Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blargh - New Schedule is hard

I got time to draw things - but painting time is hard. Hopefully I can get it all fixed up in the next few weeks - lucky and unlucky for me I don't have a lot to do right now as things are up in the air on commissions on a few pieces. Beyond Luis's stuff as usual. Too much Necromunda/Mordhiem stuff.

Quick list of stuff to do.

5 Evil Purifiers etc - Done tonight! Yay!
Design Wound Card for Paladin unit - Need to draw it

11 Arbites - Built and primed
3 Mordhiem - Built and primed
3 Necromunda stuff - Built and primed

Michael N.
Battlewagon - Done!
15 Lootas - need to build em

Chris C
Ravager - Built, Magnets, and painted too!

Plastic Dudesmen - Draw it up - script is written
Necron art - Drawn - need to color
1 More Primarch - Color - Angron most likely
2 Logo design - Done up - waiting on approval

That is it for now - list is turned in for Feast - will post it up to look at Wednesday. It is all painted up - all evil and ready to go. I think it will be alright - a bit gimicky but that is life and the Goatboy way. Necron preview was a bit meh - but what else can you do right. We got a week till I get the new book in my greedy hooves. Woohoo!

More art later on and other things hopefully. That is my plan anyway. Now some pictures and then it is time for me to go to bed. Oh and I am starting Magic a bit again. Going to do Commander as it keeps things casual and leaves me out of going nutbar. NUTBAR COMPETITIVE!! Woowhoo. Got some local guys into it too because I am a jerk that can't keep my addiction to myself hehe.

Oh and on Da Boyz - good time for sure. I had fun and was almost there till the end when my Nemesis - Greg Sparks messed me up. I keep over thinking things and don't play to my strengths of just going for the kill. It is my fault and I will hopefully fix that and get onto the ETC team at Adepticon. I was almost there too damnit! I wouldn't have gotten first but I was posed to get 2nd with my scores. I got decent paint scores too - so hooray! The Monkey Dreadknight was a bad idea but that is life. I know more for later and have developed my list more. I think the changes I created towards it for Feast will work good. Oh the feast list is called - Superman and Batman - Friends Forever!

That is it - I will have my Commander deck in Denver too - as well as markers to draw on bags. Get a bag from me and keep me fed at the very least. It has been a very slow month and thank goodness feast tickets were already paid for hah.. Either way I will live and obviously I could use a bit of starving with my desire for happiness donuts haha.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Woot - Goatboy is back in town!

Got back from the Boyz - my bud Nick aka Darkwynn won the whole thing. Dodge me and I was in it till the end when the good ole Greg Sparks spanked the poor little Goatboy. I need to get my head out my ass and just stop over thinking things too much. Go for the grind versus the trick and just bring it. That is my plan for Feast. Let the dice rolls ruin me not my bad decisions!

I turned in my list - it should work out ok with some new design bits in it etc. I will post it up before I go but I think it will work out good. I call it Superman and Batman - Friends Forever!

Beyond this I am excited about Necrons coming out. I can't buy anything as this last month has just about killed me. So if you are looking at getting some art, minis, etc from me it would be great to have an email from ya. As usual art is $25.00 for most of it and I am lately moving back towards hand drawing stuff. Pictures coming at the end.

Paint list is shorter as my brain gets back into it and then I hit the feast. Fun times haha.

Arms for Libber/GKM guy - DONE!
5 Evil Purifiers - One is done - others have the first two layers on em!

Luis P
Another batch of Mordhiem guys - In pieces - probably dwarves

Michael N.
Chinrock thingie - Need to clean and build it
15 Lootas - Need to build em
1 Battle Wagon - Need to build it too

Michael S.
Get bases done for flyers

Plastic Dudesmen - Art done - need to get wacom pen back to color.
Color 3 to 4 Primarchs!

That is about it - so some models and art too.

Art - Magnus! Woohoo!

Bag Art too!


So yup - quick post - more later on. Again if you are interested in art or anything else shoot me an email to -

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Goatboy's On his way to Da Boyz

Woohoo - going to fly out tomorrow! Hooray! Hopefully I can do alright. This week has been crap for paint so I just did a few small things. But it will change out next week. Hopefully.

Beyond that I am also doing some Primarch art for the hell of it. I got Horus done and I have drawn a few others. Look for colors in the coming week as I finish them up.

But anyway - it is tournament time. If you are interested in getting a bag drawn on I will be there with markers as usual. $25.00 a pop gets you something neat on your bag if you are interested. Here is something I did lately for a bag.

Again if you want a logo for your blog - the cost is also $25.00. Heh.

I need to come up with my Feast list - thinking I will do something that is part of the list I am bringing to the Boyz and will tweak that a bit with some neat options that I think will do alright. I might need to paint some new things too. Lord.

Basic beginnings.

Libbie, 3 Powers
Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psycotroke Grenades
10 GKT, Psybolt, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Swords X 3, Hammer X 2, Halberds X 4
10 GKT, Psybolt, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Swords X 3, Hammer X 2, Halberds X 4
Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Henchmen - Death Cult Assassins X 6, Razorback, Assault Cannon, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

Hits at 1999 - that is what I think it will be. In fact - it makes me smile when I look at it. It splits into Evil vs Good half too.

Techmarine (Plan on rat conversion)
10 Termies

10 Termies
2 Inquisitor squads
2 Dreads

Should look sweet on the table top - give me lots of funky options and work out pretty well. And it isn't purifiers so Chandler won't try to copy me haha.

And now that is it - time to go to bed - getting up at 5ish.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another week - more models done

It never ends for the Goatboy. This week starts the change of not being able to paint at work. It also marks the last week of my old schedule and a change to a new one. I can't double down on time so it means a change up in how I work. The new schedule is 7am to 4pm so I should have time to bust out some models after work. That is my plan anyway.

This week is the in between and I plan on taking a bit of a break, work on some art, and well get ready mentally for the Da Boyz. Mentally in the fact of throwing down dice for 5 games haha. Either way it should be a lot of fun seeing some friends and hanging out with Nick Rose and a bunch of others. I am almost finished with the display board. I need to put more magnets on bases as well as get some flock and other bits on there to match it all up. I plan on doing that tomorrow after work. Woohoo!

I painted up some Mantic Marauders too so look for those reviews to pop up soon too. I finished up all the Deff Koptas as well as some other small bits and pieces this week. Add in a Plastic Dudesmen and I did pretty well for my last "double time" Sunday.

List of what I need to do this week.

Display Board - Almost Done!
Mantic Marauders X 5 - Done!
Mantic Marauder Raptor - Done!

Michael N
4 Deffkoptas - Done!

John H
Tweak 3 Blood Angels - Done!

Luis P
9 Necromunda Guys - Built and Primed!

That is it for the plan - when I get back from Rochester I plan on hitting some other things and get this Speed Freak army out of the house as well. That will help some of my bills hah. From there I will have a Dark Eldar Army coming out and who knows what else haha. Lots of stuff.

I am still trying to figure out my Feast list. It will probably be 2 Dreads, 2 Terminator squads and a bunch of other things. Who the hell knows haha. I really like the two fat squads of termies. I sent Chandler a list that I will probably end up playing - but I still want to do some tweaking as usual. Of course if I do that I end up making something nutty that won't work and I eat a crap ton of sadness donuts. Sad panda indeed :(.

This is tempting me - I just like how solid the base feels.

HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Psybolt, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator

Not sure if this will work well - but 20 hard to deal with troops is kinda neat. I have to make an Evil Inquisitor for the other side but it might be neat. I got almost everything else. If I drop one Terminator squad (still have to get another troop or two) - go with two more GKSS with Razorbacks and I might have something super mean.

HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Meltagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt
Elites: Techmarine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Warding Stave, Storm Bolter, Servo Skull X 2
Elites: Purifiers x 8, Psycannon X 2, Halberds X 4, Warding Stave X 1, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Daemon Hammer X 2, Swords X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: GKSS X 5, Psycannon X 1, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

This list I only need to make one guy - another Inquisitor. It does feel dirty enough for sure. Dakka dakka baby. Chandler?

Models - lookie!

And some art!

That's it. I am done! Woohoo!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lord - Comments are fun hah

It's always fun to read the comments as people just get into the gang of - lets be crappy haha. At least they liked the art. Oh well - eat it haha. Will see if someone will tell me to my face - in fact the ones I read comments from haven't yet :). Will see. But enough of that - let's write my list to paint this week.

5 Evil Termies - Built and Primed

Mantic Warpath - Orxs X 2 - Built and Primed
Mantic Warpath - Buggie thingie - Built and Primed

Luis P.
2 Mordhiem Beastmen - Built and Primed
3 Undead Gang - Built and Primed
3 Dwarves - Built and Primed

Michael N
3 Deff Koptas - Built and Primed
3 Deff Koptas - In a bag
4 Deff Koptas - In a Bag

More ork stuff too - need to get my drill going and just build em up and paint em.

Then some art
Plastic Dudesmen #31 - Eat it jerks!
RM40k Superguy - Got the idea design - need to draw it out
3 More character designs - Drawn need to color em

Should get more painting done this week to try and catch up on other things. Spent the day playing some 40k with my Daemons. Really finding a "game" with Knights to be kind of hard as most don't want to throw down. Hopefully Necrons will make the issue go away as people bitch about the new army hah.

I think for Feast I am going to go back to Purifier spam. I just like playing lots of tanks damnit. Lots of em! So suck it! Heh.

Beyond the little beginning gripe how goes the game for everyone? I am alright with it - enjoying painting more. It makes me want to buy some of the new stuff. Of course I need to finish some work to catch up on some monies. This month I had to buy too many things due to plane tickets, life stuff, and just well more life stuff haha. I should be ok as I finish everything off this month.

So I will be at Da Boyz if you want some bag art. As well as Feast 2 weeks later. Like some kind of jet setter!!

But yeah - that is it - basic day. Pics to come later on this week.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Woohoo - Thursday - or is it Friday

Just writing this up as I catch up with some TV with the good wife. Hooray for DVR's! Lord I got two more weeks on my work schedule before I finally settle into a normal life a bit. It does mean less painting but hopefully I can get time after work to throw in a good solid 3 hours a day into it. That is my hope anyway haha.

I finished up some stuff and got some models cleaned up. Woohoo - hoping to get my termies done for my Da Boyz list. In fact - here is the list I turned in.

HQ: Librarian, Shrouding, Sanctuary
HQ: Malleus Inquisitor, Psycannon, Terminator Armor
Troops: GKT X 10, Bro Banner, Daemon Hammer X 2, Sword X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKT X 10, Bro Banner, Daemon Hammer X 2, Sword X 3, Halberds X 4
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator

1850 pts - sits at 75pts on the Rubric from what I can look at. Will see. I need to paint 5 more termies and my super Monkey Dreadknight is coming with me! Eat my righteous flame!

I had written another SW list too that I almost went with. It would have been the Word Bearers army as I think it looks better then the Goats - but I decided not to throw down with it. But here is the list for that.

HQ: Wolf Priest, Bike, Runic Armor
HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Saga of the Hunter, Storm Shield, Powerfist
Elite: Wolf Guard X 10
Wolf Guard 1 - No upgrades = 4
Wolf Guard 2 - Combi-Melta, Powerfist = 2
Wolf Guard 3 - Powerfist, Storm Shield, Bike = 1
Wolf Gurad 4 - Combi-Plasma, Powerfist = 1
Wolf Gurad 5 - Terminator Armor, CML = 2
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 9, Meltagun, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino
Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino
FA: Swiftclaw Bikers X 10, Meltagun, Powerweapon, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta
Heavy: Long Fang X 6, Missile Launcher X 5

Pts = 70 on the rubric. I has enough Missiles to hurt stuff as well as enough other random cool options to hit all points on the chart. If I didn't have to paint up a ton of more Biker/Warhorses I would think about doing it. Hell I might look at it for Feast as it is 2000 pts which means I can jump into some other options in the set up. Plus 10 Horse guys sounds awesome on the field as they zoom up the table top.

So what things have you guys been watching TV wise? I've been on a Fringe kick and really can't wait to watch the second episode. I like Dexter too (hooray working for the cable company and getting freeish TV). Boardwalk Empire is always cool and then all the funny stuff. South Park was good too. Lots and lots of good stuff. Haha - damned TV.

Some models to look at too!

This weekend - finish 5 Termies - Build out some Deff Koptas - already finished 5 today. And well maybe look at some other stuff too. Woohoo!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Woohoo - this week!!!

Alright - got one game in with a test list for Da Boyz - going to change it up a small bit I think to make it overall better in the long run - instead of just being annoying versus certain lists. The core is still there - just need to get the bits and pieces at the top and bottom ie - Heavy and HQ. I got some ideas - and I think I don't need certain pieces of wargear as it limits my play style instead of creating a better game.

So with a quick on - here is my paint list. I already did stuff today so there will be some finished things.

5 Evil Terminators - DONE!
5 more Evil Terminators - need to get them
Finish Cryx Battleforce box - DONE!

3 Heralds of Tzeentch - Built & Primed

Michael N
10 Kommandos - Done!
5 Deff Koptas - Need to build them out ie snap em together and prime!

Luis P
Mordhiem 6 Man Undead Gang - DONE!
Another batch of 10 Mordhiem - Need to pull them out and prime em up

Scott M
Start building Ork Plane 1 - Just gonna start to build it

5 Manowar thingies from Khador - Built & Primed
Plastic Dudesmen - DONE - the art on this one is bad ass

Color some character designs

Rocky Mountain 40k
Finish the Flyer design

Woohoo! So yeah a big week if I can finish it. I don't think I have anything going on this weekend. So woot!

And here are some of the models even!

So yeah - so here is the core list for Da Boyz

Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition

This hits at 1470 - it is still 40 bodies on the table top which is good. I can go a bunch of different directions.

HQ - Librarian, Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might of Titan
HQ - Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon

245pts right there - leaving me enough room to get either a TWL Autocannon Dread or a Henchmen unit designed to bring some trouble.

Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt - 135pts
Rogue Psykers X 8, Crusaders X 3, Mystic - 135pts

One gives me a Str 10 blast sometimes with a Beacon as well as some 3+ saves to keep guys alive?

I could just amp up the units a bit more with the 135pts. Get Psybolt on each of the termie squads and maybe make the other Inquistor a psyker with tricks. This gives me a 75 on the Comp system which is pretty nice.

Another option would be to just take a straight henchmen unit -

Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TWL Assault Cannon

This is expensive - but gives me some options to add a servo skull/FU infiltrator option as well as giving me another Assault Cannon that is TWL. And Plasma. I am going towards that one as a unit that is in reserve and can come out and help at times.

So the "final list". Who the hell knows. I think it gives me what I want.

HQ - Librarian, Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might of Titan, Dark Exocommunication
HQ - Malleus Inquisitor, Terminator Armor, Psycannon, Servo Skull
Elites: Henchmen - Warrior Acolyte X 3, Plasmagun X 3, Razorback, Psybolt, TWL Assault Cannon
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKT X 10, Psycannon X 2, Bro Banner, Halberds X4, Swords X 3, Daemon Hammers X 2
Troops: GKSS X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition
FA: Inceptors X 10, Psycannon X 2, Psybolt Ammunition

Hits 1850 on the nose - with 75pts for the comp.

Only -5 pts for nothing in the heavy slot for Group 1 to allow for the second HQ slot from group 2. So not too shabby.

I dropped Rad Grenades and Psycotroke because well - they are either not fun for you or not fun for me. I can deepstrike the entire army if I want and I should have enough scoring. Will it work? Who the hell knows haha. What are your thoughts?