Painted Space Goats List - V1
HQ: Rune Priest, Living lightning, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, Murderous Temptest - 100pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Runic Armor - 210pts
Elites: Wolf Scouts (5), Meltagun, Plasma Pistol (2), Meltabombs (2) - 125pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
Elites: Lonewolf, Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Fenris Wolves (2) - 105pts
FA: Fenris Wolves (10) - 80pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Heavy: LRR, MM - 250pts
Heavy: LRC, MM - 260pts
Total - 2000 pts
This is what I have fully painted. The next plan upgrade is to add another Thunderwolf Squad, and some Rune Priests on Thunderwolves with Cyber Wolf jerks running with them. Here is the thought list.
HQ: Rune Priest, Living Lightning, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Rune Priest, Murderous Temptest, JoW - 100pts
HQ: Wolflord, Thunderwolf, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Runic Armor - 210pts
HQ: Canis - 185pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunderwolf, Cyberwolves (4) - 155pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunderwolf, Cyberwolves (4) - 155pts
Elites: Wolf Scouts (5), Meltagun, Plasma Pistol (2) - 115pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Grey Hunters (10), Meltagun (2), MoW - 170pts
Troops: Fenris Wolves (10) - 80pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
FA: Thunderwolf Cav (5), Powerfist - 280pts
Pts 2000 - this might change a bit and the 2 Rune Priests might drop to Njal as he is a jerk. I can then drop the Wolf Scouts and look at either more dogs or some other nonsense depending on what I feel like. But that is the other option that I plan on building towards too. The Iron Priest is going to be some kind of demonic mixed unit with clawed arms and the dogs running around it. I might try to chain them up someway to him, but that might be too bulk to remove etc. As it is one big unit it might work better that way but who knows.
Now onto some pictures.

Warmachine stuff for Big Red.

Space Goat stuff. You have the finished Goat Scouts and the second Rune Priest. I decided to put them in terminator armor. It makes them look more imposing. And I can use it as Njal if I wanted too.

I am churning through a bunch of Genestealers for a Space Hulk. Aventine is doing the marines and I am busing out the genestealers. I have done 12 so far, and looking at finishing my side next week. Woot. The scheme came out pretty good so I might use it again for the upcoming Nids book.

And finally 2 Chimeras for the Spain client. I have currently painted 4 shadow grey chimeras and one inquisitor one. I plan on doing another one, 2 medusas and a Valk this week. After that it is a cool rough riders conversion and some more Storm Trooper jerks. Fun fun fun.
Next week - Look for the completed Storm Boyz squad (20 jerks), the last of the War Machine stuff. Hopefully an Iron Priest and converted Cyber Wolves. Maybe some kommandos for a new ork order as well as other random Space Goats stuff. I want to finish the second army in two weeks to be ready for a local heavy tournament. Will see.
And for those looking at this, I do have a prepainted minis store that has some converted monsters on there. Check it out.
Stop copying! :p
Hey if it is good - I should use it too - at least my riders look like they are riding beats, not silly puppies hahha.
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