So I have finished the first initial Nob Biker army of doom. It worked pretty well and it ended up being a pretty much Hard Army. The sheer toughness of the army and the amount of punishment it can dish out is pretty damned gross. For those wondering what I am talking about here is the basic list.
HQ: Warboss, Cybork, Warbike, Attack Squig, Power Klaw X2
Troops: 10 Nobs, Warbikes, Waagh Banner, 9 Power Klaws, Pain Boy, Grot Orderly, Bosspole X2
Elites: 14 Kommandos, 2 burnas, Snikrot
Which hits at 2000 points. The biggest thing I can tell from all of this, Snikrot, while cool, isn't as good as I wanted him to be. He doesn't have a power klaw. If he had one, he would be gross. There are many games where he just couldn't kill anything and ran away. So poop on that. The 1750 list I played at DL had 4 less power klaws, less Kommandos, and small bits taken away. It was pretty gross, I won all 3 matches, but not by enough to win the entire tournament. Kinda poopie, but hell I won the best sportsman/painting thing so I didn't go away empty handed. I did come in "second" in total points, but didn't have enough victory points to get the actual second place. In all three matches, one nob squad lost one dude to take them at half strength which, took me away from larger victories. But hell, I at least won 3 games and did get something.
New list for 1750 and 2000 is below.
HQ: Warboss, Cybork, Warbike, Attack Squig, Power Klaw X 2
Troops: 10 Nobs, Warbikes, Waagh Banner, 4 Power Klaws, Pain Boy, Bosspole X 2
Troops: 10 Shoota Boyz, Nob, Power Klaw, Trukk w/ Big shoota X 2
Total Units: 43 - Kill Points: 6
This will give me some more needed movement and scoring capability. Also it will allow me to have more Power Klaws that can get over to different areas to shoot.
HQ: Warboss, Cybork, Warbike, Attack Squig, Power Klaw X 2
Troops: 10 Nobs, Warbikes, Waagh Banner, 5 Power Klaws, Pain Boy, Grot Orderly, Bosspole X 2
Troops: 12 Shoota Boyz, Big Shoota, Nob, Power Klaw, Trukk w/Big Shoota X3
Total Units: 60 - Kill Points: 7
What are kill Points? 5th Edition will show you. But I think the 1750 one I will be playing at the Las Vegas GT. Fun times to show how gross Nob Warbikers are.
Daemon list coming in a few weeks. It is the next army I am going to work on, besides the shoota boyz and trukks I need to paint up. Look for an article on speed painting on Bell of Lost souls coming in a week or so. If it does well, might end up doing more. Will see. Maybe some drawing bits.
Here are all the lords in one big picture.

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