How many have played with the Marine horder? Fitting as many 3+ armor saving, scoring, Jerk Faces into one list? I am thinking that it might be a great option in the field of Razorback Spam and just in general anti mech spam that is out there. If you have 60 guys on the table, that is pretty scary to deal with. So the question is, what Marine army makes for the best horde?
Lets start with the Smurfs -
Troops: 10 Marines, Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Rhino/Droppod - 245pts
Benefits - You can split into 2 5 man squads and instead of a rhino go with a Razorback with two melta options coming out of it. You get lots of bolter shots too and as well as a long range heavy weapon. Combat tactics can be annoying to deal with, as you obviously don't want to shoot the marines and have them get out of assault range. Their rhinos are bigger so adding an HQ means you don't lose access to the heavy weapon.
Cons - The fist might not be needed as depending on what you will use this army for they might just be better off as small speed bumps. They are not an assault force as obviously if they get charged they will only have one attack.
Cost to horde with full 6 squads - 1320 (minus fist) - 1470 (for the above set up). This leaves you with either a small amount of room for HQ or a nice amount depending on the size of your game. Most likely 4 full squads might be a better option to give you more room for Heavies and HQ's.
HQ options that are neat. Calgar is pretty scary in a horde marine list. Letting your guys stick in combat during your turn and getting out during the next is a great benefit. Also with the mass amount of Leadership effecting mind bullets out there, being immune is pretty sweet. Also look at it this way, getting rid of one set of rolls for the game is pretty good to limit the amount of bad rolling that might screw you.
My thoughts Marine Horde list
HQ: Calgar, Bad Ass Armor- 265pts
HQ: Librarian, Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Gate of Infinity, Null Zone - 140pts
Elites: Terminators X 10, Cyclone ML X 2 - 460pts
Troops: Marine Squad X 10, Meltagun, Combi Melta, Missile Launcher, Rhino - 220pts
Troops: Marine Squad X 10, Meltagun, Combi Melta, Missile Launcher, Rhino - 220pts
Troops: Marine Squad X 10, Meltagun, Combi Melta, Missile Launcher, Rhino - 220pts
Troops: Marine Squad X 10, Meltagun, Combi Melta, Missile Launcher, Drop pod, Locater Beacon - 230pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, MM - 60pts
That sits right at 1995. You got 40 marines to score and run around. You got a nutty middle Ground Unit in that big squad of Terminators. I don't see much of anyone wanting to mess with them. You have lots and lots of Missile flying around as well as some melta here and there. Will the list work? I don't know it is just a thought on a way to do a Smurf Marine Horde army.
Lets look at the next one Space Wolves.
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, MoW, Rhino - 205pts
Pros: You get a bolter, ccw, and a bolt pistol as well as counter attack. This means you can safely jump out, bolter the crap out of someone and then most likely get your extra attack as they charge in. 3 attacks a piece on the charge is pretty spicy and many an ork has met the end of my Chainsword as I charged in. Mix that with two special weapon options and you got a really effective cheap unit.
Cons - Leadership 8 sucks. As does not getting a true sergeant in the list. Also the lack of a heavy weapon means that the Razorback becomes an interesting option, but with the lack of combat squading means you will have to make a smaller and less effective squad.
Here are my thoughts on a Horde Space Wolves list
HQ: Logan - 275pts
Troops: Wolf Guard Squad X 10, Terminators X 10, TH/SS X 4, CF/SS X 1, Cyclone ML X 2 - 540pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 220pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 220pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer X 2, Power Weapon, MoW, Rhino - 215pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Meltagun X 2, Drop Pod - 190pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 10, Flamer X 2, Rop Pod - 185pts
Heavy: Long Fangs X 6, ML X 5
So this is a nutty horde of guys on the table. You have 60 scoring units on the table with probably one of the hardest units to deal with in the game, Logan Wing. They hit the center of the board and just control it the entire game, as your Grey Hunters move around the table to deal with things. The only issue is that I worry you have less chance to reach out and deal with someone, thus the two Drop pods. You still have a lot of Long Range firepower and a nice amount of melta as needed. Plus you have some good assault elements too.
Last lets look at the new boys on the block, the Glittery Space Vampires of doom the Blood Angels.
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon, Rhino - 255pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Fist - 250pts
I went ahead and went with both as they are still two good options to look at in the horde Marine army.
Pros - Without jump packs you get a cheap, fast Rhino. They could sometimes get furious charge and have options to get FNP and Furious Charge too. They get 3 attacks on the charge and options for 2 good special weapons with a third option on the Sergeant. They get a Sergeant too.
Cons - They really need to charge when trying to do anything. If they don't get the charge, they become easy to bog down and deal with. The discount for dropping jump packs creates a long range fight style army that has some issues as they are extremely a glass hammer when dealing with their troop once their box pops open. Their special ability really doesn't come into play that often and if it does, hopefully the 1's won't happen later in the game.
Two horde builds, one mech one not obviously.
HQ: Sanguinor - 275pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon, Rhino - 255pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon, Rhino - 255pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon, Rhino - 255pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Flamer X 2, Power Fist, Hand Flamer, Rhino - 255pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Remove Jump Packs, Flamer X 2, Power Fist, Hand Flamer, Rhino - 255pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
Heavy: Vindicator, Siege Shield - 155pts
Yeah I know a super character in the HQ, but with a massed amount of guys, he can be pretty nutty for all of them, providing extra attacks. You need the ML thus all the Typhoons in this list.
HQ: Librarian, Jump Pack, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness - 125pts
HQ: Librarian, Jump Pack, Blood Lance, Fear the Darkness - 125pts
Elites: Sanguinary Priest X 3, Jump Pack X 3, Power Weapon X 3, Infernus Pistol X 3 - 315pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon - 240pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon - 240pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Meltagun X 2, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon - 240pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer X 2, Power Weapon - 215pts
Troops: Assault Squad X 10, Flamer X 2, Power Weapon - 215pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon ML - 90pts
So here is an army that doesn't start on the table and can hit anywhere. The Typhoons are needed, as you will sometimes just need to hurt someone from far away. The only worry about this army, is that you drop all in, and then get shot to pieces. It is an all or nothing type of build, but it could be a lot of fun to mess around with. The amount of Melta is rather insane with the squads dropping with 4 shots and then if they get a Blood Lance off too.
So yeah, there are the 3 new marine build horde styled armies. I have a feeling any future Marine books will have a similar horde feel to them too.