Regular work has been busy. So I have been well - busy. I got one commission finished - the Dark Eldar army. I got some wolves to try and finish this weekend. I also got my Demons done. I need to do the display board as well - it is built but I am looking at trying to magnet it up. Woohoo!
So list of stuff to do.
Plastic Dudesmen - Done!
Design for Team Shirt for Adepticon - Done!
Build shirt design - Not Done :(
Drawing for another thingie for Adepticon - Done?
John H
Wolves - Blood Claws - Built and primed
Jump pack guys - Primed
Tweak colors - Need to do.
Luis P
12 More Mordhiem guys - Primed
More guys?
Ork Flyer - Need to finish one!
I saw a guy playing some Orks with 2 Weird boyz. It got me thinking - the Weird boy Melta power might be decent since it auto hits and gets melta at 18 inches so it isn't bad. Hell it is a thought.
Orks 1850 - Weird Boy Armageddon!
HQ. Weird Boy, Warphead
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 15
Elites: Lootas X 15
Elites: Meganobz X 8
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shootas X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Big Shootas X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
Troops: Slugga/Choppa Boyz X 30, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
Troops: Slugga/Choppa Boyz X 30, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
Weird boyz go with the Slugga/Choppa boyz and they move forward doing damage. It gives us the way to cover the entire board - it is annoying as they cover everything. Who knows if it will actually work. But it is an idea. Still I might make 2 Weird boyz. Hell it sounds fun for sure.
I have swapped out my Demon list a bit - dropped the dogs and changed them to Seekers. I think they will work better as I create both waves as mirrors of each other. I have icons on both sides and the same sort of set up.
HQ: Skulltaker, Juggernaut
HQ: Herald of Khorne, Blessing of the Blood God, Juggernaut, Fury of Khorne, Unholy Might
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch
HQ: Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch
Elites: Juggernauts X 5, Musical Instrument, Fury of Khorne, Chaos Icon
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 6, Unholy Might
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Changling, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
Troops: Horrors of Tzeentch X 5, Bolt of Tzeentch
FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 10, Chaos Icon
So there you go - it is all painted! Will get a picture of it all sometime soon.
Alright - more thoughts coming - some art and other things.

I worry about you dropping the Khornedogs in favor of Seekers. Seekers are better in most ways, except against Grey Knights!
Isn't that why they were there in the first place?
I LOVE the Juggers you did - bang up job!
By the by, is JWolf doing a blog?
The 4 attack banner bearer changed my mind. Reroll to hit wounds on 3's makes my dogs die like punks. Seekers do better vs strike squads too.
And it gives me another icon to teleport off of.
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