Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, or Tuesday - or whenever I get time to write this hah!

Blargh!  I think the Goats are gonna come out at first as the crazy super list I posted the last time.  I want to test it out to see if it works.  If it does - then I need to figure out some Thunderfire cannons.  That is the one thing I want to play with.  Or I just go with a CSM list as my Feast army is off to Denver most likely.  Hooray!

Paint list
Built a Heldrake - want to paint it so will see.
Daemon Prince for  Foodhammer army thing - built it will need to paint it up.
Test Tech Marine on a bike - Done!
Plastic Dudesmen - Script in - will draw next two days
More Art for Mr. Walsh
Probably more art as usual

Riptide - Done!

LoTR - 10 Rowan Done!
10 Elf guys - primed
Flesh Tearers - Might do a Dreadnought to get the color idea.

I am sure other things will come up.  I always paint more stuff.  I want to do some conversion work stuff too so will see.  I like to build things heh.

I've turned in my Feast list so might as well show it.

Daemons/Black Legion Ally

HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Giift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3
HQ: Sorcerer, Bike, Veteran of the Long War, Gift of Mutation, Sigil of Corruption, Hand of Darkness, The Last Memory, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar (AKA FAT PANTS!!)
Troops: Horrors X 10
Troops: Horrors X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Screamers X 9
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN

Basic and fast.  I went with the Spawn and Sorcerer to give me another caster plus a way to punk a Wraith Knight with the Hand of Darkness.  Plus the extra spells you roll with the Heralds will have a nice place to rest on the Spawn.  Forewarning on spawn with Endurance is pretty spicy.  Still it should work out ok.  The list needs to get reviewed by Feast but it appears right haha.

I will give the list a play just to feel it out I hope on Thursday.  After that it is random Goat lists to find the bike army that fits me.  Or something.  I just have too many Goat bikes damnit haha.

I wanted this to be longer but I am tired as crap.  Odd day with work as I turned down a job that paid a bit more but the hours would mean no real wife time or friend time.  The extra money is alright but I am not hurting right now which makes my wife happy as I don't bitch anymore haha... thanks mom for making me a crazy bill person... but I haven't lived paycheck to paycheck for awhile so I am finally feeling alright.

Hopefully I can find some time to sketch this week to catch up on some art.  There is some below so check it out.  Again if you are interested give me a shout - $25.00 for most work.

Stuff I painted and drew.
Finished off the Riptide like a boss!
How I think Tech Marines should be set up, Auspex, Bike, Lit Claw

Wha?? LOTR... and Flesh Tearers coming.

Art for Mike Walsh - will have changes later on.

Design for  Caleb from White Metal Games.  Happy with this art for sure.  It has that night creep factor and I like the two tone metal effects.  Again if people want art for banners etc, shoot me an email.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday Fun day!!!

Yay - I made it throw another week.  Hooray!  I actually painted a lot of stuff too.  Didn't do as much art as I wanted too - but hey you do what you can right.  I have been slowly thinking of Marine armies and ways to make Deathstars.  I just love a crazy strong push unit that forces your opponent to turn, engage, and deal with.  It is a pain in the butt and one of the things that defines "my lists" that I always try to bring.

I don't get to play to much lately so I need something that fits in a style I am used too.  I am the hammer player and I need to smash my army into an opponent.  I think that is the key to playing is either know your army or know the style you need to play.  Everyone is different and I think finding that right style makes this game enjoyable for you.  Plus I am trying to figure out what the hell to do with my goats.

Deathstar # 1 - Marines - Iron Hands Main + Space Wolves side.

HQ: Chapter Master, Bike, Eternal Shield, Thunder Hammer, Artificier Armor - 250pts
HQ: Captain, Bike, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Artificier Armor - 175pts
HQ: Wolf Lord, Bike, Runic Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Saga of the Bear - 250pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Bike, Runic Armor, Meltabombs, JaWs, Living Lightning - 160pts
HQ: Command Squad, Bikes, Grav Guns X 3, Apocathery - 195pts
HQ: Tech Marine, Bike, Lightning Claw - 85pts
HQ: Tech Marine, Bike, Lightning Claw - 85pts

Total = 1200pts

Eff... that is bonkers - but friggin hilarious.  Let's fill the rest out.

Troops: Scout Squad X 5 - 55pts
Troops: Scout Squad X 5 - 55pts
Troops: Scout Squad X 5 - 55pts
Troops: Scout Squad X 5 - 55pts
Troops: Grey Hunters X 5, Flamer, Razorback, TWL Lascannon - 150pts

Total = 370pts

Now we need some BS to cause problems.

Heavy: Thunderfire Cannon - 100pts
Heavy: Thunderfire Cannon - 100pts
Heavy: Stalker - 75pts

Total = 275pts


The idea is that this super death squad can move up - engage and just cause problems.  You turbo the first turn, and then break apart as needed.  The Tech Marines are there to ensure all your side has better cover saves for your jerks as well as being sacrificial units to eat over watch from some of the bigger over watch armies.  Plus you can break out, hit like 7 units if everything is alive.  That is great to remove those pesky Wave Serpents.

The Two Thunderfire cannons should be hitting anything on the board and removing those troops that like to hide out.  You drop he pain and just watch as people scramble to figure out how to remove them and this killer unit.  You could swap the Rune Priest for a Wolf Priest and the unit is fearless and a pain in the ass.

I have so many random scouts too haha.  It might be worth it to proxy it up and see if it even works.  I can it Fist Puncher 4000!

Models to look at.

Random D&D figure for Co-workers wife.

I need 6 Daemonettes for portal fun!

Zoom zoom more red Orks!
Got a tech marine built as well - figured if I wanted to do that stupid Marine plus DA army or just see if a client wants it.  Just an idea I wanted to put together.

Woot - just got a riptide left.

More art coming hopefully this weekend.  I have a concert to go to Saturday night (Black Crowes - wife loves em) and I hope to have time to finish the Riptide this weekend as well as some art.  Lots to do as usual for the Goatboy.  At least my feast list is built and painted.  Woohoo!  Will talk about it once it gets closer.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goatboy - Locked in my Feast list - will post it later

Don't want to give too much away.  It is Screamer Star but with some friends.  Will see how it works out in the end.  It might not be terribad.  I think there is another idea for wacky stuff - so will talk about that instead.  Woohoo!

Let's get my paint list for the week.

Terribad Plastic dudesmen - Need to get one done duh!  Will see how much hate we get on this one.
Article for Monday - It is a marine one and I am sure I will get some hate on it - counts as heh
6 Daemonettes - Need for my army in case I want to summon them to run to an objective.  I have some somewhere and I think they are built
Whitemetal Games art - got an idea - didn't like the initial drawing - planning on doing it again
Ocelot Art - Done!
Frontline Gaming Art - Done!
Endless Games Art - Hated the initial drawing - working on something else
Character art for Bols Videos - got two to draw up
Update website with new stuff - I did a huge update a few days ago so if you go to fullofmonkey you can see lots of client updated pics.

16 Kroot - Done!
2 Broadsides plus Drones - in boxes!
1 Riptide - in a Box!

5 Immortals - Done!
1 Obyron - Done!
1 Trukk - In pieces down stairs

Lotr - the reckoning begins!

2 Test orks - Done!

More Steel Legion when models get ordered and sent in.

More Daemons to add to the initial order

I am sure I will end up doing other stuff too.  It never ends for the Goatboy.

I have to pack up my army for Feast by this coming weekend.  A buddy is driving to Colorado so I plan on helping with gas and getting my army up there safe and sound.  Probably have a display board too because I am a boss.  But it will most likely be basic cuz - well I don't gots the time to make something cool.

Stupid lists.

Spawn-a-geddon! CSM + Black Legion!

Warlord - HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Force Stave, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar, Gift of Mutation, Veteran of the Long War - 185
HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Force Stave, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar, Gift of Mutation, Veteran of the Long War - 185
HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, The Last Memory of Yuranthos, Lvl 3 Caster, Spell Familiar, Veteran of the Long War, Gift of Mutation - 215
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils

I call this list - Fist Punch 4000!  It just looks goofy as all hell.  It follows the rule of 3 - it is aggressive and mean and well - loses to stupid flyer spam but who cares - you move up, get involved and utilize Puppet Master to Ef up other flyers.  Stealing Annihilation Barges is awesome!  Now it makes me said I sold my two Mauler fiends.  Blargh!

Ok some models and art and will call it a day.

Test orks for an idea that someone else had.

Woot - more CANNONS!

Kroot - they are sneaky.

Nid art for Frontline!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Goatboy - Crap I need to submit my list to Feast.

Blargh - didn't get a chance to play this weekend.  I built my buddies Wraith Knight and gave him two swords and set up the Bright Lances differently.  I still think Screamer Star is the key for my tiger victory - the issue is paint the started on conversion of a 3rd Grinder or find something else.  I do wish it was 2000 points hahah.  Blargh - list below then some marine thoughts to go with the ideas on my Monday BOLS.

Marines - like Eldar - better players will do well with them - new players will get frustrated.  New players - Tau will win you more games initially.  Daemons are the aggressive players dream while Eldar and Marines are finesse.  Tau are point in click - thus extremely deadly in good players hands.  Will see what Nids do.  Chaos can win still - but that list is extremely boring.  Two avenues - big smash or Zombies and friends.  Blargh indeed.  Can't wait for Orks as all the rumors sound bonkers.  Bonkers I saw.

What should I play my Goats as for Marines - White Scars seem to be the best representation - maybe Iron Hands as well.  Those are the only two that seem to point to anything worth wile.  I would have to convert Centurions out of Minotaurs as that is the only thing that would fit size wise - but man that is a lot of armor I would have to build, figure out, etc.  Maybe I can make Juggernauts standing up.  That is an idea - I think I have a kit or two laying around.  MATH!

Ok - paint list then army lists.

Plastic Dudesmen - Last week was a hoot - got a Graviton gun idea that is both crude and goofy.  Will see if I can get the funny worked out of it.
Banner Art for Friendly 40k - Art below! Done sucka!
GUO art for an army list - Done sucka!
Ambulance Art for another thingie - Done need to build the actual banner part
Art for big Banner for WhiteMetal Games - Got the idea - need to get it on paper
Art for Endless games logo - got the idea - didn't like initial sketch - will rework it to make it more metal
Art for another logo thingie - got the idea - need to get it on paper
Maybe a new Grinder?
Dark Mechanicus Designs?

Death Krop Steel Legion
10 Man squad - Done!
3 Hvy Weapon Team - Done!
5 Man Command - Done!

Obyron - can't spell - but he is Done!
5 Immortals - Built
1 Trukk - on a sprue not in a box!

2 Thunderfire Cannons - 1 is Done - tomorrow I build the next - Boss mode achieved!

Pull out LOTR - start on plastic Elves as there are many and I want to paint me some elves!  Green sucka mcs!

I need to pack my army soon for Feast as a buddy is driving early.  So I need to decide.  What should I play?  Grinders give me a wall of things that a lot of armies can't assault (rules say you can't assault a vehicle you can't hurt - thus keeping my star intact vs some builds).  Is that worth it?  It s a cleaner looking list.  Or do I go with the weaker troop choices and show horn 2 DP's in?  I think 3 Grinders will be alright and give me some fun times deep striking near Tau and burninating them.

Current List - need to paint one more grinder and some Daemonettes for Portal Daemons.  Might use some reused wood dryads I have and paint them with more purples... man that is a good idea damnit.

HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
FA: Screamers of Tzeentch X 8
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent

I could drop a Grinder for 3 Plague Drones with an upgraded Plague dude with the Balesword - a quick answer to Riptides - Fast and gets into business.  That isn't a terrible idea as they have an Icon so the Grinders can hit where I need them to behind the Screamers.  Crap... that is not to terrible.  Plus it looks weird, gives me odd answers to things.  And if I Grim them they can kill DP's as well.  Hrm... shit that isn't a bad idea.  I might have answered what I wanted to do.

FA: Plague Drones X 3, Plague Ridden, Greater Gift, Icon of Chaos

Ding ding - I think we have a winner.  Muahahaha!

HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
FA: Screamers of Tzeentch X 8
FA: Plague Drones X 3, Plague Ridden, Greater Gift, Chaos Icon
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent

What if I dropped both Grinders and took some CSM.

HQ: Lvl 3 Sorcerer, Bike, Sigil of Corrpution, Spell Familiar
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN

I got a little mobile annoying platform and basically have all the casters I could every want?  It is an idea.  The other thought would be to get a Black Legion DP with the Eye and 10 cultists.  That isn't too terribad either.  He is level 4 basically so Telepathy might not be a terrible idea.  Blargh he runs like.

HQ: Daemon Prince, MoT, Wings, Armor, Eye thingie, Lvl 3, Spell Familiar, Gift of Mutation
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10

Blargh what to do?

Marine list thoughts will be coming.  I am thinking of writing an article on Monday about what the Goats should be.  Should they be one of the new listed chapters.  Blargh...  Ideas?

Models and Art.

He is all like - where you at dawg on his cell phones!

I like Thunderfire Cannons - they will be in and out of the Metagame.

The tricks this guy can pull.

More dudes!  They be clubbin!
Slow dancing for the Fun of it!

Does this smell bad to you?

Weewoo Weewoo - Medic on the way!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Goatboy's - I Survived the Cruise

I read this one Grey Knight book thingie - it was cheese ball fun and had the Dark Mechanicus in it and it was awesome.  Of course that means I will be working on some nonsense.  Lord I have enough Daemon Princes.  I will go through the ones I have and offer them up for sale for any one interested.  Since I have so many of the damned things.

Finished up that Daemon  Commission before I left.  Going to pack it up in a day or two when I find my tape.  Part of it is done just need to get the metal jerks in a safe container for shipping.  It should help with keeping all their bits from breaking it bad.  Blargh!

My TVS is coming back!  I don't know if anyone else watches Supernatural or Grimm but those awesome cheeseball shows are great to paint too.  As well as Adventure time.  Hell I have some more random Adventure time sketches coming as my brain is full of them.  Maybe will see.

Let's start my paint list

Plastic Dudesmen - Drawn one - waiting to see how bad it is from the writer - might be doing another one
Banner Art - Gots to do a Fun 40k one
Art for Frontline - Done - down below - if they hate it then well I will redo it.
Art for White Metal Games - Got some stuff to do for them
Art for a Slaanesh thingie - didn't like the initial sketch - want to rework
Art for Endless Games - Banner and logo thingie - first one was meh - need to make it better and more metal!
Another Logo I am talking about - will see where I go with it
Plus I really should do my Barbarian comic...
More Screamers for Feast Army - list at bottom I will be messing with more
Maybe do my first Dark Mechanicus thingie

5 man command Death Korp/Steel Legion Paint scheme - Done!
10 man squad - in pieces
3 Heavy weapon bits - in pieces
Plan on getting these done hopefully this weekend

Build his Wraithknight in a baller pose so he can paint it - magnetize it too.

Ship out his Daemons

Ship out his Dark Angels and friends - lots of stuff to get out of here damnit.

That is it for now - I am sure other things will come in.  A few things are on order for me to finish by Feast of Blades.  I am in the invitational again and will be playing most likely Daemons.  The idea of 3 Dragons plus 3 CSM nonsense DP's is interesting as well - but how fun is that eh?

Current list

HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
FA: Screamers of Tzeentch X 7
FA: Screamers of Tzeentch X 8
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent
Heavy: Soul Grinder, MoN, Baleful Torrent

1850 on the nose - I can be aggressive with Screamers and jump ship if I need to if some die a bit.  Plus it can just win games with that 2++ rerollable.  If not this then some kind of CSM nonsense.

I like the Marine book and the first thoughts will be out on Monday.  From there I got an idea for an article about how the game has become hyper deadly and that the attitude needs to change on how things survive and interact with parts of the game.  If I can get that thought to work I will write it for Monday but I want to start out positive on Marines.

Oh yeah some pieces to look at!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday - will be on Vacation for a few days.

Going out of town for Wedding Anniversary trip. 4 lovely years with the wife that let me come back to this game hehe.  So with that in mind will do a simple update.  Paint list for when I get back and other things.

Paint list
Plastic Dudesmen - done
Article - done! It has one cool list that might work - others are just math fights with numbers
Art - Dave - Banner for a friendly 40k tournament - paid - will draw while I am off not answering emails or phone calls
Art - Frontline - One more banner thing for Reese
Art - Endless Gaming Logo design - got some stuff drawn - not sure if I want to finish it
Art - New Inquisitor Venture Brothers Art - Drawn - need to see if I want to color it or not
There are some logo things that need to be look at - will see if I can get them done or at least started.

Titan is Finished!  It is already shipped out

2 Bikers Done!
LOTR next - will get a list when I start to pull it out to finish.

3 Plague Drones - done!

IG order
Got the FW stuff in today - will get them started when I get back - woohoo!

More Necron stuff is coming and some ork randomness.

Wraithknight - done!

So I will have a fun time when I get back.  I am just excited to get away, stop looking at stuff, and eat badly haha.

Ok list for you then minis to look at.

HQ: Fateweaver
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Exalted Gift
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc, Lvl 3
Troops: Horrors X 10
Troops: Horrors X 10
Troops: Horrors X 10
FA: Screamers X 8
FA: Screamers X 7
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Baleful Torrent, MoN
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Baleful Torrent, MoN

I think using the screamers to move up and get aggressive will be a big help.  The list I posted on BOLS I will show some tweaks to it to fit into some newer styles.  I think there is merit there utilizing Dirge Casters to engage, kill, and say FU to Overwatch.  Woohoo.

Models to show as well.

Magnets are magic!

Presto it is changed!

Weird DP out of parts.

Super Magnets again - at crotch, head, and both arms.  I want one so bad for myself haha.

3 Gun swaps available.

The last Daemons for Will!

Here is the lot of them all painted up.  I think i twill look great on the Table top.

Ok look for a big post when I get back next week.  I am ready to start testing heavily for Feast as I need to send in a list soon.  I got this funky idea that I think will be odd - so maybe it is worth it?  If not it is Screamer or FMC Circus.