Monday, September 28, 2015

Almost did the Post Weekly!

Woohoo - this weekend was a bit of a wash due to Mother in Law being in, wife having a rough week with the baby (cute little bugger is dancing to the Ramons right now), as well as the work week being long.  It meant no real artwork done due to the time frame but I have some from last week to throw down.  I got a few things to do this week too art wise so hopefully I can get it done.

Let's do a paint list
Drop Pod 5 - primed the old one again to paint up to match the others.
Build 20 Purifiers at some point
Noise Marine Art
2 More pieces of Art for Luis
Art for Caleb for an army idea
Maybe something else?

James L
Heldrake - should be almost done tonight then this lot is done!

6 Black Knights
1 Speeder

12 Bikers of the Dark Angel

More bikers of the grey marine type

More Chaos stuff

Drop pod X 2
more necromunda stuffs.

I am sure other stuff too - but I always work.

I am pretty much screwed this month with 40k events due to baby stuff.  So many people have kids in this time frame... that means that people were having some winter holiday action going on.  Woohoo!

But if I was going to play here are the lists I would throw out with.

List 1 - CSM CAD/Crimson Slaughter Ally/KdK CAD

Sorcerer, Bike, Lvl 3, Force Axe, Spell Familiar
Sorcerer, Bike, Lvl 3, Force Axe, Spell Familiar
Cultists X 10
Cultists X 10

Crimson Slaughter Ally (Works cuz of how the book is written but who knows)
Sorcerer, Bike, Lvl 3, Force Axe, Spell Familiar
Cultists X 10

Chaos Lord, Juggernaut, Sigil, Powerfist, Lightning Claw
Chaos Lord, Juggernaut, Big Bad Axe of Doom - Warlord
Cultists X 8
Cultists X 8
Flesh Hounds X 15
Heldrake, Baleflamer
Heldrake, Baleflamer


Basically a big blob of dumb with all the rules that make it dumb.  It has some immunities to Grav guns due to its 6+ armor save nature etc.  Plus it has a Warlord that is hard to get rid of if the tithe starts working.  If Tau ignore a ton of cover then he isn't worth it but it is an idea.  Plus it has a ton of magic.  It might be good to have Force Staves in hopes to pop a WK but who knows.  The big squad will generate blood tithe as it kills stuff.  The dragons too.

List 2 - Dual Knight Star

SW Fenris Detachment
WGBL, Thunder, SS, PFist, Runic
Rune Priest, Bike, Lvl 2, Runic
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 3
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 3

Dark Angels Ally
Librarian, Lvl 2, Bike
Ravenwing Command Squad X 5, Apocathery
Scout X 5

Knight Detachment
Knight Crusader, Battlecannon
Knight Crusader, Battlecannon


This is what I played at War-games Con with mind magic added.  It seems to help out in those match ups where making a Knight invisible might be really strong.  I didn't try to add in a Dark Shroud due to the preroll 2+ not having in ITC stuff.

List 3 - Super Duper Sharing Friends

Dark Angels CAD
Sammie - Warlord
Librarian, Bike, Lvl 2
Ravenwing Command X6, Apocathery
Scouts X 5
Scouts X 5

Clan Raccon Ally
Chapter Master, Bike, Art Armor, PFist, Gorgon's Chain
Command Squad, SS X 3, Grav Gun X 3, Bikes
Scouts X 5

Fenris Champs
WGBL, Thunder, Runic, PFist, SS
Rune Priest, Runic, Bike, Lvl 2
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 4
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 4


Another super friends combo.  Things that start to get nutty - one Unit is Sammie, CR Chapter Master, CR Command Squad, Rune Priest, Iron Priest.  The other is the Ravenwing Command, WGBL, Iron Priest, Libbie.  With the Dark Shroud near them - the Dark Angels get Shroud which transfers to the unit - thus the CR Command now has a 2+ Jink Save as well.  Plus they all get Skilled Rider.  It is a pretty nutty list too haha.  Just too big moving blogs of annoyance.

GK/BA List I am building

BA Flesh Tearers
Libbie, Lvl 2, Force Axe, Meltabomb
Tactical Squad X 5, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Assault Squad X 5, Meltagun X 2, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod

GK Nemesis Detachment
Libbie, Lvl 3, Big bad book of one more spell
Libbie, Lvl 3
Strike Squad x 5
Purifiers x 10, Incinerator X 4
Purifiers x 10, Incinerator X 4, Daemonhammer
Purifiers x 10, Incinerator X 4, Daemonhammer

This is a weird one - it might work.  Either way it looks good and gets me to make a bunch of Drop Pods.  Which of course will make me do more drop pods too for the other random army with Drop Cents.  Meh it is just a weird no cover nova nonsense.

Might try to get to an event this Sunday.  Will have to play it by ear.  If I did I would probably do the 2 knight list cuz I like stomping around with the Knights.  I don't think the new Tau thing is the best - but using it as an anti assault star unit with massed stomps from 2 guys might be good.

Models/art etc.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Goatboy's Semi Annual Sunday Post

Been busy this last week - I had all the bosses for my group in town and it was end of Fiscal so it was a nutty week.  Did so many damned orders it was crazy town.  It also meant I didn't get much extra work done.  It doesn't help I am not 100% feeling art today - so gonna take a break a bit and just paint models.  It also doesn't help my sweet baby is a sweet and whiney baby.  Just like his daddy hahah.

But enough of that - lets do the paint list on what will be a nicer week.  I hope anyway.

Flesh Tearers Assault Squad - Primed, started initial base stuff - I might be good at painting flesh tearers cuz of another commission
Reworked Drop Pod #5 - I need to get it back from a buddy but will be painting it up.
Kit bash a Mephiston.  not sure out of what - but it will be a cool sword guy.
Aaron's Art Work
3 Pieces for Luis
Maybe some other stuff - I think I have some things to do - don't remember haha.

2 Drop Pods - need to fix some to get done
10 Skaavies from necromunda - Primed

4 Bikers to complete a unit

James L
Heldrake to finish off this commission - will be done this week

Some random stuff

6 Black Knights
2 Attack Bikes
2 Speeders - one Sammie

12 Dark Angel Bikers

More chaos stuff

Nick R
More marines or something???

Probably some other stuff - but writing things down.  I did finish a commission last week - so good times.  The plan right now is to knock out that Tim Commission in 2 weeks.  I have to build the Dark Angels - and as I am the one building them I spend some extra time cleaning lines.  I can't help it.  Just like I drill all bolter holes cuz it looks dumb if you don't.

Played a Batrep with the Knights of Doom list.  I don't see what other changes I could do - unless I wanted to try and get a bigger unit.  I don't know if I need Tiggie cuz he can't give his Warlord trait over.  It might be better to run the Dark Angel conceal as it is bit cheaper to get a Level 3.  I don't get rerolls so that is the issue - but it might be worth it to not care about the rerolls.  I like the crusaders for sure - but maybe I don't need 5 - I could only use 3 and get some warrior acolytes to fill up the unit.  Get some more - throw away wounds.

It still looks like Tiggie is needed as I did the points.

Trip Lance
Crusader Battle Cannon, Iron Storm Missile
Gallant, Storm Spear Pod
Warden, Iron Storm Missile

Library Conclave
Librarian, Lvl 2, Staff
Librarian, Lvl 2, Axe

Malleus Inq, Lvl 1 Psyker, Servo Skulls X 3, Force Sword
Henchmen: Crusader X 3, Acolyte X 5, Psyker
Henchmen: Acolyte X 2, Psyker
Henchmen: Acolyte X 2, Psyker

That seems to be the cleaner one.  It gives me more bodies to throw around the Psyker bomb.

Been tweaking a Clan Raccoon/SW list for a buddy.  I think it is pretty close to simple to play etc.

Clan R CAD
Chapter Master, Bike, PF, Gorgon's Chain, Art Armor
Chaplain, Bike
Command Squad, Bikes, Apoth, Meltagun X 3, Storm Shield X 3
Scouts X 5
Scouts X 5
Drop pod
Drop pod
Drop pod
Dev Cents X 3, Gravs X 3, Omni Scope
Dev Cents X 3, Gravs X 3, Omni Scope

WGBL, Thunder, PFist, Runic Armor, SS
Rune Priest, bike, Lvl 2
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 4
Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber X 3

Seems good - you can do some tricks with all those Dev Cents by hitting 3 targets if you both come down.  Plus you can hide a scout squad in one Pod.  I played something similar to Railhead last year and did well.  I didn't have 2 Cents but it would have been rough if I could have.

Again my GK thing

Libbie, Lvl 3, Special Book
Libbie, Lvl 3
Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4, Daemonhammer
Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4, Daemonhammer
Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4
Strike Squad X 5

Libbie, Lvl 2, Staff, Auspex
Tactical Squad X 5, Melta, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Assault Squad X 5, Melta X 2, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod
Drop Pod

Seems like a spoiler list for sure.  Plus Meph can fight a WK and a Knight.  Go go Str 10!

Let's post some models and call it a post!

Woot Khorne Bikers

Even mor Khorne bikerz.

Test biker if I can remember the scheme I did before.

My Flesh Tearers for that GK army I am slowing building.

My pods yay!
Mephiston's Ride!

I haven't painted one of these in a long time.

Last pod for Tim.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Goatboy's Sunday Post

Crazy stuff - lots of art and models this week.  Woohoo - plus random list thoughts too.  Its been a fun week too haha.  Plus I painted a ton of drop pods.

Lets do a paint list

More GK maybe?
More Frontline Banner Art
Some other Art I think too

SM Bikes - many

6 Black Knights
2 Attack Bikes
1 Sammie Speeder
1 Typhoon Speeder
1 Drop Pod - Built

6 Khorne Bikers

Will W
More Chaos Stuff too

More Dark Angels bikes

James L
More Chaos Stuff

Don S
More Other stuff

Nick R
More Marines too

2 More Drop Pods
More Arts

I am sure there are other things I am forgetting.  I got a lot of stuff in the queue right now too.  Plus more emails.  I think I will never not be busy.

Current GK/BA list that I am working on completing.

HQ: Libbie, Level 3, Book that gives extra Santic - Warlord
HQ: Libbie, Level 3
Elites: Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4
Elites: Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4
Elites: Purifiers X 10, Incinerators X 4
Troops: Strike Squad X 5
Heavy: Dreadknight, Heavy Psycannon, Hammer, Heavy Psiliencer

Flesh Tearers thingie
HQ: Libbie, Lvl 2, Force Axe
Troops: Tactical Squad X 5, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod
FA: Assault Squad X 5, Meltagun X 2, Drop Pod
FA: Drop Pod
FA: Drop Pod
FA: Drop Pod

Sits at 1850 - but I just don't know about the Dreadknight - it does give me some help versus Knights and it hitting a bunch with its Strength 10.  Sanctuary up and it could survive.  Will see.  I don't know if the Heavy Psycannons are worth it either.  But I plan on getting it built and started.  Beyond that there is this Super  Thunder Dome I want to try too - Khorne theme cuz eff it.

SW Champs of Fenris - aka The BS Glue and Dark Angels CAD plus assassin
DA Cad
HQ: Sammie
HQ: Inter Chappie, Bike, PF
Elite: Ravenwing Command Squad X 4, Apocathery
Troops: Scouts X 5
Troops: Scouts X 5

SW Champs
HQ: WGBL, Thunder, SS, Runic, PF, Fenris X 2
HQ: WGBL, Thunder, SS, Runic, PF, Fenris X 2
HQ: WGBL, Thunder, SS, Runic, PF, Fenris X 2
HQ: WGBL, Thunder, SS, Runic, PF, Fenris X 2
Elite: Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber Wolves X 4
Elite: Iron Priest, Thunder, Cyber Wolves X 3

Culexus Assassin

The set up is to allow me to have majority 6+ armor, then 4+ armor for grav - plus a ton of extra wounds and character nonsense to throw things around.  Plus it is friggin huge.  The Assassin rides around with me - tempted to just have one Drop pod by dropping down to a normal chaplain for the Assassin.  That might be the best or a rhino to go putz around.

Gonna play a Battle Report this Thursday - probably going to bring this as I am itching to play my knights.

Trip Lance / Inq / Libbie Conclave
Warden, Ironstorm Missile thingie
Galant, Ironstorm Missile Thingie
Crusader, Battle Cannon, Ironstorm Missile thingie

Inq detachment
HQ: Cortez
HQ: Mallius Inq, Servo Skulls X 3, Psyker
Elite: Warrior Accolyte X 2, Psyker
Elite: Warrior Accolyte X 2, Psyker
Elite: Crusader X 4, Psyker

Librarian Conclave - Primary Detachment
HQ: Tiggie
HQ: Librarian, Lvl 2
HQ: Librarian, Lvl 2

I have 13 WC dice - lots of random rolls.  I could go Summoning but it is annoying to do that.  The Missile Storm thingie is gonna be good when Tiggie - gives them rending.  That is a ton of blasts coming at you haha.  Plus all those dang Stubbers are going to be a bunch of jerks.

Models and Art
I think dragon #15 or is it 18?  Who knows I got another to do for another client.

I added some wings.

Welcome to Droppod City - more coming.

This was an old junked up Libbie - fixed him up.

Speed painted storm


More pods - one more to go - will do later tonight.

My version of Chandra from Magic