Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Some army lists I currently play
Figured I would throw up some of the lists I like to throw down with. So without much more - some lists!
Space Goats - 1.1
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf Mount, Saga of the Warrior, Frost Blade, Storm Shield, 2 x Fenris Wolves - 255pts
HQ: Canis, 2 X Fenris Wolves - 205pts
HQ: Rune Priest - 100pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 X Cyber Wolves - 165pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 X Cyber Wolves - 165pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, MoW - 170pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, MoW - 170pts
FA: Thunder Wolf Cavalry 4, Powerfist, Storm Shield - 255pts
Heavy: LRC, MM - 260pts
Heavy: LRR, MM - 250pts
Pts 1995 - A very in your face smash you list. This list does not like to see Nob Bikerz as well as a fast Eldar army as it can be hard to catch up etc. Very aggressive and fun to play as you get to mess with all sorts of nutzo stuff in Space Wolves. You can drop the LR's and go with more troops if you want. That is another idea and I have played with it before too. I just like this design as it gives me a ton of heavy stuff for armies to deal with. Drop one Iron Priest, go with two Rune Priests and add the fifth Thunder Wolf if you want. Canis is there as he is super cheap and can dish out a lot of pain. You can also change out the Wolf Lord for a Sage of the Bear/Thunder Hammer load out. Conveniently enough it is only 5 points more :).
Space Marine Bike Extravaganza!
HQ: Captain, Space Marine Bike, Digital Weapons, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Artificer Armor - 205pts
Command Squad, 2 Powerfists, 2 Meltaguns, Storm Shield - 290pts
HQ: Librarian, Bike - 135pts
Elites: Ironclad Dreadnought, Drop pod - 170pts
Elites: Ironclad Dreadnought, Drop pod - 170pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), 2 Plasma Gun, Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 245pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), Meltagun, Flamer, Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 230pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), 2 Flamer, Powerfist, Attack Bik, MM - 225pts
FA: Land Speeder Tornado - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder Tornado - 90pts
FA: 2 Land Speeder Squadron, MM, Hvy Flamer - 140pts
Pts - 1990 - This is just something fun to play around with. Bikes are always neat to me and this is my current "fun" list. Zoom zoom zoom.
Orks Battlewagon Smash!
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Kombi-Skorcha, Attack Squigg - 160pts
HQ: Big Mek, Kustom Force Field, Burna, Cybork Body -115pts
Elites: Nobz (4), 3 Power Klaw, Painboy, Bikes, Waagh Banner - 325pts
Elites: Lootas (15) - 225pts
Elites: Lootas (15) - 225pts
Troops: Nobz (5), 3 Power Klaws, Waagh Banner, Bosspole, Painboy, Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shootas, Deff Rolla - 370pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (19), 2 Big Shoota, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (19), 2 Big Shoota, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole - 170pts
Heavy: Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shoota, Deff Rolla - 120pts
Heavy: Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shoota, Deff Rolla - 120pts
Pts - 2000 - This is my shootie as hell ork army. I have killed many a Terminator by shooting a bunch of shots and rolling over them. I have had some fun Death or Glory runs at oblits and watching bad rolls on the trying to penetrate table.
CSM - Fabius Bile
HQ: Fabius Bile - 160pts
HQ: Kharn - 165pts
Elites: Possessed (5), Asp Champ, MoT, Rhino - 210pts
Troops: CSM (10), Bile Upgrade, MoK, 2 Meltagun, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino - 315pts
Troops: CSM (10), Bile Upgrade, MoK, 2 Meltagun, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino - 315pts
Troops: Plague Marines (5), 2 Plasma Guns, Personal Icon, Rhino - 180pts
Troops: Plague Marines (5), 2 Plasma Guns, Personal Icon, Rhino - 180pts
Heavy: Oblits (3) - 225pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Pts: 1994 - This is a fun hobby like list that is just designed to put a ton of guys on the field. The fluff behind it is a mad scientist, The Father, has built this army. Kharn is his ultimate fighting machine and the Possessed are who ride with him. They have shields to try and protect them from Kharn's crazy antics. The lesser daemons are zombies too. It is always fun to run lots of rhinos around the board too.
I know there are better options in some of the lists, this is just stuff I like to play. They work for me most of the time but they might not work for everyone else.
Oh and some painted stuff too - Orks, Warmachine and more Purple/White IG
space goats,
space wolves
Friday, January 22, 2010
Woot what is up - Goatboy is here
This last week was busy. I had to cover an fellow night time employee so I couldn't get a game in on Thursday. I am hoping I can throw down tomorrow if there are any tables left during the fantasy tournament. We had 36 for the 40k one last week, so there is a good chance it might not be a go team Venture. I went 2-1 in the tournament, facing an army I painted in the second round that handed my Space Goats a butt whuppin. Fiends are the shit in the Daemons codex, and if you have to play them, you better hope your army has a ton of shooting. I didn't with the Space Goats, so that was a loss for me. If I played my BW orks like I originally planned, I would have most likely dealt with the many boobied monsters pretty easily. Oh well.
So lets see - what did I do this week. I painted a lot and will show a bunch of pics. I got a new camera last week, and it is really giving a people a chance to see how much more subtle color work I put in my models. This means a whole site overhaul on the photo side and probably some changes to some other bits. And starting up the online store with prepainted work etc.
So first of all some IG stuff I did for Darkwynn.
This next week I plan on finishing another Chimera (done 5 already!), a manticore, and 2 Medusas. If I feel like it another squad or two will get done also. Will see. The heads on the IG are Pig Iron Productions. They are pretty sweet heads and really makes his guys stand out.
I also finished up some dreads for my marine bike army. The second army build within the list is to add in 2 Iron Clad dreads with pods. From there I might add some regular ones and a Master of the Forge. That is the plan. Also this army will be my blood angels army when it comes out. It is easier to keep the scheme and the rumor is I can still run bikers as troops in it too. Will see if that stays. I wish they had set that up in Space Wolves, as it would give you a neat and interesting army. Oh well they got Thunder Wolves.
Also the local store is having a painting contest and I went ahead and did mine already. I spent a week or so on it and will probably add more. In fact, I have another board to set up, a Big Mek on uni wheel I will show later on this week, as well as an extra Battle Wagon to really create the full squad. If I get the Battle Wagon done it will be all tricked out, with grots running around, a deff rolla and other nonsense. It will be set up to exactly what I normally run, and this unit will be my entry into other Painting contests as well.
The plans for this week are more orks for the local store owner, maybe some Elysiums to finish off the order from Spain, some Warmachine stuff for Big Red of BOLS, and the second drop pod to finish out my bike army for the local Hobby Tournament next month.
Later on this week I will post my hobby list I am planning on playing as well as some of the other lists I normally run. Any interest in my ork builds or current Space Wolves, CSM, or Marine Bike builds?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Goatboy is here - took a break
I painted a bunch of crap - finished off somethings and I am close to finishing this new extra marine bike army. I don't know how good it will end up being, did a small test run versus a weaker IG list and won the kill point mission in the end. Things performed alright, and melta guns as usual missed hehe. And now I won't take Vulkan, I want bikes damnit!
So quickly for everyone here is the "final" bike list that I will hopefully have finished by next week to the week after. Also next week wednesday is my birthday. 32 years old, married twice, no kids and finally out of "debt" etc haha. Good times. Will see what the next few years have for me (hopefully still married, probably no kids yet and still out of debt with like 3 more painted armies haha). The paint business is doing well and I hope to have more clients this coming year. As well as upgrading my camera (it needs it) and moving into some other games. I will be at Adepticon this year, so if you are going give me a shout or just yell at me for some random stuff. So enough here are the lists.
Marine Bike - Final one I think for now - might make it a dreadnought list too :)
HQ: Khan, Moon bike
Command Squad 5, bikes, powerfist 2, meltagun 2, storm shield
HQ: Captain, bike, digital weapons, relic blade, stormshield, artificer armor
Command Squad 5, bikes, powerfist 2, meltagun 2, storm shield
Troops: Bikes 5, Plasma Gun 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
Troops: Bikes 5, Flamer 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
Troops: Bikes 5, Flamer, Meltagun, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon Missile Launcher
FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon Missile Launcher
FA: 2 Land Speeder, 2 Multi-Melta
The goofy plan of this army is to outflank and just zoom around and hope my 3+ cover save lets me get into some trouble and mess some guys up. Will see. I went with 2 Plasma guns because 1) it is fun 2) it is different 3) might help versus trygons and other nonsense that might pop up and annoy me. So will see if this is the right build and right set up etc. Either way it will be fun.
The next iteration of this army will change into the army of robots and let me create a new rock to the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock metagame of the area. Here is a run down.
HQ: Khan, Moon bike
Command Squad 5, bikes, powerfist 2, meltagun 2, storm shield 2
HQ: Master of the Forge, Bike, Conversion Beamer, Thunder Hammer
Troops: Bikes 5, Plasma Gun 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
Troops: Bikes 5, Flamer 2, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
Troops: Bikes 5, Flamer, Meltagun, Powerfist, Attack Bike, Multi-melta
Elites: Dreadnought, Multi-melta
Elites: Dreadnought, Multi-melta
Elites: Dreadnought, Multi-melta
Heavy: Dreadnought, 2x Autocannons
Heavy: Dreadnought, 2x Autocannons
This list gives me 40 points or so left to mess around. I am not sure what to do with it, so will see. Might change the weapon load out on the guys, or maybe drop some points and try to fit in speeders. Who knows. It is all just different thoughts as I really like to play with dreadnoughts and to finish this army, I would need to convert one character, and paint a bunch of "gasp" dreadnoughts. And do some goofy conversions. I will be sure to magnetize the arms as I am not entirely sure how the "rifle" dreads will work. They look "alright" on paper so I will test it out. This is based off the list we have seen posted on Stelek's site and is worth something to look at and mess around with.
We have some tournaments coming up and I am not fully done with what I want to play for Adepticon etc. Currently for my "heavy" army I plan on playing Space Wolves. I really want to take Njal for a spin. It is pretty hard though as the FAQ makes for some pain in the butt if going second. I might just drop him, run two rune priests and call it a day. As well as two Wolf Lords hehe. If I could only put a Rune Priest on a Thunder Wolf. Damn you GW!!! (Not that I think they should, that would be too much)
So current Space Wolf builds - tell me what you think.
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, 2 Fenris Wolves
HQ: Canis, 2 Fenris Wolves
HQ: Rune Priest (JoTWW, Living Lightning)
Elites: Wolf Guard 3, Powerfist 2, MoW
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Wolf Tooth Necklace, 4 Cyber Wolves
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf, Wolf Tooth Necklace, 4 Cyber Wolves
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, MoW, Razorback
Troops: Grey Hunters (5), Meltagun, MoW, Razorback
Troops: Grey Hunters (8), Meltagun, MoW, Rhino
FA: Thunder Wolf Cavalry (3), Powerfist, Storm shield
FA: Thunder Wolf Cavalry (3), Powerfist, Storm shield
Heavy: Long Fangs (6), ML 5
Or do I drop the Long Fangs, go with a ton of dogs and just run at you as fast as I can? Thoughts?
And my painting list for the week.
Me -
Finish Bike squad # 2
Finish Bike squad # 3
Design new website mascot
Design new website
Finish some art pages for upcoming comic book show
Clients -
Finish Ultramarines Drop Pod
Get crap from Nick to finish up
Do some stuff for Big Red from BOLS
Might do Snikrot and some kommandos
Might be some nid stuff thrown in there too as well as starting my plan for my submission for the local paint a unit contest. I am thinking a nob squad for Orks as I am really liking the new style I have been doing for a client. So will see. Lots of conversion work is the plan as well as a nice paint job :).
Fun fun fun.
space goats,
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