Finish 4 Nob bikerz and Warboss - Completed
Paint BW - Completed
Put together some IG Guys - Maybe tonight?
Paint said IG Guys - Maybe tomorrow?
Start Painting Stompa - Weekend?
Build Test Space Goat Guy and maybe paint - Wednesday?
Put together Ironclad Dread - Maybe Wednesday
Put together Zagstruck - Maybe Wednesday
Figure out Lightbox for website - Bam done that - gallery updated will update clients with the new shiznit
Figure out OSCommerce for website for future prepainted service and selling - Not even close
Big week for me. Lucky for me, my work is fairly lax most of the time so I got a lot of freedom to work on stuff. The best thing is I figured out Lightbox - woot. It is a nice java thingie that is good for galleries. I can create little galleries with next and forward options. It looks neat and fancy as you open it up. The gallery on my painting page has it running. I also have figured out more options with my camera so look for better pics too. Fun times eh? I swear, learning web shit is annoying. I missed the high school classroom by about 2 years. It is depressing to think some 13 year old kids are better at software then me. Oh well - hope for the future eh?
Tweak to the Space Puppies list I posted on BOLS and this site. Is this better?
HQ: Njal
HQ: Wolflord, Saga of the Bear, Thunderwolf mount, Frost Axe, Fenris Wolves (2)
HQ: Wolflord, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Thunderwolf mount, Thunderhammer, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves (2)
Elites: Wolf Guard (3), Combi-Melta (3), Power Fist (3)
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, Powerfist, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, Powerfist, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, Powerfist, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, Powerfist, Mark of the Wulfen, Razorback
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Mark of the Wulfen, Powerfist, Plasma Pistol, Meltabombs
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Mark of the Wulfen, Powerfist, Plasma Pistol, Meltabombs
I think this might be a tougher list and something I will build towards. I just don't want to get more LRC (even though I will buy them). The site of 12 Juggernauts does make me laugh. Thoughts? Opinions? As usual this is an evolving list. This is my adepticon build, with a cool board and everything. Should be fun and quick, with enough dakka to make me feel alright heh. Ways I can add more dakka, drop 2 Thunderwolfs for a dakka pred. Almost could get 2.
But yeah thoughts anyone? Also look for some art coming in the next week or so. I got an inkling to get something done. It is just driving me crazy as I think about it, so something will come out.

3 comments:'s crap. =|
It is a stupid list - but it should be "fun" Mr. No Fun Pants! heh.
No that's Aaron who is Mr Pants.
I have lots of fun armies.
All easily beaten with a balanced force and a modicum of intelligence.
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