Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Late - been busy hah

I am still enamored with Daemons.  I think they fit my play style and I am going to start working on some other ideas to see if I can get them to work the way I want.  To break out of my box I am looking at trying to use Dogs and Grinders for a full on Assault.

HQ: Bloodthirster, Greater Gift X 2
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Greater Gift, Juggernaut of Khorne, Locus of Wrath
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Greater Gift, Juggernaut of Khorne, Locus of Wrath
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10
FA: Flesh Hounds of Khorne X 15
FA: Flesh Hounds of Khorne X 15
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Baleful Torrent, Mark of Slaanesh
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Baleful Torrent, Mark of Slaanesh
Heavy: Soul Grinder, Baleful Torrent, Mark of Slaanesh

Yeah I know it is weird but it could work.  It is all about getting in there, getting some damage, and a turn two smash.  I am getting some grinders in and could test this out if I wanted.  Hrm... I do have a crap ton of dogs.  The Dog bomb lists are going to hurt a lot of players as they design for static games and the army punishes them.

Now flyers... are a bit of an issue hahaha.  Still - a ton of armor 13 is a pain in the butt.

Current play list until I finish a Lord of Change

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Exalted Gift, Greater Gift
HQ: Bloodthirster, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, Wings, Armor, MoS, Lvl 3, Greater Gifts X 2
Heavy: Daemon Prince, Wings, Armor, MoS, Lvl 3, Greater Gifts X 2
Heavy: Daemon Prince, Wings, Armor, MoS, Lvl 3, Greater Gifts X 2

The Upgraded Horrors are there to help deal with one Warp Storm and to give me a chance to do some Precision strikes heh.  Still it works, its fun, and quick.  Woohoo!

Paint list
Art for Banner
Plastic Dudesmen - Got the script/idea - need to work it out art wise
More test Angry Tau - the one below needs some work and I think my matte spray effed it up.  I got some new stuff and will clean up the yellow again.  It just feels dull
Work on Designing my Lord of Change - want to do something mechanical

More Dark Angel Terminators!

Wargames Con
Havok Squad - Done!

Hammerhead - Done! - Magnetized etc woohoo

Daemon Prince 1 - Built and I need to reprime it up etc - added little arms
Daemon Prince 2 - Hopefully
There are 3 Dragons too - I think Doug wants me to cry hah

I got some other things in the fire right now so will see how it goes.  For those wondering - my Tau ally is going to be

7 Dudes - One with all the gear, 4 ML, 2 Plasma guys
1 Riptide
12 Warriors

All angry all the time!

Models painted.

I like the Faces, the yellow is pissing me off.

Wahhh - combo! Zoom Zoom!

Some Vets to lighten up the day.

Missile and Plasma - marine killing combos!

Final bit of Wargames Con!  yay!

Art for Frontline Gaming.  Woohoo!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Update shemupdate - Woohoo! Tournament Report!

Yeah - sorry for the lack of updates.  I have been out of town at an event plus finishing up the Wargames Raffle army.  Fun fun fun.  So if you have been reading this - you know I went to the Alamo 40k Gt this past weekend in San Antonio.  To cut to the chase - I got 2nd Overall and went 4-1 and had a could ass kicking by Tau in Game 4.  Fun times!

Here is the list I brought - I would do some changes if I played it again - they will be at the end.  I don't know what to do Versus Tau but going Big will hopefully get you there.  Will see if Eldar are going to be a kick to the teeth with my flavor of Slaanesh pain.

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Greater Gifts X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Exalted Gift, Lvl 3 Caster, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Exalted Gift, Lvl 3 Caster
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 20, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker

RD 1 - Versus - Darryl with Drop Pod Space Wolves

His list - 3 Rune Priests, 3 sets of 4 ML + 1 Plasma Cannon Long Fangs, 4 Grey Hunter Packs with Pods - Double Melta X 2, Melta X 1, Flamer X 1

Primary - 5 Objectives - Win = 14pts Tie = 7 Loss = 4
Secondary - Control more Table Quarters - Win = 4pts Loss = 0
Tertiary Objectives - First Blood, Line Breaker, Slay the Warlord
Set up - Modified Hammer and Anvil (slightly smaller thing)

I went first, flew forward to do some damage and rolled a 3 on the Warp Storm table.  My super awesome Flying DP with Iron Arm, Warp Speed, and Endurance exploded when he roll like a 14 on the Instability test.  I think I failed Endurance too so yeah - boom there goes first Blood haha.  I still just took it with a grin (it is how you play Daemons) and move on.  Darryl dropped aggressively and he stopped like 10 out of 12 spells when I tried to cast.  Lucky for me one was a Hallucination and I was able to roll a 3 on one Rune Priest unit. That let my Keeper get in, get to killing and just allow me to grind him down.  I ended up having 3 Objectives to 1 and had 2 table quarters to his 1.  I left his Warlord and Grey Hunters group alive in the end.

Warp Storm highlights/lowlights - Rolled 3 two times in a row - one lost me First Blood the other I rolled low.  Yay!

Win for me - 18-5

RD 2 - Versus - Brian with Daemons as well

His list - Herald of Nurgle w/Locus of the Funk X 2, Herald of Tzeentch w/Locus of Conjuration, Bloodthirster with 2 Greater Reward, 20 Plague Bearers, 13 Plague Bearers, 20 Pink Horrors, 7 Beasts of Nurgle, 6 Screamers of Tzeentch, 2 Nurgle Grinders with Phlem

Primary - 3 Objectives - Win = 13 Tie = 7 Loss = 4
Secondary - Most units in no mans land in the middle
Tertiary - First Blood, Slay the Warlord
Set Up - Vanguard Strike - Middle is No Mans Land

I let Brian go first, I got some good spells and just came forward and slowly picked him apart.  It was a bit of a rough game as it seemed to just south for him.  I was able to move up with Daemon Princes, pick apart the Soul Grinders and I think the Warp Storm did more damage to me.  The Warp Storm was not nice to me this weekend haha.  I ended up killing all his models in the end.

Warp Storm highlights/lowlights - I killed a few of my guys with random rolls as usual.  I think I got one Screamer so it was a wash for me.  

Win for me - 19-4

RD 3 - Versus - Mike with Space Marines

His list - Captain on a bike with Toys, Bike Squad with Plasma Guns X 2 and Fist Sarge, 10 Man Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Lascannon, 3 Man MM attack bike squad, Storm Talon, Thunderfire Cannon, Devs with Missile Launchers, Rune Priest, and 10 Grey Hunters with 2 Flamers and a Rhino.

Primary - Purge the Alien - Win = 18 Tie = 9 Loss = 4
Secondary Objectives - First Blood, Slay the Warlord
Set Up - Dawn of War

Mike is a "local" from Killeen.  Nice fluffy list and a good player all around.  This was not a good match up as it is hard to get KP from me and I can easily get them from him.  The Highlight of this was stealing his Thunderfire cannon 3 times with Puppet Master.  That thing did a lot of damage for me and I wish I could have one too haha.  Still a good player and he did well for the event.

Win for me - 20-5

Warp Storm highlights/lowlights - Nothing to note - it was a pretty lame one.  Grim Book did good for me this game as well as Warp Fire

RD 4 - Versus - Brandon with Tau

His list - Broadsides X 3, 2 Hammerheads, Etheral, Devil Fish X 3 with Fire Warriors with Pulse Carbines and EMP Grenades, 3 12 Man Tau Fire Warrior Squads, Cadre Guy, Aegis Line with Quad Gun, and 3 sets of 4 man Pathfinder units.

Primary - Big Guns Never Tire - You need to get scoring units in your opponents Deployment Zone - that was the objective. Win = 16 Tie = 8 Loss = 4
Secondary Objectives - Destroy the most Heavy Support Units - 4 pts for the Win
Set up - Modified Hammer and Anvil like above

Brandon is my coworker and buddy.  I talked about this game a bit but I lost two DP's turn one.  The Grim Book did not work for me and there was no point in finishing it.  Brandon ate me a bit and gave me some ideas to try out to work versus Tau.  I don't think it is unbeatable but it is very hard hah.  

Loss for me - 20-4

Warp Storm Highlights/lowlights - nothing as I just played one round.  I ate brunch with Brandon and my wife and had a nice time - so that's a win.

RD 5 - Versus - Chris with Daemons

His list - My Bloodthirster with 2 Greater Gifts, Keeper of Secrets with Exalted Gift, Lvl 2 Caster, and a Greater Gift, 2 DP's of Slaanesh with Wings and Gifts etc with Lvl 3 Casting, 2 sets of 16 Bloodletters, and 2 sets of Daemonettes as well.

Primary - Purge the Alien - Win = 14 Tie = 7 Loss = 4
Secondary - Pick 4 total Elite, Heavy, and  FA - Kill them get 4 Points max
Tertiary - Slay the Warlord and Line Breaker
Set up  - Dawn of War

This was the game where I just had better Psychic powers.  I did do something dumb and give his Thirster a 3+ FNP (he had a 4+ and I tried to Warp Flame him out).  I played defensive, he came in to punch me, I knocked guys down and was able to control the game from there.  The one walking Iron Armed jerk punched his Thirster and I ended up winning in the end.  

Win for me - 20-7

Warp Storm Highlights/Lowlights - Rolling a 4 during your turn versus Daemons is pretty boss.   That whip becomes nasty hehe.  I really wanted a Lord of Change and the 3rd flying DP.

So yeah in the end I got 2nd Overall a new Dreadknight kit that I plan on Daemoning up and I ended up grabbing the Tau the winner got because he was not happy with his games of kicking butt and not enjoying it. I plan on making Angry Tau for the heck of it with a Farsight bomb nonsense idea.  I don't want to buy too much just looking at trying it out to see if I can get some finger flipping Tau Jerks.  I will talk about it later on.

Here is the new list I would play if I had to redo it all.

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Caster
HQ: Lord of Change, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3 Caster
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Greater Gift X 2, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Greater Gift X 2, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Greater Gift X 2, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster

This is what I plan on making and tweaking the Daemon Princes I have etc.  For those that have seen my cards - shoot me an email if you want them.  I plan on making Nid ones as well in the next few days for those that wanted them.

Woohoo - with that done - the Paint list - some models and well - yeah!

Paint List
7 Plague Marines for Wargames Con Army - Done!
5 Havocs with Autocannons - Just built tonight - paint maybe tomorrow?
1 Lord of Change Test Design - Dreadknight is gonna get crazy!
1 Test Angry Tau - This will be fun
Plastic Dudesmen - Script done, Drawing Done - Need to color
Logo for Frontline Gaming thing - Drawn - need to tweak to figure out

2 Terminators - Primed
Some number of Vets
Drop Pod - Yup!

Build the Hammerhead/Skyray etc - it is sitting there looking at me

I think I need to email some people who were talking about commissions.  Will see if it gets filled up this month.  It has been a bit rough/slow etc so hopefully it will pick up a bit.  Wargames Con will see me try to sell off my Grey Knights - when I get a chance to count it all out will see if someone wants it.  It is a ton of Purifiers, Strikes, Dreads, and Rhinos etc.  Fun times indeed - and as usual I will be drawing etc there.

Models to check out as well.

My Slaanesh Herald - Combi Dark Eldar plus Slaanesh bits.

Converted Heldrake - much easier to fly with

Plague Marines - they got infected by some kind of parasite growth.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Friday and I got the Day off!

Which means I will be painting models.  I need to get in gear on the Wargames Army - What I have done is below.  Plus I have to mentally prepare for the Alamo.  Ok never mind I will just play games hahaha.  The Tau seem frustrating to play against.  They go completely against what I find enjoyable and if they start to infiltrate a lot of the upper tables it will be an annoying set of games.  They just shoot - which isn't very exciting hah.  But oh well - if that is what people want to play then I will just look forward to seeing them in tournaments and most likely not for funsy's.

I still think Crons are better overall as they cover more of the stuff you need to win.  Still - blargh.  I won't be playing them.  Their rules and cost don't entice me.  But for those wanting more Xenos - this is your year!  I am just waiting on Orks for right now haha.

What I sent to the Alamo people for my list.

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Greater Gifts X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Exalted Gift, Lvl 3 Caster, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Exalted Gift, Lvl 3 Caster
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 20, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker

Pretty basic and simple.  It might work.  Obviously I have the Book trick and the Portal.  Will see if it ends up being ok.  Blargh indeed!

I don't think the Horror blob will work - as I could easily dump them and get something else.  It is really just thoughts and I think the dog bomb might work with some tricks involved.  Will see.

This is the list that I think I should play - if you wanted just a straight forward Daemon Bomb Smash MC 4000!

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Greater Gift, Exalted Gift, Lvl 3 Psyker
HQ: Lord of Change, Greater Gift X 2, Lesser Gift, Lvl 3 Psyker
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Troops: Pink Horrors X 10, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Wings, Greater Gift X 2, Lvl 3 Psyker

Basic and simple.  Fun stuff indeed.

Played a game with my Alamo list.  It did alright - I got owned the first few turns and was able to bring it back when my Daemon opponent didn't get an Iron Arm off and I had one on a flying MoS prince who enfeebled the jerk once.  Instant death whips are pretty good I hear?

You need the level 3's to help get Iron Arm when you need it - and Hallucination as well.  It just gives you more chances.  Fun stuff indeed.

The Wargames Con painted army is coming along - you should see the Dragon in a few days.  Woohoo!  It is a conversion and it should be a nice center piece for the raffle army.

With that - let's look at some models.

More Dark Angels!

30 Jerks!  Set up in small batches of 10 to allow for the winner to have 3 troop choices if they want.

Converted Chaos Lord - the Plague Marines will have the similar evil star fish gut explosion like this guy.

His sword arm was bunk - so I added this.  If you are playing Sorcerer's you should be using Force Staves.  Much better choice then a sword.

Got bored and drew this and colored it after doing Plastic Dudesmen last week.  Bubba wants his bottle!

Alright - with that in mind the paint list at the end as well.

Plastic Dudesmen - Got a script - time to draw
Some Art commissions as well - banners etc.
Wargames Con - Dragon - need to build
7 Plague Marines - Need to build
Figure out my Lord of Change

Hammerhead - Need to build

2 More Termies - Primed!
1 Drop Pod - Need to build and finish
more termies?

That is it for now - I am sure there will be others as usual.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Woohoo - More stuff done!

I tweaked my army for Alamo so I didn't need to paint more stuff.  Hooray!  I even built the Chaos Lord for the Wargames Con army tonight too!  Hooray!  Blargh!!!

Alright - paint list first cuz with the wife out of town for a few days I have time to throw into painting.  I had to go to work for 10 hrs today to cover someone's shift so I painted too - thus the glut of stuff at the bottom.

Paint list
Wargames Con - Chaos Lord - Built
Wargames Con - Sorcerer Lord - Not built!!
Plastic Dudesmen - Need a script

Belial - Done!
Nephilim - Done!
2 DK knights - Primed
4 DW - Primed
Maybe some vets? - Need to build

12 Firewarriors - Done!
2 Drones - Done!
Hammerhead - In a box!

3 Cryx thingies - Primed!

I am sure there will be more - this is just for now.

I am taking a tweaked list from Adepticon for the Alamo - this is what I sent it so no changing!

HQ: Keeper of Secrets, Lvl 3 Psyker, Greater Gifts X 2
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Lvl 3 Psyker, Exalted Gift, Locus of Conjuration
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Lvl 3 Psyker, Exalted Gift
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Plague Bearers X 10
Troops: Pink Horrors X 20, Iridescent Horror
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster, Greater Gifts X 2
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Wings, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster, Greater Gifts X 2
Heavy: Daemon Prince, MoS, Armor, Lvl 3 Caster, Greater Gifts X 2

It is simple and basic.  I probably need a FA option but this will work for now.  I couldn't get Fiends to fit in right so will just see how this goes.  This will be simple, small and easy to play with.  I think it might work out to run a Lord of Change in the HQ secondary slot - but I didn't want to make one.  I am still working on the design in my head to see if I can get it to fit.  Too much!

Tau seem alright so far.  Very shooty but if you play smart and gut certain bits of the army you can win.  They seem high on the VP issues with lots of units to give up points.  I don't plan on building one but I do enjoy painting them.  Lucky for me a client has me doing some right now haha.

Ok some models to look at.


New Herald of Tzeentch - Red Armor to imply a change from Thousand Sons.

The question from the last comment - you can see his feet as he is running to gut you.


Zoom zoom with some plasma!

Locking on target with my expensive laser beams.

I make armored friends scoring!