Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's Sunday

And I am at work. Hooray! I got a crap ton of painting done these last two days so you will see the list be partially filled already. Awesome! Beyond that I keep on plugging away at Ard Boyz ideas. Lots and lots of stuff there. I want to try and make a - FU army as usual. Something that just ignores a lot of things and goes about its business of beating some face. Current Grey Knights list thoughts.

HQ: Crowe
HQ: Xenos Inquisitor, Power Armor, Servo Skull, Conversion Beamer
Elites: Henchmen - Jokaero X 2, MM Servitor X 3, Chimera, Hvy Flamer
Elites: Venerable Dread, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Elites: Techamarine, Servo Skull, Warding Stave, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Elites: Techamarine, Servo Skull, Warding Stave, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades
Troops: Purifiers X 9, Psycannon X 2, Warding Stave X 1, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: Purifiers X 9, Psycannon X 2, Warding Stave X 1, Halberds X 5, Daemon Hammer X 1, Psybolt, Rhino
Troops: Purifiers X 5, Psycannon, Daemon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Purifiers X 5, Psycannon, Daemon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolt
Troops: Purifiers X 5, Psycannon, Daemon Hammer, Razorback, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt
Heavy: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2, Psybolt

Basically I am going for a massed - I don't run away army. that way one of my purifiers squads can jump out, lay on an objective that is in some ruins for a 2+ cover save. Not to shabby. I got 12 TWL BS 4 missiles, 4 TWL BS 5 Missiles, an unlimited range blast, 5 MM, 2 Lascannons and a crap ton of anti infantry firepower if need be. Plus the Purifiers with two Warding Staves will be annoying to deal with.

I went without a Librarian as everyone and their momma is going to be packing anti psyker stuff and I just want to be like meh - my anti psyker is -4 when you target something of mine. That is pretty spicy and I don't need to worry about rolling "bad" to try and stop something. Just roll average man - as that will fail hahaha.

Current Paint list

Inquisitor - waiting on shipment
2 Jokaero;s - waiting on shipment
Chimera - waiting on shipment
3 Servitors - Got one done - need to convert and build the others
2 Warding Stave Purifiers - Done Son!

Luis P
More FW Death Korp guys - Got 17 more to do - in pieces
An Death Korp Autocannon - Got to find the parts

Michael Nick
6 Ork Bikerz - half are built - need to do the other half

10 Nob Bikerz - waiting on shipment

12 Old Skool Plague Bearers - Done Son!
1 Terminator - Done Son!
1 CSM - Need to fix and prime
1 Daemon Prince - Old and metal and hates me

Michael S
Build base for ork Bomba
Work on small ork flyers

Plus I need to draw on a bag for some Magic cards. Woohoo! Most likely a busy as hell week. Here is hoping I can make it out to Schlitterbahn this Thursday. Will see how it rolls for the goat in some water and fun. If not Thursday I might end up some other Water Park in town that is cheaper. So will see. I just want to go on slides damnit. See my tubby Goat Ass shooting down water slides to his impending doom! DOOM!

Saw Harry Potter - it was good. They did a great job with it and I am happy with how it ended. Good times indeed. Friday is Captain America and I am excited about that one. Something about it just screams - FU Indiana Jones - that last movie sucked so here is a shield in the kachigger.

Alright - some minis and I am out.


Anonymous said...

Your list sucks! Mostly cause I don't want to play against it... Id like to see how that inquisitor unit works for you, Ive been playing around with that same thing but just didn't have the balls to play it (or the time) yet.


Thomas aka Goatboy said...

Yeah it is a very mean list. Just mean - it ignores a lot of things. Which is always important haha.

Glenn More said...

Nice list I'm guessing 2000pts? Are you putting the tech marines in with squads? Didn't think they were independent characters.

Thomas aka Goatboy said...

It is 2500. And yeah they are independent finally.

Xaereth said...

Lol, that would be a kickass list if it was only 2000 points :-p

As it is, it's still pretty good. I have yet to see how good the Jokers really are, but they're going to be fine, I'm sure.

Why not 2 psycannons on the small squads?