Figured I would throw up some of the lists I like to throw down with. So without much more - some lists!
Space Goats - 1.1
HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf Mount, Saga of the Warrior, Frost Blade, Storm Shield, 2 x Fenris Wolves - 255pts
HQ: Canis, 2 X Fenris Wolves - 205pts
HQ: Rune Priest - 100pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 X Cyber Wolves - 165pts
Elites: Iron Priest, Thunder Wolf Mount, Wolftooth Necklace, 4 X Cyber Wolves - 165pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, MoW - 170pts
Troops: 10 Grey Hunters, 2 Meltaguns, MoW - 170pts
FA: Thunder Wolf Cavalry 4, Powerfist, Storm Shield - 255pts
Heavy: LRC, MM - 260pts
Heavy: LRR, MM - 250pts
Pts 1995 - A very in your face smash you list. This list does not like to see Nob Bikerz as well as a fast Eldar army as it can be hard to catch up etc. Very aggressive and fun to play as you get to mess with all sorts of nutzo stuff in Space Wolves. You can drop the LR's and go with more troops if you want. That is another idea and I have played with it before too. I just like this design as it gives me a ton of heavy stuff for armies to deal with. Drop one Iron Priest, go with two Rune Priests and add the fifth Thunder Wolf if you want. Canis is there as he is super cheap and can dish out a lot of pain. You can also change out the Wolf Lord for a Sage of the Bear/Thunder Hammer load out. Conveniently enough it is only 5 points more :).
Space Marine Bike Extravaganza!
HQ: Captain, Space Marine Bike, Digital Weapons, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Artificer Armor - 205pts
Command Squad, 2 Powerfists, 2 Meltaguns, Storm Shield - 290pts
HQ: Librarian, Bike - 135pts
Elites: Ironclad Dreadnought, Drop pod - 170pts
Elites: Ironclad Dreadnought, Drop pod - 170pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), 2 Plasma Gun, Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 245pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), Meltagun, Flamer, Powerfist, Attack Bike, MM - 230pts
Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5), 2 Flamer, Powerfist, Attack Bik, MM - 225pts
FA: Land Speeder Tornado - 90pts
FA: Land Speeder Tornado - 90pts
FA: 2 Land Speeder Squadron, MM, Hvy Flamer - 140pts
Pts - 1990 - This is just something fun to play around with. Bikes are always neat to me and this is my current "fun" list. Zoom zoom zoom.
Orks Battlewagon Smash!
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Bosspole, Cybork Body, Kombi-Skorcha, Attack Squigg - 160pts
HQ: Big Mek, Kustom Force Field, Burna, Cybork Body -115pts
Elites: Nobz (4), 3 Power Klaw, Painboy, Bikes, Waagh Banner - 325pts
Elites: Lootas (15) - 225pts
Elites: Lootas (15) - 225pts
Troops: Nobz (5), 3 Power Klaws, Waagh Banner, Bosspole, Painboy, Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shootas, Deff Rolla - 370pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (19), 2 Big Shoota, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (19), 2 Big Shoota, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole - 170pts
Heavy: Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shoota, Deff Rolla - 120pts
Heavy: Battle Wagon, 2 Big Shoota, Deff Rolla - 120pts
Pts - 2000 - This is my shootie as hell ork army. I have killed many a Terminator by shooting a bunch of shots and rolling over them. I have had some fun Death or Glory runs at oblits and watching bad rolls on the trying to penetrate table.
CSM - Fabius Bile
HQ: Fabius Bile - 160pts
HQ: Kharn - 165pts
Elites: Possessed (5), Asp Champ, MoT, Rhino - 210pts
Troops: CSM (10), Bile Upgrade, MoK, 2 Meltagun, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino - 315pts
Troops: CSM (10), Bile Upgrade, MoK, 2 Meltagun, Asp Champ, Powerfist, Combi-Melta, Rhino - 315pts
Troops: Plague Marines (5), 2 Plasma Guns, Personal Icon, Rhino - 180pts
Troops: Plague Marines (5), 2 Plasma Guns, Personal Icon, Rhino - 180pts
Heavy: Oblits (3) - 225pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Lesser Daemons (6) - 78pts
Pts: 1994 - This is a fun hobby like list that is just designed to put a ton of guys on the field. The fluff behind it is a mad scientist, The Father, has built this army. Kharn is his ultimate fighting machine and the Possessed are who ride with him. They have shields to try and protect them from Kharn's crazy antics. The lesser daemons are zombies too. It is always fun to run lots of rhinos around the board too.
I know there are better options in some of the lists, this is just stuff I like to play. They work for me most of the time but they might not work for everyone else.
Oh and some painted stuff too - Orks, Warmachine and more Purple/White IG

those purple/white IG look great. Im really curious how you go about painting the metal on your orks
The orks were done in a multi layer method. It isn't hard and I learned it from GentleBen from BOLS. The biggest thing is to figure out what kind of tone you want your metal to have and then base the metal bits in that color.
Cool colors, going towards blueish highlights - base grey.
Rust, used colors, copper - base brown
Base the model that color, then basically dry brush the darker hit of that metal on top, then edge it with the light bit.
The orks I then washed with a hawk turquoise and water mix, let that dry and then washed it with my devlan mud. I then went back and did some small hits of the highlight metal color and called it a day.
Some of the rust effect was highlighted with some orange to help break it out a bit more too. This was done towards the end and before the blue wash.
Hope that helps.
Love the monowheel Ork... any plans to do anymore up like that?
Sweet monowheel!
Gonna goof around with some flying nob bikerz. Fun times.
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