scoring and have them sit on their "shiney metal butts" on an objective as the rest of your army moves out and swarms. Not sure if the list is good as it feels like a normal Goatboy - copy and paste list. Other ideas would be to figure out more Henchmen crazy builds and create a cool Dark Mechanicus list too. That is another neat idea that might work also. Drop the two Ven Dreads and create some Assassin builds to help steam some assaults. Still I think this might work for my Goatboy Brain as something fun to try out. Just means I need to create that Evil Dreadknight to add so I at least have 3 to test out. Plus this isn't a try to be tricky Summoning list and just goes for the - FU PUNCH IN FACE RARRRAGH!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Woohoo - Monday! Aroo!!

It's Monday! Another week! Woohoo! I've thought about just not doing Necrons at all. It just doesn't fit into my game style. I will continue on with the Knights and then wait for Chaos. Chaos will be the Alpha and the Omega! The beginning and the end. Or so I hope. I hope with all my evil Goat heart.

Current play list.

HQ: Draigo
HQ: Coteaz
Elite: Tech Marine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Blind Grenades, Storm Bolter, Warding Stave
Elite: Purifiers x 8, Psycannon X 2, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer, Rhino
Troops: Paladins X 10, Psycannon X 4, Bro Banner, Warding Stave, Swords X 3, Halberds X 3, Daemon Hammer X 2, Apoc
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, Searchlight
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, Searchlight
Troops: Henchmen, Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, Searchlight
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

I feel I need to get another punch unit. I might try to a dreadknight in their place too - but will see. This is what I plan on bringing this Thursday to play a game or two with. Will see. I could wound allocate the entire Paladin unit - but that is a pain in the ass.

Um - yeah really that is it - paint list.

This is starting on Sunday - thus why things are done.

Sister thingies for Mordhiem - 9 of them - DONE!
3 Morhiem extra guys - DONE!
Another batch of Mordhiem - hopefully dwarves
Another batch of Necromunda guys - Some new stuff came in

Mike N.
Chinrock - DONE today! Woohoo commission done!

Jens K.
5 Incubi - DONE!
1 Archon - DONE!
2 Haemonculus - Built!
1 Lelith - Built!
1 Venom - Built!

Mantic Space Dwarves - x 2 - Built and Started
Mantic Space Dwarves gun organ - Built!

Evil Dreadknight? - Needing to be built
Plastic Dudesmen - Waiting on Wyatt to write up something
Scan and tweak new comic idea - will post it up here when I get it scanned and grey shaded.

Now some pics too! I took pictures! Yay!

And now some bags.

Woohoo! Done!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Goatboy's Continue Affair with Grey Knights

The Necron book doesn't do it for me - so the continue build craze goes on with Grey Knights - Or Evil Red Knights. I don't care - I play what I want when I want. And try not to be a dick about it. So thus - Evil Grey Knights. Or Thousand Son's Knights. I still have my good ones - and I really might look at selling them off as I don't need them - but still.

Current build design - utilizing Coteaz a bit more and creating a new list that isn't the same - Draigo wing and friends.

HQ: Coteaz
HQ: Libbie, Sanctuary, Shrouding, Might of Titan
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Warding Stave
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Warding Stave
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassins X 6, Crusaders X 4, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassins X 6, Crusaders X 4, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Land Raider Crusader, Psybolt, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Land Raider Redeemer, Psybolt, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Dreadknight, Sword, Incinerator, Teleporter

This is a mean little list with 4 TWL Psycannons - Massed Psybolt Heavy Bolters, as well as an Evil Dreadknight that jumps and punches crap. It will look pretty mean on the table as a fist of Evil Doom is coming at you. Plus there is no Dreadnoughts!

I could drop the Crusaders from the DC units and see about getting another Cheap scoring unit. But either way - it is a lot of boxes - utilizes shrouding and has some funky stuff that can jump out and punch something. I could drop the Knight for other things - A dreadnought or a Ven dreadnought but really I think it will be fun. Plus I get to make an evil dreadknight conversion.

I am also tempted by Wolves again. Something like this.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Storm Shield, Saga of the Bear, Powerfist, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Meltabombs
HQ: Rune Priest
Elites: Wolf Scouts X 10, Meltagun X 1, Power Weapon X 2, Mark of the Wolfen
Elites: Wolf Guard X 10, Powerfists X 5, Combi-Melta X 3, Combi-Plasma X 1, Bike X 1, Storm Shield X 1, Terminator Armor X 2, CML X 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun X 1, Power Weapon X 1, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun X 1, Power Weapon X 1, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Plasmagun X 1, Plasma Pistol X 1, Power Weapon X 1, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino
FA: Swiftclaw Bikerz X 7, Meltagun X 1, Power Weapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta

A none static Space Wolves list. Tempted enough to go with a Preheresy design motif just to do a bunch of jet bikerz with Wolf nonsense. Most likely it will just be the Goats or the Word Bearers.

Still dumb list thoughts and I might bring both to a local Saturday game day. Will see. Pics coming this weekend. I plan on coloring some pictures and having some minis to take pics of as my brain and life get back in line and move forward, busting out some cool minis and shtuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Goatboy - Back from Feast

Sorry for the late update. I don't even have any painted models! Lord it has been kinda busy catching up. I should have a ton of stuff later on this week. Plus some art! I drew a bunch and plan on doing a much larger update with that as well as some bags. But before that - lets look at some list thoughts.

I got 3rd place at Feast losing out to a Daemons list. You might have seen it on the live game show for Feast. I failed a toughness test due to forgetting about Boon of Mutation from Fateweaver. It was to Kenny who is an awesome dude and a teammate from our winning ATC team. If I had to lose it was at least to him. Awesome player and just a great game. I stuck it out and "lost" to victory points after the primary to tertiary was tied. Woohoo! Still I kicked some butt and found the list to be pretty good eating through a Marine Army, Ork Army, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, IG, and Grey Knights. The list did really well and was a huge hammer for most opponents to deal with. In fact - I think the 10 Paladins is just a nice rock to hang your army on too. I think adding in the cheap troops with massed walls and firepower really helps it out.

Quick Rundown of matches.

Game 1 - Seeding round. Actual Battle points - Played a Vulkan list - Vulkan, 5 TH/SS termies, Crusader LR, Razorbacks, 2 Predators and some dudes. He set up for the Alpha strike and I just put Draigo hidden behind some hills. I came on and killed stuff. Paladins came on turn 4 with the +1 - but they came on and killed Vulken and friends. I had blown up the LRC with some inceptors that stayed still. Dakka Dakka. I won the Primary, tied the Secondary, and won the Tertiary. Woohoo!

Game 2 - Ghaz Orks - 2 Wagons, Ghaz, Meganobz, boyz in trukks, 1 batch of lootas, 1 set of Gretchin. Another Pitched Battle set up. I siezed the iniative like a jerk and killed Ghaz's Battlewagon with a glance. Great guy to play and I just go lucky blowing that up. One wagon lived almost the entire game through butt and side shots of my entire army. I immbolized 3 of my Razorbacks on the same terrain. Win for the Goat as Draigo ran across the entire board punching things like a boss with 1 wound left.

Game 3 - Blood Angels - Meph, Corbulo, some razorbacks, 3 Baals, Dante, and some dudes. Pitched Battle set up as I just put the blob there to ensure some beat downs. I sat in the middle and Meph came out. He charged me - he only had one attack from Psychotroke grenades and it went downhill from there. Dante did almost take out Draigo but Superman did his job punching out the Masked dudesmen. Win for the Goatboy.

Game 4 - Damien who built all the terrain for the event with Logan Space Wolves. I have chatted with Damien for a long time. I see him at events all over the place and his terrain he made for the con was awesome. This guy fixes minis and just loves this game. Mission had spearhead deployment and I just set up the Wing to walk around causing problems as is the norm. He had a LoganWing in front of me but he didn't come out to play (a good idea). We played and he stayed put in the back as I picked off pieces and won the game off of Kill Points. Nothing too crazy other then his inability to blow up my guys. I won this game too.

Game 5 - SirBiscuits roommate. First the missions were really good. I thought they had enough variety and I didn't feel any one mission was junk. So good Job on there. Yes I don't like W/L as I will say in one of my games - but as a whole the missions was good. Ted was playing IG and it was a Kill Points primary mission. Dawn of War and I set up with the power T for my paladins and started off waiting for the army to come on the board. I went first, moved back a bit and watched everything come in. I had put my Inceptors and 2 Razorback squads in reserve and they came in after he blazed on. Welp suffice to say I got ride of all 3 Vendettas (cover doesn't help versus massed firepower) and then just pulled back and to the other side of the table where his army wasn't set up. I picked off Chimeras and other bits with my long ranged firepower and won the Primary of Kill Points 7-0. Dropping the Vendettas shook Ted a bit and I knew that he would be playing catch up. If we had to win the majority of the Missions I would have pushed forward with my Paladins and gotten into the mix of things - punching people and doing what Paladins normally do - sometimes win games.

Game 6 - Versus Kenny and the Dream ends. It was Daemons, Crusher, Fateweaver and friends. I had an distinct advantage with Coteaz having Dark Exocommunication. I forgot Fateweaver had Boon of Mutation and I lost Coteaz when he jumped forward and gave him the bad touch. There isn't much else to say other then I lost on about an inch and a d6. Kenny was rolling hot a I poured 40 wounds in Fateweaver after his initial drop and didn't do a single wound. It was nuts I should have killed him and then had an unfun game with Kenny as the Paladins walked around punching Daemons in the dick. Still I stayed in it through nutty dice rolls and made Kenny beat me via Victory Points and not the missions. If one Paladin with the 2+ inv save had survived we would have almost tied as I was only down by like 400 points. Still awesome game and if I had to lose it was at least with my ATC boy Kenny or Nick (even though he knows my army is a foil for his).

Game 7 - CJ who I see all the time in other tournaments. Great guy with a Draigo wing list. He would combat squad his fat 10 man unit (a big no no as 5 guys are much easier to kill then 10). He had a custodias themed list with a Storm Raven, small batches of Purifiers, Libbie and friends. An all or nothing list. He forgot some stuff and just called it as we were both tired. I was about to punch out his Draigo and friends with a charge after dealing with the Libbie and assault Paladins without losing a bro. From there it was just a meat grinder.

So with W/L in mind I think I might have pulled out first with Battle Points. Nick had a lot of close games that would have hurt him while I had a lot of Massacres. The round with Kenny might have taken us both out as we tied down the line. Still it was a fun experiment and I think a tweak could make things much better. I like the all missions are of equal points that the ATC did. It makes it where some armies who really can't win one mission - knows they can push the other two for a "win".

The only changes I think I might do is tweak out some of the Henchmen and drop the Inceptors. Those guys almost died every game and I think I could figure out a better options that would give me the same sort of jump punch mixed with a bit more well - more. Here is my changed list.

HQ: Draigo
HQ: Coteaz
Elites: Tech Marine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: Paladins X 10, Psycannons X 4, Bro Banner, Swords X 3, Halberds X 3, Warding Stave X 1, Demon Hammer X 2,
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Deathcult Assassin X 4, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadknight, Teleporter, Great Sword
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

I could drop the Dreadknight to get more troops or other options - but this is the thought design I think I will end up playing most of the time for Kick Ass games etc. It is mean, and lean. I am finding if you want to play a Paladin fat unit you need Draigo. The GKM is almost there - but being able to take a Lascannon on Draigo is extremely important.

I am also looking at Crons too - here is a thought list

HQ: Necron Lord, War Scythe, Catabomb Barge
HQ: Necron Lord, War Scythe, Catabomb Barge
Elites: Stalker Guy
Elites: Stalker Guy
Elites: Stalker Guy
Troops: Necron Warriors X 10, Ghost Ark
Troops: Necron Warriors X 10, Ghost Ark
Troops: Necron Warriors X 10, Ghost Ark
Troops: Necron Warriors X 10, Ghost Ark
Heavy: Doom Scythe

Basically I make walls and try to shoot the crap out of you. I don't know if it will work - it really depends on how the Stalker looks and the size of it. I am still unsure of Necrons and think Scarabs are not nearly as neat as people want them to be. Of course I play Grey Knights who can shoot the piss out of them and auto blow up blobs of them. The Spyders are easy to kill too with only 3 wounds and easy to see and kill out. Still will see if 6th makes things better.

Oh and painting/art list

Plastic Dudesmen - Done!
Primarchs - Color 2 more
Dumb Barbarian Comic - Drawn - Need to scan and color

Mike N.
15 Lootas - Built - 7 done!
Chinrock - Need to build

Michael S.
2 Ork Flyers

Luis P.
12 Mordhiem Figures - Built - need to prime

2 Mantic Space Dwarves - One Done - Other primed
Mantic Space Dwarves Cannon - Built
Mantic Orx Hero - Built

Lots to do and hopefully finish up this weekend. Pics are coming I swear!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Woot one more day of work

Then it is off to Feast of Blades for some 40k action. Been a really long month and hopefully November will be one to remember. I will finish off some projects, get paid, and refill my savings. Woohoo! Plus I hope to get some other commissions working too.

Right now I am only missing some art and the lootas from the list I posted earlier this week. Fairly decent working schedule and I hope to get more done tomorrow before I get out of here on Friday. For those interested here is my list - I call it "Superman and Batman - Friends Forever!"

HQ: Draigo
HQ: Coteaz
Elites: Tech Marine, Halberd, Rad Grenades, Psycotroke Grenades, Storm Bolter
Troops: Paladins X 10, Swords X 3, Halberds X 3, Warding Stave X 1, Daemon Hammer X 2, Brotherhood Banner
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Searchlight, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Searchlight, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Searchlight, Psybolt
Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 3, Razorback, Searchlight, Psybolt
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

It is basic - filled with a fat nutty unit mixed with cheap scoring assholes. I think it will work fine and play alright enough. I just have to not be stupid and think of the mission at hand. Plus don't out think myself as I have been doing lately. As Nick says - I play better when hung over and not letting the decisions eat me up. I guess I haven't had enough tournament play lately and it has been killing my game. Will see if I can turn it around this weekend.

I will have my pens and markers so if you want a bag drawn I will be there ready to get that shiznit done! Plus I should get some time to get some art busted out too. Look for some drawings coming soon - I have done up some Chaos Marine guys because drawing evil stuff is just cooler.

I can't wait to read necrons - I don't think I will get the army right away as there are too many missing pieces to really get me going. Plus I want a Comtemptor dread that is kicking the crap out of something. Or two - one doing some kind of Kick nonsense while the other is unloading his gun arm into something. Dakka dakka mutha fu#$A!

I do hope the Necrons change up the meta game a bit and let other armies creep out. I think Wolves might be coming back mentally for myself so will see. The Swiftclaw nonsense is really sounding fun as I cover the field in Chaos Horses. Screw the Thunder Wolves - this asshole goes Zoom Zoom!

I also have gotten a Magic Commander deck so I will be playing that from time to time. As most gamers, I played Magic more then a few times and always found the game fun (if cost prohibitive due to the competitive nature of myself). Hopefully this Commander style will stay pretty easy and let us have some fun that isn't so - well d6 related.

Two quick pics and I am outta here.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blargh - New Schedule is hard

I got time to draw things - but painting time is hard. Hopefully I can get it all fixed up in the next few weeks - lucky and unlucky for me I don't have a lot to do right now as things are up in the air on commissions on a few pieces. Beyond Luis's stuff as usual. Too much Necromunda/Mordhiem stuff.

Quick list of stuff to do.

5 Evil Purifiers etc - Done tonight! Yay!
Design Wound Card for Paladin unit - Need to draw it

11 Arbites - Built and primed
3 Mordhiem - Built and primed
3 Necromunda stuff - Built and primed

Michael N.
Battlewagon - Done!
15 Lootas - need to build em

Chris C
Ravager - Built, Magnets, and painted too!

Plastic Dudesmen - Draw it up - script is written
Necron art - Drawn - need to color
1 More Primarch - Color - Angron most likely
2 Logo design - Done up - waiting on approval

That is it for now - list is turned in for Feast - will post it up to look at Wednesday. It is all painted up - all evil and ready to go. I think it will be alright - a bit gimicky but that is life and the Goatboy way. Necron preview was a bit meh - but what else can you do right. We got a week till I get the new book in my greedy hooves. Woohoo!

More art later on and other things hopefully. That is my plan anyway. Now some pictures and then it is time for me to go to bed. Oh and I am starting Magic a bit again. Going to do Commander as it keeps things casual and leaves me out of going nutbar. NUTBAR COMPETITIVE!! Woowhoo. Got some local guys into it too because I am a jerk that can't keep my addiction to myself hehe.

Oh and on Da Boyz - good time for sure. I had fun and was almost there till the end when my Nemesis - Greg Sparks messed me up. I keep over thinking things and don't play to my strengths of just going for the kill. It is my fault and I will hopefully fix that and get onto the ETC team at Adepticon. I was almost there too damnit! I wouldn't have gotten first but I was posed to get 2nd with my scores. I got decent paint scores too - so hooray! The Monkey Dreadknight was a bad idea but that is life. I know more for later and have developed my list more. I think the changes I created towards it for Feast will work good. Oh the feast list is called - Superman and Batman - Friends Forever!

That is it - I will have my Commander deck in Denver too - as well as markers to draw on bags. Get a bag from me and keep me fed at the very least. It has been a very slow month and thank goodness feast tickets were already paid for hah.. Either way I will live and obviously I could use a bit of starving with my desire for happiness donuts haha.