Bag Art - check it!

Models I did last week and yesterday. Yup got one Dakka Jet done. Others will be dif colors. I think a blue one is next. Woohoo!

The tournament was fun as well at FTW. I played 3 decent games. I have continued my ability to not roll a 4+ with me hitting like 25% of my 4+ saves on my BW throughout the weekend. I played a test game versus Paul Murphy who easily chewed up the wagons with his IG. I couldn't roll and even running over a Chimera I just blue off the weapon when I penned it 3 times.
I think this means I need to just make my ork horde and leave it at that. Currently this is the plan - I got some random Avatars of War figures to be my Weird Boyz.
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
Elites: Tank Bustas X 15
Elites: Tank Bustas X 15
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Powerklaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launcha X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Powerklaw
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota
Will see how it works as I mess with it. I got some crazy quick painting to do this week - 52 Termagaunts and other nonsense that I might not have time to get all my jets done and build all the jerks for the army. I am planning on it but you never know. It sounds fun and I think that many guys painted on the table top is pretty neat. Hell I might jus do the whole army in Yellow to make for a really cohesive force on the table top. And to have people call me crazy for playing that many orks. Shit I might just do that.
Ok that is it for now - I am tired and I know this weekend is going to be filled with house work, terrain work, and whatever else. It is just going to be one of those weeks.
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