Dakkajet 2 - Done!
Weird Boy 1 - Done!
Plastic Dudesmen 2 - Done!
Banner Art - Done!
Bols Article - Done!
Ork Weirdboy 2 - Done!
Baron - Done!
1 Raider - Done!
Luis P
4 Mordhiem guys - Done
5 More random dudes - Done!
8 More jerks - Primed
BOLS - Big Red
Batch of 4 Winter Guard - Done!
Ogre Nick
52 Termagaunts - Done!
10 Seekers/Dogs - Done!
Chris C
Test Cryx 1 - Done
Test Cryx 2 - Done!
So all in all I am almost done with my list. Will add in more for next week. How about some minis?

Hell yeah that is a good amount!
I am waiting on 6th before I jump into this weird ork army. I think it will be fun - with all the random options and guns and well - everything. And 2 Weird boyz - how rocking is that.
Current Thought list
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
HQ: Weirdboy, Warphead
Elites: Tankbustas X 15, Nob, Powerklaw, Bosspole
Troops: Shoota boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Powerklaw
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Mega Blasta X 3
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Mega Blasta X 3
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Mega Blasta X 3
I could drop the Tank bustas for lootas and get red paint on all the Dakkajets if the rule works that allows me to get a 4+ by going 13. I don't think it is supposed to work that way but who the hell knows right? I think it doesn't work because for all intents and purposes you count as moving 12 according to the Ork Codex. You just happen to go 13 instead of 12 but count as going 12.
Blargh - Wargames con is this next weekend so expect a big post on bag art coming. As well as showing people the shirt I designed for the con. Woohoo!
Any Golden Goat award this year? That blue glowing testicled goat is the best trophy I've ever won.
Oh yeah - I got the new one built - it is the counts as Goat this year. Hehe. It is primed and I should paint it tomorrow.
...and you didn't want to paint the goat testicles blue....
Awesome man. We have some special bag art to ask you to do. We need out clubs loincloth of shame doctored up!
That sounds awesome! Hah.
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