I have been painting these last few days. Woohoo! More to come during the week as well. Let's update the paint list and then go from there.
Dakkajet 2 - Done!
Weird Boy 1 - Done!
Plastic Dudesmen 2 - Drawn
Banner Art - Drawn - need to build and color
Bols Article - Waiting on more 6th info
Baron - Done!
1 Raider - hope to find time this weekend and next week
Luis P
4 Mordhiem guys - Done
5 More random dudes - Done!
8 More jerks - Primed
BOLS - Big Red
Batch of 3 Winter Guard - Primed
Ogre Nick
52 Termagaunts - Done!
10 Seekers/Dogs - Primed!
Chris C
Test Cryx 1 - Done
Test Cryx 2 - Primed
And some Models!

Blargh - I posted some dice thoughts on the rules I am goofing around with. Of course with the rules comes whatever nonsense I think up for a webcomic idea. Some kind of weird western/post apocolpytic/etc thing. I am also up for those and it would be fun to do. Did a doodle for a "mainish" character. Will see if I contine along those lines and complete it. I keep wanting to start it - do a page or two a week and just see if I can at least get enought to put a book together.
That is the biggest thing with this painting models for people stuff. It really eats into my art time. But again the issue is I need it to make sure life moves well enough with bills. I need to make a few more dollars an hour and I can look at limiting what I do and just going back to painting 10 hrs a week instead of the 20+ I do now. It feels like I am doing school all over again haha. Mix that with weekly BOLS articles, Plastic Dudesmen, and whatever nonsense I do here and it becomes a lot of days spent trying to catch up. Lucky for me my Wife likes to do art stuff so we can sit and do art stuff together.
I am going to get that Ork list together. In fact I drew up a graphic for my - Goatboy Returns to Orks for a few months - I just need to color it up. Right now the list looks like this - edited a ton of times to make it look less Goatboy and more - well look awesome on the table top.
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
HQ: Weird Boy, Warphead
Elites: Lootas X 15
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launchas X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Power Klaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launchas X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Power Klaw
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 30, Rokkit Launchas X 3, Nob, Bosspole, Eavy Armor, Power Klaw
Troops: Gretchin X 10, Runtherd
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Red Paint
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Red Paint
FA: Dakkajet, Supa Shoota, Red Paint
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Mega Blasta X 3
Heavy: Killa Kans X 3, Mega Blasta X 3
Heavy: Kannons X 3, Runtherd
Lots of avenues for conversions on the Killa Kans. In fact I think they will end up having a ton of Necron weapons. I got one Warphead done - plan on using that new Savage Ork Warboss as the other. The one up there is from Avatars of War. Will see if this list still survives in 6th. I think it will be fun as I zoom around going dakka dakka.
That is it for now - another post this weekend. I will be working on Sunday so most likely I will machine through a ton of stuff and then next week is Wargames con!
That's funny, I was just going to suggest that Savage Orc Boss for your 2nd one!
That is exactly what I want to use. He should be out this weekend. Are we going to see you next weekend?
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