I finished up a Canis model as well as an Iron Priest. I will probably make another Iron Priest but this will pretty much leave me done with my Space Goats. The only other things left to do is the final Grey Hunters squad and maybe some more wolf scouts to give me more options. I could always do another Thunder Wolf Cav squad too. Fun fun fun. Beyond all of this, I am looking at doing another Fantasy army as well as starting to look at my first, fully built to be sold army in the coming future. Not sure which one to do first, but will see.
Anyway - final 2000 point Space Goats play list
HQ: Canis - 185pts
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf Mount, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Frost Axe, Runic Armor, Storm Shield - 255pts
HQ: Rune Priest (Living Lightning, JoTWW) - 100pts
HQ: Rune Priest (Living Lightning, Temptest) - 100pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 CyberWolves 165pts
Troops: 8 Fenris Wolves - 64pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, Meltagun 2, MoW - 170pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, Meltagun 2, MoW - 170pts
FA: 5 Thunder Wolf Cav, Powerfist - 280pts
Heavy: LRR, MM - 250pts
Heavy: LRC, MM - 260pts
Pts 1994
I really like the LR as they give me some anti troop options. Mix this with a very strong bluff unit and you got a good chance they can survive for a bit to do some annoying crap to your opponent. I could drop one Rune Priest to go with another block of Fenris Wolves. They are Ini 5 with Canis on the table and can really put a hurt on the opponent. The Iron Priest is a true hidden gem in the codex and thanks to Stelek for pointing it out to me. Give them a try and see how annoying they can be for an opponent.
If I drop the two LR's I could add another Cave unit and another Grey Hunter Unit. I could also look at just having Njal, versus 2 Rune Priests too. I don't know if a Rhino would be needed then, but it is a thought. From there I could look at having some Wolf Guard to help beef out my Grey Hunters as well.
Here is that thought list so you can see how annoying it could be.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf Mount, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Frost Axe, Runic Armor, Storm Shield - 255pts
HQ: Njal - 245pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, JoTWW - 100pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 CyberWolves 165pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 CyberWolves 165pts
Troops: 8 Fenris Wolves - 64pts
Troops: 8 Fenris Wolves - 64pts
Troops: 9 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
Troops: 9 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, MoW, Rhino - 190pts
FA: 5 Thunder Wolf Cav, Powerfist - 280pts
FA: 5 Thunder Wolf Cav, Powerfist - 280pts
Pts 1998
Might be a better list, might not. Njal is annoying and with 2 5 Man Thunder Wolf Cav running around, he should last longer then most others. It might be worth it to drop the rhinos completely and make the Grey Hunters 10 man squads. I could also look at dropping them down to 8 man squads and look at finding a way to fit in Wolf Guard guys too. A bunch of different options.
I know I am harping on Thunder Wolf Cav - but they really are good. Not broken and over powered, but in a way that lets you get a chance to out play your opponent. They cost a low enough amount, that sacrificing them to get a character into some action, as well as making your opponent worry about them, makes them really really good. Plus Cav lets you get some pretty fun charges going that feels very reminiscent of fantasy.
Look for some Skaven stuff to come as I start to look at that army next. Woot.
And some minis. The Fat Ork was built by my friend Pat. The blending didn't come out in the picture, but he is one fat sexy bastard. Drive me near someone so I can smack you wit my washin claw!

Whats up with that thunderwolf guy? Does he have a bunch of arms?!? I would guess it's supposed to be a iron priest, but those dogs dont look very cybery...
They are undead. Thus the whole tough 4 etc - living flesh idea. I didn't want to go all cyber set up, more organic growth designs etc. Thus the whole, growth and change idea. Mutations of the basic monster. Also with the change in white to red they will look different if I plan on upgrading any of the Dog squads with a Cyber Wolf Leader etc.
Small problem with the second list... Without Canis the Fenrisian Wolves are still Fast Attacks and you can only take 3 :\
Oops my bad - I think I was writing something else too or should have added Canis. I like Canis :).
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