Monday, January 25, 2016

What is this - a post?

Well lookie here I did another post - in a little bit over a week.  Yay!  Knocking this one out real quick as I start to burn through some things before LVO.  I got a quick Sisters paint and update etc.  Fun times indeed.  I ended up switching my LVO army to the GK/BA thing as it should be more fun - and give me some better match ups.  In any event this big there is no way to guarantee match up wins etc.  Just too many people and variables.  You just have to hope you don't get paired up with a rough army piloted by a strong player.

Paint list

BOLS Article X 2 - Need to get 2 in before I leave
Not much else - some art most likely and something to help me remember psychic powers

More grey bikers - getting to the home stretch to knock them out.

Nick R
More half yellow/black bikers - Carls first then Nicks

Mike K
Sisters - 3 cool looking Immolaters died in the shipping - we think cold weather snapped the resin into pieces.  Either way I have 2 more to knock out out of Rhino combinations and parts that survived the shipping

Stuff I swear that is on the dock - just too much get done now asap stuff in line

More Iron hand stuff too

There are some other commissions getting set up too - so will see.  Maybe some different things.  Right now I drew up a bunch of stuff - can't show one thing and need to get paid to show the other.  Kinda frustrating but again - it just means I need to take payments up front.

Alright - Final LVO list - GK/BA

GK Nemesis
Librarian, Lvl 3, Daemon Hammer, Library Book for Extra Santic - Rolls all Santic powers
Purifiers X 10, Daemon Hammer X 1, Incinerator X 4
Purifiers X 10, Daemon Hammer X 1, Incinerator X 4
Strike Squad X 5, Daemon Hammer

Tactical Squad X 5, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Tactical Squad X 5, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Tactical Squad X 5, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod

Librarian Council Formation
Tiggie Smalls
Librarian, Lvl 2, Force Axe
Librarian, Lvl 2, Force Staff

That's the final list - I added in Daemon Hammers to help me kill things as I feel that's what was missing from Mop up service.

Psychic Rolls are the following - GK Librarian all 4 rolls on Santcic
Mephiston - Rolls all on Biomancy - since he only gets 2
Tiggie Smalls - Most likely on Divination - wants Misfortune
Libby 2 - Telepathy - trying for Shrouding or Invisibility
Libby 3 - Depending on how Libby 2 went - could go towards Biomancy for a chance for 2 Enfeebles

It seems fine - hopefully I get one gate so I can shoot around the table.  The plan is to hit where they need to be and try to break as much stuff down as I can with Novas and flamers.  Will see haha.

Been randomly thinking of a biker list.  Since I have been panting bikers - this is the terrible thought in my head.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Detachment
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe
Chaplain, Bike
Ravenwing Command Squad X 6, Apocathery
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2, Attack Bike, MM
Ravenwing Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2, Attack Bike, MM
Dark shroud, Assault Cannon

Librarius Conclave - White Scars
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe, Meltabomb, Hunter's Eye
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe, Meltabomb
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe, Meltabomb
Libby, Lvl 2, Bike, Force Axe, Meltabomb

Idea is the WS Biker Libby's join all the different Grav units - they gain skilled rider and can do dumb stuff.  The 2 Melta squads are suicide squads designed to hurt stuff.  The 2 DA libby's join the Black Knight unit with the Chaplain as a clean up option. Da Libbys roll on DA power to try and eff with things by giving minus's to WS/BS/Etc - the WS libbys roll for whatever I think I might need - Telepathy or just a ton of damage options.  It might work - it would cover the table in idiots and survive versus Gladius for a bit once they kill the Hunters Eye jerk.  Reroll 3+ jink saves seem pretty good.  Don't know if the Dark Shroud is needed so that could go away and give you something else to throw in.

Alright enough of this - some minis and stuff.

More Grey Bikers!

Squad 4 of my evil DA bike like thing - only 2 more squads to at least get that dumb army above made.

Mo iron hands!

One missing Sister that is painted - just was in the box lost to the darkness.

Inquisitor from that Russian model company - pretty nice.

Tech Priest

Combo Rhino thingie.
Beer logos!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Post Post Post Post! - YAY!

I've been trying to write this for a couple days.  Work has been crazy, birthday this last Wednesday, and then not feeling awesome a day after the birthday.  If you know me - lactose is my enemy and I paid for it with some ranch.  Damn you!!!

So with that - lets get to posting.
Paint List
BOLS article - got an idea - maybe it will be good.
Art for logo thing - drawn need to tweak
Art for Adepticon Team that I do for a group of guys every year - need to redraw
Build/paint another 3 bikes for LVO army if I want to have different looking stuff  -
Maybe tweak some Dark Angel bikes using knife and pain

Finish more bikes!  I am not far away from the basic bikes then a bunch of attack bikes.  Looking to get a lot knocked out this weekend

More Iron hands - got 11 sitting on the paint tray - 5 done 6 of them left out of that batch

More bikers to do and maybe Tau later on

Some random stuff - will pull out soon as I get out of bike apocalpyse

Techpriest - done
2 Sisters - primed
Some tank thingies and I think more sisters?

Who knows what else - I got people asking me to do stuff - maybe some daemons - maybe some other things - will see.

Played a local 3 round ITC event with my initial LVO list.

WS CAD / Knights Baronial

Tech Marine, Bike, Conversion, Hunters Eye
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Meltagun X 2
Bikes X 3, Meltagun X 2

Baronial Court
Double Gun Knight, Battlecannon, Ironstorm thingie rocket (cheaper one)
Warden Knight, Ironstorm thingie rocket
Warden Knight, Ironstorm Thingie rocket

RD 1 - Foot Nids
Guy wasn't feeling well and we have played this match up before. I ended up stomping things away and the ignore cover conversion beamer kills malanthropes pretty good.  He quit on me and it sucked cuz I didn't know how rough my army was coming in.  I should have brought something easier as it was a more fun event - my bad on this one.

RD 2 - Marine formations - Skyhammer, Cents in pod, some white scars etc
This one had my knights weather all the shooting first turn, then kill both sets of Devs first turn.  Survive the next batch of centurions and then my stuff comes in, ignores cover and shoots things.  I just shot things all day killing anything that I saw.  Barrage did a lot of wounds, just didn't kill stuff :(.  Still I think it works.  No Knights died.  Ended rd 4 with a table.

RD 3 - War Convocation
Round 1 - Baron survived the Haywire shots with 1 Hull point - I killed everything that came including the pods.  Next round the Baron died to the drop in Grav guys - I think killed all of them leaving 1 knight and some dudes across the field.  Player conceded.

Overall the army worked well - the bikes helped out, I had enough guns to do what I wanted and the Tech marine pulled some nonsense with down range ignore cover shooting.  Strength 10, AP 1 is a bit rough when you can get it.  You can kill those guys hiding in the back field.

I ended up winning as I maxed each round.  I won the random prize to so enh... good times.  Paid for most of a Culexus assassin with the prize so not too bad.

Overall I liked the army and played another test game versus a Wolf Star with White Scars.

Played this
Tech Marine, Bike, Conversion, Hunters Eye
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Meltagun X 2, Attack Bike MM

Baronial Court
Knight Warden, Ironstorm
Knight Warden, Ironstorm
Knight Warden, Ironstorm

Round one - I started to barrage out doggies.  And put wounds on the Command squad and Chapter Master.  His Centurions came in, landed a bit off and I was able to get a charge off with a Knight to remove them all.  After that I just put wounds on the big blob and started to kill off stuff.  Chapter master died to an exploding Knight as he got taken out by 2 Iron Priests and a WGBL.  No 6's were rolled for the Stomps and one on the Sword attacks that ate a poor doggie.  Once I killed the Chapter Master we called it as I could just kill everything on the board between 2 knights and a bunch of Objective Secured Bikes.

So far the list I want to bring for LVO looks like.

Tech Marine, Bike, Conversion, Hunters Eye
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bikes X 3, Meltagun X 2
Bikes X 3, Meltagun X 2

Baronial Court
Knight Crusader, Battlecannon upgrade, Ironstorm
Knight Warden, Ironstorm
Knight Warden, Ironstorm

I need to see if having the one set of Battle Cannons is worth it.  I think it might be but who knows.  The Meltaguns are enh but there are times you want to just murder a Drop pod and these guys will do it.

Will see if I get another test game or two - I want to try out Gerantus to see if he works out and is something worth wile to add in.  Will see.

Here are some stuffs.

Did some quick Kingdom death stuff for BOLS.

Bikers for Carl - getting there.

My new bikers for my Armies - utilized as Grav gun bikes or Meltagun bikes for KDK - got this KDK idea but I need another thirster.

Walking Tech marine with  Conversion beamer - Idea is to use him with some Centurions to split fire off with the beamer. I had random bits left over after conversions.  If someone wants him shoot me an email.

Iron hands - more incoming next post.

Friday, January 1, 2016

My Week Break is almost over

I didn't do nearly as much as I wanted - fixed some Frontline Articles, painted a few things. wrote up some BOLS stuff, and even almost finished Jessica Jones.  So not a terrible week.  I checked out what I need to do work wise on Monday at the real life job and it will be a long one.  Hooray!

So anyway onto stuff.  I got some things in the works as I try to figure out my LVO list.  I am playing an ITC event at the Lair on Sunday.  Wife said I could go and I even painted the HQ character for it.  It was a sweet conversion and I wanted to paint it as soon as I finished building it.  Pics to come in a few paragraphs.

Man I did this post out of order haha - lets do a paint list.

Depending on how the event goes - might be some bikes to add to the other bikes I have to do.
BOLS article for the next week
Art for a banner
Maybe some pages of a comic book thingie
Who knows what else - might start figuring out a Horus Heresy army

Open box pull out minis from different game

9 More bikers to finish his initial order and then see what he wants from there.

Reprised bikers when the weather isn't weird - last time it powdered - tested the primer again and it went on fine - had to scrub these models to get new primer on - so here is hoping on Monday as the rain is coming.

Iron Hand guys - have to build a unit of 5 - figure out some sarges and special characters
Pull out some others to do too.

Hopefully next year will be good with work and projects.  Currently the normal job is doing alright - just busy as hell.  It should mean a good raise and promotion stuff so the constant need to hustle up side work might not be needed.  Just means I can pick and choose work a bit more and maybe save the cash from the plastic crack creation.

Kid is doing good - he is full on walking like a drunk little baby - yelling at things, chasing the cat, and just becoming that annoying boy we all knew he would be.  He has gotten big and it is funny as he talks a ton to you with the same "language".  I will say becoming a parent is one of the greatest things in the world - no matter how much sleep you lose haha.

Alright - army lists.

This is what I am looking at playing for the Lair event and Maybe LVO - tweaks shown at the end

White Scars CAD
Techmarine, Bike, Hunters Eye, Conversion Beamer, Meltabomb
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2

Knight Formation: Baronial Court
Knight Warden, Stormspear Rocket - Baron
Knight Warden, Stormspear Rocket
Knight Crusader, Battle Cannon Upgrade, Stormspear Rocket

Idea is to use the Barrage Rockets to try to pinpoint out certain things - heavy weapons, dreams, etc.  The range is huge so I can just play a bit timidly - plus I have 5 Obj Secured bikers to run around.  The Hunter's Eye Conversion Beamer is just for me to try out as a long range, Str 10, Ap 1 blast that ignores cover seems pretty decent.  Plus it has no Psychics - as I haven't had luck with damned Mind powers even with the new GK/BA set up.  Annoying as hell.

The other idea was to pull in Gerantius guy - and see how a 2+ Front Ion shield plays out.  I don't like his lack of weapon upgrades but heck - at 500 points he is just way to expensive.  Will see - the other thought is to just say screw it and go with 3 CCW Knights and rush in.

Techmarine, Bike, Hunters Eye, Conversion Beamer, Meltabomb
Techmarine, Bike, Conversion Beamer, Meltabomb
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Grav Gun X 2
Bike Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2, Attack Bike, MM
Bike Squad X 3, Meltagun X 2, Attack Bike, MM

Gallant Lance
Knight Gallant, Stormspear
Knight Gallant, Stormspear
Knight Gallant, Stormspear

It just seems fun - you go hard, fast and get involved.  Might be better to do it as a Baronial Court to get some +3 Ion Shield love.  Its an idea.  I think I just like building the Conversion beamer Biker hehe.

Heck I thought about this just Pure Dakka set using the first Bike set up with 2 Crusaders - one with Meltacannon and then one Baron as a Warden with a Storm Spear rocket.  Will see how well the Storm Spears do.  I still want the creepy knight from FW.  Will see.

Anyway - enough of that how about some painting.

Really happy with this Conversion.  Its part Kataphron stuff plus some other random bits.  Woot - he is ready to go!  I am starting to go much more shell shaded with my painting so the breaks between shades are harsh.  It pops on the table top.

Finishes off the Assassins.

Woot - first 5 Iron Hands.

Iron Hand Characters 

A rhino looks pretty beat up.

Old Iron Hand leg combo with arms and added stuff.  Crazy metal models.

New style Cell Shadied - heavy Pop of colors and breaks.  Nick liked it so yay!  It did suck to paint as I tried to figure things out.  Next one done in this style will be a lot better.

Finishing off some 3 legged squig art.

Zero Comp Calories.