I worked on my Bloodthirster and put together the final wrecking ball Killer Kan for a client. You can see the other two at the bottom. Beyond all of this, I will be working on redoing the Full of Monkey site and have it become an html site. It will allow me to get more search hits as well as have something that is smart phone viewable etc. So hopefully I can have something in a week or so, as I get all the pieces designed out etc. Fun times eh?
Beyond this, the plans for this week is to finish this Giant Eagle for Will, a set of nobz for the ork commission, some arbites stuff, and then maybe some of my own work. Will see. I want to finish this Thirster. I will show some pics in a few days, when I get it more solid. I need to find a shield for it though. Time to hit the toy stores.
Anyway Quick list thought for those interested. This is the Ork list I plan on building soon for myself. I am going to list the Hobby one and Heavy one. You can see where tweaks went to change it both ways etc and why I chose certain things to create a more fun list.
Heavy List - Ork Blitzkrieg - 2000 pts
HQ: Warboss - cybork, eavy armor, PK, Attack squigg, Bosspole - 120pts
HQ: Big Mek - cybork, eavy armor, Burna, attack squigg, forcefield - 135pts
Troops: Nobz (7), Painboy, Bosspole, Kombi-skorcha*2, PK*3, Cybork, Eavy Armor, Waagh Banner - 345pts
Transport: BW, Big Shoota*2, Ram - 105pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (20), Big Shootas*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (20), Big Shootas*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Boyz (20), Rokkits*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 180pts
Elites: Kommandos (10), Burna*2, Snikrot - 215pts
Elites: Meganobz (5), Trukk, Ram - 240pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Ram - 105pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Ram - 105pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Ram - 105pts
PTS 1995 -
This is a big ork gang coming at you. Smoke bellowing, green jerks yelling at you about getting your oil, and as much hard hitting nonsense as I can fit in here. The meganobz are there as a spin out from behind the BW smack to whatever you need to kill, whether it is an LR, another nob squad, or any crazy MC that might have stepped in the way. Snikrot is there for the upcoming guard builds that sit around a lot of the time in the back field (choir anyone). I have most of the pieces for this, with the majority painted. Just need to put together my BW's.
Now for the Hobby Version.
Hobby List - Ork Blitzkrieg of DOOM!!!
HQ: Big Mek - cybork, eavy armor, Burna, attack squigg, forcefield, bosspole - 140pts
HQ: Weirdboy - Warphead - 85pts
Elites: Meganobz (7) - 280pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Armored, Ram, Stikkbomb Chucka - 120pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (20), Big Shootas*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz (20), Big Shootas*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 170pts
Troops: Boyz (20), Rokkits*2, Nob, PK, Bosspole - 180pts
Fast Attack: Deff Koptas (3), TWL Rokkits, Buzzsaw - 160pts
Fast Attack: Deff Koptas (3), TWL Rokkits, Buzzsaw - 160pts
Fast Attack: Deff Koptas (3), TWL Rokkits, Buzzsaw - 160pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Armored, Ram, Stikkbomb Chucka - 120pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Armored, Ram, Stikkbomb Chucka - 120pts
Heavy: BW, Big Shoota*2, Armored, Ram, Stikkbomb Chucka - 120pts
Pts 1980
Same play style as above, but with more um... zoom zoom. You are going to shoot forward and try to cut the enemy. The above list has the weird boy and big mek riding with the baddest of the bad, the Meganobz. The koptas are zipping in and out of the BW, being annoying natz of doom. Will it work? Who knows, but either way I bet it will be fun for the orks as things will be blowing up.
But yeah, there you go, some fun lists. And a pic of two Kans hanging out after a nice date of a dinner and movie.

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