Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday - Took a bit of a break

Painting will start up soon. Just took a break for a bit. I will have more pics, art and other things as well. I took an art day last night and busted out a bunch of pieces that needed to get finished up. Will post them all probably on Saturday when I get a chance to catch up on some tv, help my good friend Nick move, and just try to get my brain back in the game. Between Adepticon, real life work disappointments, and well life - Mr. Goatboy is a bit low on fuel. So with that - let's list what I want to do by Monday.


Plastic Dudesmen #59 - Done! - This one was thought up by me in a random lightning bolt of inspiration. Will see how many terrible comments I get from it.

Ogre Mournfang - I got it built and primed - I want to do an Orge army and I am planning on slow building it - if Chaos doesn't come out soon it might become a faster build.

Bols Character Art - 3 Pictures - All Done last night! Crazy Red Praetorian, Caldera, and AdamHarry all done - Might do Rob's so will see.


6 Dark Eldar Warriors - Primed - a continuation from the last batch - will have a Bomber and some raiders as well and some beastmasters coming.

2nd Banner Piece - Done!


Art for banner ad - Done!

Luis P

More Mordhiem stuff - Primed a bunch of Empire guys will paint em up

There might be some other things depending on how I feel. It just has not been a great week for the Goat. Adepticon was great as can be with my mindset so it wasn't the plastic models. Real life can be a bitch. I will do a better write up of my games before long. I might go ahead and do that for Monday on Bols as it gives some insight to my game thoughts. I don't know what kind of chance I would have had in the top 16 but will go into that later on.

Currently thinking of the Alamo and the lists I want to bring up there. I brougth something odd for Thursday night games as a way to test some different avenues and see what sticks for me. From there I can hopefully make a decision.

Current Thursday Space Goats.

HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Bear, Storm Shield, Powerfist, Wolf Tail Talisman, Fenris Wolves X 2

HQ: Wolf Lord, Thunder Wolf, Saga of the Warrior Borne, Storm Shield, Frost Axe, Runic Armor, Fenris Wolves X 2

HQ: Wolf Priest, Saga of the Hunter

HQ: Rune Priest, Murderous Hurricane, JaWs

Elites: Wolf Guard X 3, Combi-Melta X 3, Powerfist X 3

Elites: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2

Elites: Dreadnought, TWL Autocannon X 2

Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino, Dozerblade

Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino, Dozerblade

Troops: Grey Hunters X 8, Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Mark of the Wolfen, Rhino, Dozerblade

FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon Missile Launcer

FA: Land Speeder, Typhoon Missile Launcer

FA: Fenris Wolves X 10

1999 on the point. No Long Fangs again. Just trying it out to see what bits I like.

I might also do a Henchmen Grey Knight nonsense. I keep wanting to do all Rats as this Rat Inquisition. I got one of the Vermynkin thingies from Mantic to test out a design with. He is pretty big so I don't know what I would use him as. Maybe the Grand Master? Splinter?

HQ: Grand Master, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades

HQ: Coteaz

Elites: Purifiers X 10, Psycannon X 4, Halberds X 5, Hammer X 1

Elites: Tech Marine, Rad Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades

Troops: Henchmen - Death Cult Assassins X 6, Crusaders X 3

Troops: Henchmen - Rogue Psykers X 8, Warrior Acolytes X 2, Rhino, Dozerblade, Search light

Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 5, Razorback, Assault Cannon, Psybolt, Dozerblade, Search Light

Troops: Henchmen - Warrior Acolytes X 5, Razorback, Assault Cannon, Psybolt, Dozerblade, Search Light

FA: Storm Raven, Multi-Melta, TWL Lascannon, Extra Armor

FA: Inceptors X 10, Psybolt, Psycannon X 2, Hammer

Heavy: Land Raider Redeemer, Multi-Melta, Psybolt

And almost only 1 of list - with the duplicated Warrior Acolyte squads. In fact I might drop one to figure something else out or just drop them to add some other nonsense to the list. The other idea was to use Kazimov to attach to some Termies to walk around and look menancing. I would have to make one - so the idea of an evil looking one is neat. I will have to play with the numbers to see if it works. It does hit a bit under 2000 plus it has a ton of neat looking options. But yeah - right now that is where my brain is at on list building. I still think 50 grey hunters plus tools is pretty rocking. With the push of 2000 I can add some nonsense and really amp up the army a bit. Will see if I like the Dreads in the list I test out tonight and if I think I might only need 40 guys. Goatboy out for the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm. I think the proper term is "rat-quisition," ;)
